
Never Again

'Please don't be Naruto, Please don't be Naruto, Please don't be Naruto…' Ark pleaded in his mind as he sat with his fingers crossed. Ark had just died, but it didn't end there, after he died he met a god! This god told Ark that he was going to transmigrate him and now here Ark was pleading that the world he reincarnated to wasn't Naruto.

Ark opened his eyes and found that he was in a modern bedroom, he sat atop a comfy twin bed, a desk was across the room from him, and on the desk was a small laptop, it was quite the small room so fitting much more into it was a difficult task. Ark sighed in relief, 'Okay good, but I'm still not in the clear, I could still be somewhere like Solo Leveling' Ark stood up from his bed and went to the laptop.

Ark found that the date was September 12th, 2009, He also found that he was currently in Los Angeles. 'Did I just Transmigrate back on earth 14 years ago?' Ark scratched his head in confusion. 'Wait… If I transmigrated, aren't I supposed to get the memories of the person I transmigrated to?' Ark wondered. 'They should come any second now, right?' Ark sat and waited… 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, and 10 minutes have passed and no memories appeared…

"What am I going to do? Anyone who knows the person I transmigrated to is going to know that I lost all of my memories and then they will put me in a mental institute and then I'll rot for all eternity!" Ark massaged his temples in an attempt to calm himself down. 'Okay Okay Okay, I need to think, I don't want to go into some mental institute for having severe memory loss, so I have to figure out everything I can about the person I transmigrated to… That's kinda a mouthful I'll just call him Tray from now on. NO! Focus Ark!' Ark slapped the sides of his cheeks before standing from his desk.

With renewed conviction Ark started searching Tray's bedroom top to bottom, nothing was spared from the wrath that was Ark's prowling. "Hmm, What's this?" Ark found a folded piece of paper in one of the desk drawers, opening it Ark found a birth certificate. Ark silently pumps his fist before taking a look at the certificate.

"Okay, so his name is Andy Bailey, he is male, currently 22 years old" Ark murmured under his breath as he read the certificate. 'Isn't Andy Bailey the same name as that character from Modern Family?' Ark wondered. Ark then went to the bathroom to check his appearance in the mirror.

(Insert picture of Andy Bailey —>)

'So I transmigrated into Andy Bailey from Modern Family?' "Oh thank god!" Ark pressed his head on the mirror in relief. Ark reached into his pocket and took out Andy's phone, Thankfully there was no pin just like the laptop. There was a message from "Joan".

"When are you coming over to Housesit? I didn't hire you to slack off!"

Ark started sweating bullets. 'That's right, Andy was a "manny" before he became a realtor. How did Andy act again? If I remember correctly he was uncannily like Phil… So act like Phil, Got it!' Ark then messaged Joan back. "Sorry! Your manny overslept. I'll be over there right away, yo." Ark texted like how he thought Andy would text and pressed send. A minute later he got a phone call from Joan.

"E.L.O," Ark said.

"WHERE ARE YOU AT?" Joan yelled from the other side of the phone.

"I told you I just woke up! Didn't you see my text message?" Ark said distraught.

"Just get over here right now! Or I will Fire you! IT'S ALREADY 9! DO YOU WANT ME TO MISS MY RESERVATION?" Karen screamed from the other side of the phone. 'Who even is this lady?'

"No Miss Joan, I don't want you to miss your reservation. I will be over there right away!" Ark said in a resolute tone.

"Ya, you better be…" The Karen seemed to finally calm down. 'Wait I don't know where they live…'

"Um… Joan, can you give me your address again?" Ark said meekly. An aggravated groan was his reply.

"UGG, fine, you runt" and then Joan hung up. A little while later Ark got a text message of Miss Joan's address. *Sigh*

Ark then got the keys he found while searching Andy's room and left his apartment. While waiting in the elevator Ark put the address into google maps. After getting outside it was currently night, but seeing any stars in the sky would be impossible, not only from the light pollution but also because it wasn't late enough. Using the keys to honk his car horn he quickly locates the thing. He then drives off to Joan's house in the buggy that Andy owned.

—Flashback Start—

I stand in front of my boss after giving him my finished assets for the game the company was creating. I stood there with a proud smile on my face, I had put my heart and soul into those assets, they were my finest work yet. My slimy boss looked through them silently, a scowl on his face, he looked up to me.

"Do you think these are any good?" The slimy fat man said.

"Yes sir! I poured my heart and soul into these assets, they are perfect I assure you." I said with confidence, I had truly thought that the work I had done was adequate. The scowl on my boss's deepened.

"PERFECT MY ASS! I have no idea why we even hired this USELESS PIECE OF SHIT! TAKE THESE BACK AND REDO THEM!" My boss spat as he spoke to me. My boss had his arm outstretched with the tablet in his hand, and across the desk from him was me… Silently shaking, my eyes closed trying to hold back the tears, my lips quivering, my body tense.

I silently grabbed the tablet and bowed to my boss. "I'm sorry I will do them again," and then I walked away, I could still remember the sadistic grin on that fuckers face.

—Flashback End—

"You have arrived at your destination!" Arks' phone snapped him out of his thoughts. He found himself at a mini-mansion, he parked in the street and approached the gate. Locked, unless he climbed over he wouldn't be able to get in. To the side of the gate was a small device, on the device was a small button with a microphone on it.

"Hello? This is Andy Bailey!" Ark said after pressing the button.

"At least the runt knows how to use the speaker." Joan's voice came from the other side and the gates opened. Ark walked into the mini-mansion and appreciated the land work, a field of colorful flowers, bushes cut to look like different birds, a nice clean pool, and lavish cars. Truly only a house a rich person would have.

"I told you hiring a male as our house sitter was a bad idea!" From the distance, I heard Joan talking to a person who I could only assume was her husband. Joan looked to be a middle-aged lady with a surprising amount of wrinkles on her face, they seemed to be there from the constant scowl on her face, she wore the most lavish clothes I have seen in my life.

"Hmmf, He was nice when I talked to him, I guess you shouldn't judge a book by its cover." Joan's husband responded he looked like if you mixed your average middle-aged American dad with a Hispanic teenager, he had an awkward mustache on his face that obviously didn't suit him, he also had a slight accent, he was overweight with an obvious belly, he must be delusional about his weight because the suit he wore was way too tight.

"Oh look who's finally here!" Joan said when she finally noticed Ark approaching.

"Hi, I'm here to housesit, Also I'm truly sorry that I'm late!" Ark said with a fake smile so fake that anyone with a lick of facial recognition could tell that it was fake. He was still in a terrible mood. Joan ignored Ark's greeting and gave Ark a list.

"Here is everything I need you to do." Said Joan before walking away with her husband.

"I hope that fucking runt doesn't steal anything!" Ark vaguely heard Joan say as they walked past. Ark's body visually tensed at that, his hands balled into fists and his knuckles turned white, he bit down so hard that his teeth almost cracked.

"That fucking bitch…" Ark seethed under his breath.

"Huh, What did you just say?" Joan's husband said with a glare.



Silence, Ark now faced the pavement with a handprint on his cheek. Silently he got up and bowed to Joan's Husband.

"I'm sorry sir, It won't happen again…" Ark said with a fake smile as he gritted his teeth. Joan's Husband had a sadistic grin on his face.

"Know your place!" *PTOOEY* Jones's Husband spat on Ark's head before turning to his wife.

"Let's go honey" And then they got into their Limo and drove off.

Ark stood there still for a good long while, before eventually sighing and walking into the mini-mansion. Ark didn't even bother looking at the list Joan gave him before going into their freezer and grabbing a bag of frozen peas and massaging it into his cheek. He then went into their living room and sat on their couch silently. He put his legs on the couch and pressed his forehead onto his knees. Ark hugged his legs and silently sobbed.

*Sob* *Tick* *Tock*

The only sound in the room was Arks crying and the ticks from the grandfather clock.

—Flashback Start—

"It's even worse this time! Do it again!"

"Do you even know how to make assets? Do it again!"

"Why did we even hire you? Do it again!"

"WORTHLESS! Do it again?"


Each time that my slimy boss rejected my assets the sadistic grin on his face grew larger, each time he became more unfiltered with his words, calling me all sorts of things. It was now the 8th time I was presenting my assets to my boss. Each time he rejected me my sadness grew to anger and then my anger grew to fury.

"What the actual fuck is this? Do you honestly expect to be a game developer when you can't even do something as simple as make an asset, Sorry but we don't need some deadweight like you. So you are fired." That same sadistic smile gowned his face as he fired me.


I glared into the soul of that psychopath, trembling in anger. But without any fuss, I grab my tablet and proceed to walk out of the office.

"Ya that's it bitch, walk out like the pushover you are!"


"RRRRRHHHHAAAAAAAA" I growled, dashing over the desk I knee my fucking boss in the face. His chair fell over onto the ground as I landed on him.


Over and over and over I crushed my fist into that psychopath's face, over and over I crushed his slimy face in.


—Flashback End—

Ding dong, the grandfather clock went as it turned to 11, Ark stood up and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Never again…" *RIP* Ark tore the list that Joan gave him to pieces and left the mess on the coffee table. Ark walked out of the mansion and to his buggy and left.

(KEEP MY WIFE'S NAME OUT YO FUCKING MOUTH! If you liked the story then pelt me with your stones, if you didn't like the story pelt me with your stones anyway. 1,992 words)

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