
Transmigrated into Hentai world as an NTR'd character

The man reincarnated in the hentai world as an NTR'd protagonist as he comes to terms with it. Now that he has been reborn, he seeks to right the wrongs that have been done in this world and also gain women as he goes through this new life.

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7 Chs

1. Reincarnated as an NTR protagonist

A boy names Takesure Yoji opened his eyes in shock before he sat on his bed with wide eyes as he held his head. He closed his eyes as his memories flowed through his mind as he took a few moments to process them. After he was done doing that, he let out a breath as he blinked the tears out of his eyes as he sat on the bed and took some breaths to calm himself down.

"So, I really did become this guy." Yoji said as he rubbed his face.

The boy is obviously a reincarnator as he had died in his own world and has now been reincarnated in another world. But the world he has reincarnated into is a very different one, as it is hentai world and he, or the boy that he has become is the guy who got NTR'd.

He was the character from the Omoide wa Yogosareru, as his memories of it flowed in him. He took a few moments to get a hold of the memories and the timeline as he sighed to himself and held his face on his hands.

"The birthday was already two days ago. And the call, she has already given up huh." Yoji said as he sighed to himself.

'Damn it. And since I have seen the boys memories, I am also feeling very sad, betrayed and despair as well. Fuck.' Yoji thought to himself as he took some time to collect himself.

Then he got off the bed and went through the morning routine as he got ready and headed to the university as he walked to there. But he had already made plans as he went and sat on a secluded table in the property of the school and waited there.

After a few moments later, his friend Yuki came as she walked towards him nervously as he looked at her.

'She is the one who discovered her. I already have a story to tell so maybe it will be good.' Yoji thought to himself as he gestured to her to take a seat.

"Hey Yoji, why did you call me so suddenly?" Yuki asked him as she was a bit nervous.

"Nothing much. I was just getting tired." Yoji said to her in an even tone.

"Tired? Of what?" Yuki asked him as she looked at him in confusion.

'Okay. Maybe I was overthinking things.' Yuki thought to herself as she looked at him as she felt a bit relieved.

"Tired of waiting for either you or Rena to tell me the truth." Yoji said to her in a very calm voice.

But the words he had said caused Yuki's eyes to widen as she felt like the wind was knocked out of her body as she tensed and looked at him with wide and terrified eyes as he turned to look at her.

"Y-You knew?" Yuki asked him with a trembling voice.

"Yes. I was outside the building that day. I followed Rena since I wanted to meet with her again, but when I saw her taking a different turn I got suspicious and followed her. And considering the fact that you also knew about it, I don't think I need to tell you about what happened after that." Yoji said to her calmly.

"W-Wait. Then the phone call." Yuki asked in shock as she remembered it.

"I wanted to make sure that she would stay on my side and would come to her senses if I called. But I definitely didn't think she would do that, I somehow managed to mask my feelings about the matter." Yoji said to her as he looked forward.

Yuki felt her world slip when she heard that. After she had discovered what had happened, she has been thinking of a way to help her friend Rena. But she didn't tell Yoji about it since she didn't want him to worry, but now she is learning that he already knew about the event.

"I trusted you to tell me what happened to her. I trusted you because you told me that I don't understand women. So tell me, why didn't you tell me about it? I was waiting for you for two days." Yoji said to her as he looked at her again.

It took a few moments for Yuki to gather herself before she looked at her friend and crush as she gulped down some saliva out of nervousness and fear.

"I-I didn't know how to tell you that. I know you loved her so if I told you about her then. I thought you would be too hurt. I didn't want that." Yuki said to him as she looked at him.

"And yet, I feel like you had betrayed me." Yoji said to her with a sad tone.

A pregnant silence reigned between the two when he said that as Yuki looked at him with a shocked face of disbelief.

"Wh-What?" Yuki said in a small voice that seemed to be cracking.

"Rena is the girl I loved with all my heart. When I learned about that, I thought that I could count on you to tell me the truth. I thought I could trust you for this. But you decided that letting me be ignorant about it was a much better option as I mingled with Rena like nothing happened, when I know what is happening. Tell me Yuki, how can I ever trust you again?" Yoji said to her as he looked at her.

"B-But I did that to protect you." Yuki said to him with a trembling voice as tears appeared in her eyes.

"That's bullshit. This was something that I should've known the moment you discovered it. That is why I had asked for your help, and yet the only thing you did was keep it secret." Yoji said to her as she felt herself become small at that.

Yuki looked at her friend as she can see him looking at her with a sad and resigned look on his face, something which she had never seen on his face before, and it made her afraid of its meaning.

"When I leaned that Rena was cheating on me, I felt my heart break. And I was hurt even more when she decided to stay with me and follow those guys orders. I couldn't trust her, so I thought that I could trust you to be at least honest with me. But I can see that you never really thought about it." Yoji said to her as Yuki looked at him with wide eyes.

"N-No. That isn't it. I wanted to save Rena from those guys. But I didn't want you to be worried about it, you know that she being forced. And you are a very gentle guy, I didn't... think that you would be able to do anything for her." Yuki said to him as she looked at him.

Yoji looked at her as she grew nervous at his stare as she didn't know what to say. She felt her vision obscure a bit from the tears as she blinked and the tears fell as she looked at him. And then, with what felt like an eternity, Yoji sighed and looked down as she looked at him.

"Even if you thought about me, you broke my trust in you by hiding something like that. I'm sorry but, I don't think I can trust you after this." Yoji said to her as she felt her breath get caught in her throat at hearing that.

"Wh-What? Y-You have to be joking, right Yoji? I'm your childhood friend, I know that I didn't tell you but, you can trust me." Yuki said to him as she felt a bit desperate.

But Yoji didn't say anything which increased her fear as she moved closer to him and clasped her hands around his left hand as she held it to her chest and looked at him with heartbroken face.

"Yoji, please. You can trust me. I will be more honest with you, I promise. Please, don't think like that." Yuki said to him as she looked at him.

They stayed like that for a few more moments before he pulled his hand out of her grasp causing her to gasp in shock at the action as she looked at him.

"I'm sorry Yuki. I still care about you, but, I don't know if I can trust you the same way anymore. Let's... talk some other time. We both need it to process what happened." Yoji said to her before he stood up from the seat.

Yuki looked at him with wide eyes when she heard that as she couldn't say anything as tears fell from her eyes. He took a few steps ahead as she couldn't say anything before he suddenly stopped which caught her attention.

"But, if you are in any kind of problem, then please, please, ask for my help. That's the only thing I ask of you." Yoji said to her before he walked away as she watched him leave.

Yuki watched him leave before she hiccuped and fresh tears fell from her eyes as she looked at his retreating form. She took a few minutes to process the words before she stood up from the bench and ran away as quickly as her legs could.

'Damn it damn it damn it! Why!!' Yuki thought to herself in sadness and despair as she ran back to her room, deciding to forgo going to classes for the day as she cried inside her room.


Yoji went to classes and sat with Rena as she smiled at him as he talked with her with a small smile. He wondered how she felt for deceiving him like this before he thought that perhaps she is using her true feelings when interacting with him.

'Well, she does actually love me. But I don't know if she still has the same love.' Yoji thought to himself as he sat there.

"Is there something on your mind?" Rena asked him with a worried face.

"Yeah. I think we need to talk after this." Yoji said to her calmly.

"Sure. After class we can talk." Rena said to him with a smile as he nodded to her.

After class had ended he brought her to a secluded part of the school and then they sat on the bench. Rena thought about what her boyfriend wanted to talk with her about as he sat there for a few seconds to gather his thoughts.

"It has been two days since my birthday came." Yoji said to her calmly.

"Yes. It was a good birthday party." Rena said as she slightly clenched her right hand.

"Yes. And it has been two days since I saw you fucking them and learning the truth." Yoji said as he looked at the sky, while Rena's eyes widened.

She was shocked at first at hearing his words, but then her eyes went wide in horror when she fully realised the meaning of what he had said to her. She felt fear when she realised that as she looked at him in horror.

"Why Rena? Why did you let them do this to you?" Yoji asked her in a tone of lament.

Rena felt her words stop at her throat when she heard that, but she pushed through it and told him about the party, the drinking and how they raped her and taken pictures of it and blackmailed her with it. She also told him about how they said that they would show the photos to him and break their relationship, which is why she did what she did.

"That's the reason?" Yoji asked her as he looked at her.

"Y-Yes." Rena said to him as she felt her heart beating fast.

"Did you think that I was such a shallow man that I would break off our relationship just like that?" Yoji asked her as she gulped.

"I-I was scared of losing it." Rena said to him with a hint of fear.

"Rena. I loved you with all of my heart. I told you almost everything about myself. You are the only one other than Yuki who knows that I wanted to become a movie director. You were the person I trusted the most in the world." Yoji said as he looked at her.

Rena's eyes widened when she heard that as tears appeared in her eyes, her actions from earlier reenacting in her mind as the pain in her chest increased.

"I would've done anything to help you. I would've stayed beside you through everything, but I guess you chose what you wanted, right? Isn't that why you decided to follow their orders and stay as my girlfriend." Yoji said to her with a calm face.

"Y-Yoji..." Rena called out with a trembling voice as she heard him talk.

"I was there, outside the building when you fucked them. I heard you, I also heard how you decided to become their slave and agree to stay with me because of them, and I even called you, in a small hope that you would come to your senses, but you didn't and just used me." Yoji said to her as he looked at her.

Rena felt like his words were stabbing her as she heard him talk to her as she felt tears fall from her eyes, as she felt despair and sadness and hearing those words from her boyfriend. Even though she had said that she would be their slave that night, her love for him was still there and she felt happy and guilt when she spent time with him.

She was only with them because she was sexually frustrated, but her love for him still remained as she was confused about what to do in the situation. But now she is seeing the situation unfurling right in front of her eyes and she can't do anything other than look at him with wide eyes.

"If you didn't feel fulfilled when doing it with me, then why didn't you tell me?" Yoji asked her as she looked at him.

"Because I didn't want to make you think that you weren't good enough." Rena said to him a bit weakly.

"So you went to those guys after that. I would've done everything I could to please you Rena. The only thing you had to do was tell me what you wanted. I would've done whatever I could to please you. That is how much I loved you." Yoji said to her in a hurt tone.

Rena's eyes opened wide when she heard that as she looked at him as she felt her tears fall as she looked at him while she felt great pain in her chest.

"I trusted you with all my heart Rena. But I can see now that you don't hold the same trust for me. You chose those guys over me. And since it's like that, I think it's time for us to break up." Yoji said to her causing her to go shock still.

'Wh-What did he just say?' Rena thought to herself in shock as she looked at him.

"I can't trust you anymore Rena." Yoji said to her as she snapped back to reality.

"W-Wait Yoji, don't say that. I-I don't want to break up with you. Even though I said that, I was just too engrossed in the sex to think clearly. I-I still love you." Rena said as she grabbed his right arm with a desperate tone and face.

Rena had tears streaming down her face as she said it as she felt the horrible pain her chest as she looked at him as Yoji just stared at her.

"Have you even thought about how I felt when I learned about that? About how you were having sex with them behind my back, without telling me anything, and then hearing you say that you will be their slave and be with me due to being ordered to do it. Do you know what I felt at that moment?" Yoji asked her as he looked at her.

Rena opened her mouth, but she found that she wasn't able to say anything as she could only look at him.

"Maybe if you imagined me having sex with another girl, then you can know what I felt, even if it's not a small amount. If you had decided to trust me and tell me, then I would've done everything to help you, but now, I can't trust you. And my feelings for you, well, in the two days since then, they had decreased greatly. Now I can't even say that I love you." Yoji said to her as it shocked her.

"Wh-What?" Rena said in a choked tone when she heard.

'H-He doesn't love me anymore? N-No, that can't be. I-I can change! I can get back.' Rena thought to herself as she looked at her boyfriend in despair.

"I don't have feelings for you, not intense ones anyway. I have only been hurting due to them. So, I'm breaking up with you Rena." Yoji said to her before he pulled his arm free from her grasp.

Rena watched him with dumbfounded eyes and with disbelief as he freed his hand from her grasp and stood up and looked at her, as she could only look at him with tears falling down her face as she felt miserable.

Then Yoji raised his right palm and placed it on her left cheek as Rena leaned onto it as she grabbed onto it as she felt his skin and looked at him.

"I wish I could trust you Rena. But I can't, let's end this here and now. I hope that you are happy with the decision you made, and with them." Yoji said to her before he pulled his hand back and walked away.

Rena tried to keep a firm grip of his hand, but she couldn't as he pulled his hand and walked away as she raised her right hand towards him as a silent cry left her lips as she watched him leave.

'No no no! Please come back! I'm sorry! I will never hide anything from you again! I don't want to break up! I will always listen to you! Please!' Rena shouted in distress in her mind as her body was still and she wasn't able to utter anything.

She watched him as he went out of her view as she felt despair as the pain in her chest was there and it seemed to have increased when he went away from her. She cried on the bench as she sat there for a few minutes.

But then she got a call and she immediately took out her phone, thinking that it was Yoji, but she came angry when she realised that it was the douchebag Charakawa who she had been calling master for a while now.

"Hey Rena, we want you to come to our place today. Okay slut." Charakawa said to her.

"No." Rena said with a growl as her tears fell down her face.

"I'm sorry, did you just say no?" Charakawa asked in a confused tone.

"Yeah. Can't you hear anything. I'm not going to follow your orders." Rena said with anger as she gripped her phone.

"Oh really? Where did this bravado come from? Didn't you submit to me as our onahole two days ago?" Charakawa said to her in an amused tone.

"Yes. I was blinded by my lust at that time, but not anymore. *Hiccup* I'm done following your orders. I don't care what you do anymore." Rena said to him in anger as she sobbed a bit.

"Really now? And what about your boyfriend? What will happen when he gets those photos?" Charakawa said to her as she grit her teeth.

"There is no more use in that. We broke up. So, I'm not going to listen to you anymore. You're not my master and I'm not your onahole or slave. And if you try to force yourself on me again, then I will reveal everything. I don't care about my reputation anymore." Rena said with rage as she gripped her phone harder as the screen cracked a bit.

The line was silent after that as he didn't say anything, and then he cut the call which surprised Rena a bit. But that was completely overshadowed as she remembered what had happened not too long ago.

She let her arms drop to her sides as her tears fell as she remembered the conversation she had with him as she cried on the bench. Her actions coming to the forefront of her mind as she sat there and cried in lament.

At this time, Yoji decided to leave the campus and walked away from there as he didn't feel like staying in classes any longer, not after the conversation he had with the two girls. He sighed to himself as he crossed the road, but then he felt goosebumps as he looked to his left and saw a truck just about to hit him.

"Oh you gotta be shitting me right now." Yoji said as he looked at the truck with wide eyes.

Then he was hit by the truck as he was sent flying as he fell on the front of a car as his body crushed the front as the cars glasses broke. The people around gasped when they saw that as they walked to the scene.

But then their eyes widened when he raised himself up from the car and jumped off of it and dusted the glass off of him before he glared at the truck.

"Watch where you're driving you asshole!" Yoji shouted before he walked away with a glare as the people looked at him with a dumbfounded gaze.