
Meeting a God and Transmigration

I open my eyes to see a black void of nothingness. I looked around scared.

"Where the h**l am I?" I say as I look around.

"You are one of the most purest souls I have ever seen," Says a voice from all directions. The voice sounded very old and raspy but wise and mysterious.

"Who are you?" I say in a angry voice.

I was getting mad. I have to go to a meeting. I was walking from a coffee shop. I was walking across. the.. street... when I.... DIED!!! What the F**K. I got ran over by the truck. That stupid truck. I hate trucks. I mean why not a Ferrari or something like that.

(Author- "I have nothing against TRUCK-KUN OK!!!" I say before I was taken by the truck police. Crying began after that. )

I just wanted to have a normal day. It not everyday you get hit by a truck. I wanted to be Jack Green. A normal person on a normal day.

Wait did she just say I have a pure soul... I am the baddest of the baddest. You know the baddest thing I have ever done was? I stole one more candy than I should have when a bowl was out and a sign next to it said "Take one" . Ha can't take me alive coppers... wait was that the baddest thing I have ever done? I really am a pure soul... I help so many people to. "I mean it is not so bad being good," I say trying to console myself.

"Since you have the purest Soul ever I will let you go be transmigrated to one place of you liking with one wish," The voice said.

" I would like to go to my world or something and my wish is to be normal," I say while looking around still trying to look for the voice's location.

"Since you will not talk I will do it for you," The voice said.

" Hey I am talking here," I say in a Boston accent.

I don't no if that was a good joke or not...

" You will be going to My Hero Academia and will get a Superman system and will transmigrated into Izuku Midoriya's body when he is 1 week away from going to U.A. so see ya," the voice say." I also heard you the whole time."

" What the F**K did you say old man... come here I will Kill ya!!!!" I screamed and was soon cut off by being transported.