
Chapter 21

After he came to the Land of Wind he immediately created a bone clone and sent him to the place where Wind Daimyo lived. He'll directly kill him and then have his clone impersonate him with his special transformation jutsu.

No one will ever notice the difference because his bone clone is on the same level as Hashirama's wooden clone, it's like a person on its own. He'll also do a special bone transformation jutsu he got an inspiration from Orochimaru. Rather than internal chakra transformation, this one is pure external transformation jutsu using his bones.

The Sunagakure village has recently hit a hard times. Their own Daimiyo started hiring Konoha instead of them because Konoha was cheaper. This is the reason why they joined Orochimaru against Konoha in the original before he betrayed them.

The first task he will give to Wind Daimiyo will be to send a letter to the Fourth Kazekage Rasa. In that letter, he would tell him to go into the town he lived in so they could discuss restoring their relationship now that Konoha has weakened.

After Rasa goes on a journey there, Kimimaro will ambush and kill him. Then he will enter the Suna village and kill the whole council there too. He'll probably create an imaginable enemy attacking the village, then he will appear to save the day gaining the trust of the people as well.

He found a perfect place for an ambush and waited for Rasa's entourage to pass here soon.


A couple of days in Kazegake's office, Rasa looked at his council, showed them the letter and then said "The Wind Daimyo sent me this letter today. It's really good news for us, but why does he want to see me personally?"

"Maybe he wants to restore his relationship with us and apologize for hiring Konoha before" one council member said.

"Yes, that's probably it. I believe he's serious this time around. Konoha doesn't have enough manpower ready to do that many missions now. So he wants to rely on us again" another member added.

"Why didn't he come here then himself if he wanted to apologize?" a new person asked.

"That's how they are. Daimyo's are always proud" another council member said.

Rasa sighed "Alright, for the betterment of this village, I'll go personally"

"Please allow me to accompany you Kazekage, I have a dangerous feeling about all this" The strongest person in the whole village other than Kazekage, Baki said after some thought.

"Alright Baki, let's go immediately. The meeting is finished" they all left after that.

A couple of hours later on the road. Rasa asked "What happened, why did you have a dangerous feeling about this journey, Baki?" in his mind, this is going to be an easy journey. There's no way that Daimyo or anyone else would set him up knowing his strength. He could go up against fully unsealed tailed beast after all.

"I don't know. I just wanted to accompany you, just to be sure" Baki replied weirdly getting closer to Kazekage to answer.

"Be careful!!!" Rasa yelled as he brought up him and Baki into the air with his gold dust to dodge the incoming white bone spikes now popping up from the ground.

The other shinobi didn't have that luck. They were mostly massacred by the bone spikes, all dying gruesome deaths.

"Come out!!!" Rasa yelled. And soon a burst of laughter resounded throughout the desert.

"Hello, I have come here today to take your life" Kimimaro said straightforwardly.

Looking at Kimimaro, then at the bone spikes on the ground he said "Baki this won't be a fight you can fight in, please fall back" he then removed a part of his gold dust with the Baki on it and sent it towards the direction of the village.

Realizing that Baki wanted to say something "This is not the time Baki, If I don't get back please notify the council about this" Baki finally nodded reluctantly.

"Just tell me one thing. What did you do to the Daimyo?" Rasa sighed and asked.

"The thing I'm about to do to you too now. So you two can hang out together up there" He said while smiling and pointing at the sky.

"Fighting me in a desert is your biggest mistake" Rasa replied and started the fight. They started trading blows immediately and Rasa's sentence proved out to be the truth.

Kimimaro simply couldn't keep up in creating enough bone tissue to go up against this whole desert. Yes, that was how much dust Rasa had in his disposal. He thought as he was beginning to get trapped inside a large golden pyramid.

'Pretty boring fight' he thought and said "Time to finish this"

Rasa suddenly sensed a large surge of chakra inside the pyramid he supposedly sealed his enemy in. But before he could think about it any further, he suddenly felt a light piercing sensation inside his chest.

He turned around and looked at his enemy now appearing in some kind of silver chakra mode. He then looked at the grey rod in his chest and the already dissolved area around it. He sighed and asked the last question of his life "What will happen to Suna?"

"Nothing bad, I'll bring it to new heights after I become its new Kazekage, you can rest assured"

"I'll also take care of your daughter" he added while winking. The Fourth Kazekage looked shocked but didn't manage to say anything as he dissolved into grey ash soon, never to be seen again.

He continued to run ahead, and soon running at one of his clones and now trapped Baki behind him. He already anticipated that Rasa will send Baki ahead to notify the village so he made a clone in advance.

"Good job bro" he said and then dissolved the clone.

Then he looked at Baki and destroyed him too with his Kekkei Mora ability while saying "No hard feelings between us, man"

He continued running towards Suna soon entering it secretly. His new target this time around is the son of the man he just killed - Gaara, the Jinchuriki.

He was also one of the main reasons he decided to conquer Suna. Other ones being his cute older sister and that plot he had in his mind for later regarding Konoha.

He soon came to the playground he remembered in the original. That was the place Gaara often went to play. Soon he spotted him, some kids bullied him then left. He, however, continued to cry on the ground.

Kimimaro then went to Gaara knocking him out from behind, then lifting him up, paying no regards to his weak sand.

His hand fingers started glowing in some weird flames. That was the tailed beast releasing seal he learned from Orochimaru's notes. He pressed them on his stomach and soon magic happened.

A big ass tailed beast appeared in the center of this village. It already went berserk and started killing civilians. Some shinobi tried to stop it immediately.

One of them thought 'That stupid kid allowed the tailed beast to get on a rampage again. Hopefully, Kazekage will come soon. He's the only one who can defeat it'

One civilian lady who was running away thought 'Damn that kid sure is useless, can't do one job right. Hopefully, Kazekage will kill him this time for sure'

Temari also happened to see it. She was just going back home from buying her groceries which now all fell to the ground.

'Gaara...' she thought worriedly, deciding to go over there disregarding consequences.

Inside the Kazekage's room. The council was already notified of this incident and soon they all grouped at the table. They all had very white complections looking deathly pale and afraid.

"Damn... for Kazekage to go out at this time..." one managed to blurt out.

"It's not Kazekage's fault, it's that stupid kid again..." another one replied weakly.

"I said he will cost us all our heads, didn't I?" another council member added too.

But before they managed to continue a white-haired teen with green eyes soon entered the room.

"Who are you?" "What happened to the guards?" "What do you want?"

They all asked loudly but looking somewhat scared.

He smiled "Nothing, just came here to clean some garbage" Kimimaro said while firing his Ash Killing Bone from each one of his fingers at each one of council members.

'This ability sure is useful' he thought as they disappeared into ashes. He cleaned up the ashes throwing them out of the window. A wind-wave came soon carrying them away, never to be seen again.

He decided to use his senjutsu to see how everyone was doing, but something unexpected happened.

'Oh shit, what is she doing there' he thought, sensing Temari near the tailed beast. He sprinted over there the fastest he could. He wanted to kill that annoying granny Chiyo personally too, but now just sent his clone instead of going himself.

Temari was looking at the Shukaku's rampage from a distance. Looking at all the shinobis and civilians dying she was very sad. 'This time father may really kill Gaara' she thought sadly.

She was lost in thoughts when all of a sudden Shukaku changed directions and started running towards her place. She soon came face to face with it. She was paralyzed from fear.

And just when its tail started moving to hit her, something unexpected happened. She saw a silver flash of light appearing beside her picking her up and moving her to a nearby building.

Just then she managed to catch a glimpse of her savior, he had a long white hair and beautiful green emerald eyes that exclaimed confidence as he looked at the tailed beast ahead of him.

He put her to the ground gently and said smilingly "Wait for me here, I'll deal with this overgrown puppy" she blushed a little after that.

Kimimaro jumped towards Shukaku wanting to hurt him, but Shukaku howled with his sandstorm attack following. Kimimaro was forced to fall back, realizing that he will be swept away which would be too uncool.

He summoned a giant skeleton behind him to support him. As Shukaku's howl ended, his giant bone skeleton started running towards the tailed beast.

Shukaku attacked it with his tail, while his skeleton summoned a giant bone ax.

Kimimaro who was on top of the skeleton, realizing that this was a good chance yelled "Giant Bone Hydra" the name of his new attack then attacked him.

Soon nine smaller versions of his bone dragons started circling around and trapping Shukaku. He came closer and used his tailed beast suppression seal directly on its stomach.

And just like that Shukaku reverted back into Gaara, he picked the boy up and went to the place where Temari was waiting for him.

Temari was looking at him happily and somewhat proud. But looking at the boy he was currently carrying, regained her sad look.

"You know him?" Kimimaro asked.

"Yes, he is my brother as well as the current container of that beast. I guess he let it out again while losing control of his emotions. This also happened a couple of times in the past, but our father the Fourth Kazekage managed to seal it away every time. I don't know where he's now though. Anyway, thanks for your help, without you I don't know what would've happened. My name is Temari by the way" Temari finished her rant blushing a little at the end.

"No problem. My name is Kimimaro. I'm a pretty strong ninja listed in the bingo book. I was just passing through this village because of some personal reasons. When I saw that beast so I decided to help" Kimimaro said.

Soon some jonins who watched the battle joined them. They all bowed a little and thanked him. Then they looked a little angrily at Gaara in his hands. Temari looked a little worried when she noticed their gazes.

"Let's go to discuss this with your elders" Kimimaro said.

An hour later inside the Kazekages office. All the remaining jonins were gathered here. Everything looked disorganized and they clearly had no leader figure amongst them.

"Kazekage, Council Members, Granny Chiyo everyone disappeared" one of them said silently.

"I may know a reason that happened" suddenly Kimimaro said, after getting the attention from everyone, he continued.

"I don't know if any of you has heard about the Akatsuki organization? It's an organization composed of dozen of strong S-ranked Bingo Book ninja. My personal enemy Itachi Uchiha is in that organization too. In fact, that's the reason why I came here, I got information that he might be here. I also heard that he has a jutsu that allows him to burn everything and anything into ashes, some kind of black flames. Maybe that's the reason you can't find the bodies of your superiors. Even though I don't know what his goal was, I guess it had something to do with the One-Tail"

"Uchiha?" "Weren't they all dead?" "What did he really want from us?"

After answering the question for at least 15 minutes Kimimaro suddenly changed the topic.

"Now that all of you superiors are dead, you're left in a pretty bad situation. Other big villages can attack you at any time. You don't even have a clear leader and are all very disorganized. Seeing your situation, and the fact that I want to finally settle down and stop being a bingo book shinobi. I ask all of you, do you want me to lead you and be your Kazekage?" Kimimaro asked powerfully.

Some of them agreed immediately and some of them said the following:

"We're not sure"

"Even though you're really strong, you're not from this village"

"At least give me a chance. Here I will write a letter and you send it to your Daimyo and see what he has to say" Kimimaro said. Wrote the letter fast. Then left the room.

He looked at the balcony and Temari was waiting for him there. She asked as soon as she saw him "What happened there, where is my father?"

Kimimaro narrated to her everything that happened at that meeting. She looked a little sad at first but soon calmed down a little. Her father was always cold to her and her siblings so she didn't be that agitated when she learned the news.

"But what will happen to my brother, will they punish him too?" She asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, we talked about that too. If they allow me to be their Kazekage, I'll seal that damned tailed beast away from Gaara into my special clone. So they won't punish him and bully him any more" Kimimaro replied gently.

"Thank you so much" she even went and hugged him. This day was just too much for her.

"Cough, cough, ahem" they looked and saw a guy in black clothes and with weird makeup standing there.

Temari blushed and said "Ah Kimimaro, that's my other brother Kankuro"

"Nice to meet you too, but if you treat my sister badly in the future I won't forgive you. Even if you get elected as a Kazekage" Kankuro said threateningly.

"Kankuro!!!" Temari blushed madly and yelled while Kimmaro sweat-dropped a little.

Then the whole night was spent talking with Temari, she needed some support after the things that transpired today. By the time the night ended, he was also sure that she had fallen completely for him.

Later, the next morning. A message from the Wind Daimyo arrived. He allowed Kimimaro to be the next Kazekage. And he allowed Suna to perform missions for him again.

"Congratulations Kimimaro!" Temari blushed a little, then kissed him on the cheek.

He smiled a little and looked outside the window. 'If only she knew...' he thought.

He would probably go and talk to Orochimaru regarding Konoha later today too. This game is probably coming to an end soon as well.

But for now, he needs to seal Shukaku inside one of his clones. He said "Temari, I'll go now and seal Shukaku from Gaara inside one of my clones"

"Okay, but please be careful" Temari replied like a little wife.

He pecked her on the lips and said "Sure" then left the Temari dazed standing there like a fool blushingly.

He entered the room Gaara was currently laying in, unconscious. He needs to practice this specific seal a little bit more. It would be a seal he would use for Ten-Tails and the seal he personally created.

To seal the Ten-Tail, one needs to have a Rinnegan. But to change the hosts of it without summoning it doesn't require Rinnegan. That was his idea.

He'll first try it first with Gaara and his bone clone and an ordinary tailed beast to see if it will work or if that was just his theory.

He started the process, the process took nearly three hours to complete and that was all while his Tenseigan Chakra Mode was activated. Everyone near the Kazekage Tower noticed it, but they all assumed it was the tailed beast's chakra.

'So to seal the Ten-Tails inside me will take me nearly 60 hours?' Kimimaro thought frowning. Since ordinary tailed beast took him 6 hours, then Ten-Tails would take him 60 hours, he thought.

'No, that's wrong. Every tailed beast has a different amount of chakra, and One-Tails has the least'

'So this plan is directly abandoned. It's impossible to keep Obito in the same place for months with his crazy regeneration Ten-Tails Jinchuriki state allows him'

'So change of plans. I need to take Nagato's Rinnegan and personally summon and seal the Ten-Tails myself in the future'

Kimimaro finally got a new plan and left the room with his mood calmed down a little.

Took me nearly 5 hours to write this, sigh...


If you're wondering how he'll pull both a Tenseigan and a Rinnegan at the same time. It will be one eye of Tenseigan and one eye of Rinnegan.

Big_Player222creators' thoughts