
Transmigrated becoming a timelord ghost ninja

Following through the life of the new life of wrathos.Where the mc is a hyper-intelligent semi-invincible angelic-timelord ghost. Where he starts weak and defenseless then grows to be a omnipotent semi-omnipresent supreme being. Vice guild leader of nines own gown (refuses to be omniscient because their cursed with boredom) goes through a journey throughout the multi-imaginaryverses and throughout time itself. Always killable but its highly unlikely and furthermore througout time. I dont own any characters that are in this story along with their respective worlds. They all belong to their respective owners. I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Scaring the Avatar , Am I bendable?

Now to find a lab, oh I know lets go to the northern air tribe. I arrive and i make some designs just basic stuff ,that they would make in the future like radios lightbulbs ect. I introduced my self as a friend of the avatar gave them a bunch of money. Asked for my own lab that I can work on my own stuff ,without being bothered and a lot of materials. They said it will all be delivered in a couple of days, as I made their design for their air balloon better making it faster. By using my metalbending on its inner parts. I then feel memories of my clone come to me. I fly there.

"Hey guys." I greet aang sokka katara and toph also for some reason zuko and iroh is here too.

' Creativity skills activate lol'

"Okay so here it goes. The reward for this will be

I will make something that you can put in ozai's cell. This item will put him in the shoes of all the people he has wronged ,when ever he looks at it. He will fall into sleep reliving this. It will also make him forget this fact ,so he doesn't stop looking at it.This will work on him but will take me a while to make...

That's not all there is another choice. I can use a illusion on azula instead, that will knock out azula for a whole day. In this illusion 1 day will be actually feel like 20 years. During which she will dream a dream where she was loved by her mother, got all she wanted. In this dream the dream you and her, will witness ozais plan of poisoning the previous firelord. Then you will both plan for a way to replace him with your mother. This plan will include your fake fued between each other as normal. Ozai will find out about your mother's plan but not you guys. Your mother will go missing, this time ozai will send zuko to go after aang. When he is announced that he has returned, he will use that as a threat if you dont do so quick and efficiently. Then you dont deserve to be fire lord and it will go to your sister. When he dies that is, however this time both you and her will know the truth that he tried to assassinate your mother. Also zuko in this dream will end up becoming a hero of his people ,slowly gaining power and influence. While your sister is creating elite teams of assassins and fighters. She will use them and your influence to overturn ozai. She won't want the throne herself ,as she knows the pain of paperwork and political bs. So she will just strive ,to be the most powerful firebender to date. This will also help with the takeover. She will wait to enact this plan, when both you and aang are ready. Also the summer solstice will be a success ,as you will secretly help aang with the elements faster. By accidentally having the fastest ship the firenation could build be stolen

.So which choice will you choose?" I asked

They all huddle together toph is disagreeing with the others, and sokka by the looks of it.

She walks over and grumbles

"goodie-twinkletoes cough cough i mean We all agreed that this will be our reward, no matter this new option you provided." Toph says as sokka chuckles and katara hits him

"Good because it will truley have meant that they have changed, from when we last where together. But if I were to let this tear the group up would I be a good friend? So I will do both of them!" I say catching everyone's attention

They all look stunned and looked at each other and all nodded. Aang steps forward and says

"Can this really be done? Also is there a cost of doing so"?

'Trying wise monk BS on me wont work take this BS'

"Wise indeed, you are. But cost not it comes . However you will need someone to give it to him everyday. Just say it's a gift from his son ,it will be in a small handsize box. Now make sure no one but him sees it, as they will experience the same. Also I will have to send a little robot to all who have been affected by his trouble. It will shift through their memories ,and look for ones that relate to this. But worry not ,it will not record secrets or anything unrelated, also they will forget seeing it to begin with if you wanted that is" I said

They all looked stunned and worried then guilty.

"This... I dont think i could do this without approval of all nations, and the device would have to be destroyed afterwards." Said aang hesitantly

"I expected this, however was not possible ;well it is just would take more time then I like. I got a solution I could give him nightmares, as he is other people having all the worst different bad things happening to him. These bad things will be done, by someone in what looks like a firenation uniform saying long live firelord ozai."

They all start nodding with toph and sokka looking really happy

"We accept this, my old friend" aang said

"hmm okay then <shadow clone jutsu> you know what to do!"

They all look at me stunned and Toph said

"What was that we seen one earlier during the meeting ,but didnt get to ask and its different then the ghost you"

"oh that's a nifty trick I can use to be almost omnipresent ,in any world my original body is on. I can clone myself with it but it costs alot of chakra ,which comes from my home world. It's the mixture of mental and physical energies. Since i gained chi from this world and stabilized it and fused it in the spirit world , i call chikra now." They all shows stars in their eyes then some jealousy. Then sokka said

"Imagine if there was more of me?"

Almost everyone said at once "Oh plz noooo"

Then katara bonked him on the head and everyone laughed.

"I found it helps with paperwork for normal people, until their clones get bored then they stop being productive. However for me if I do that the clones get bored quickly . Then poof themselfs hehehe." I say

They all sweatdropped, but I could see stars in aangs eyes and envy in tophs while sokka and even iroh nodded approvingly while katara was shaking her head and sighing.

"Okay shall we test this here, if not somewhere else" I said

zuko spoke " Here will be fine as there is noone but us.

"Okay I call it medusa stone when actually it's one of my powers. Medusa is a god that was cursed by a god of beauty ,because she was jealous. This made her hair into snakes ,and anyone that looks at her eyes turns to stone even if they are blind. This is the same thing but instead of snakes I become stone myself. So wear these blindfolds ,and tell me when your ready."

"Just hurry up and get ready, or ill bend you into the ceiling" says toph

okay here it goes

'There, by the way I cant talk while in this form, so I'm talking through your minds.' I say to them all in the mind at the same time

"Wow your right I cant feel you at all and I also cant bend you either." says toph

"Yeah I cant either" says sang

"hrumph if I cant then of course you cant twinkletoes" says toph

"Truley fascinating I wonder ,why this is" iroh

"Well in this form i timelock my body and soul so I cant be killed, but it has a weakness for as long as people look at me. I'm just a statue and i cant move, but when the look away I can move really fast like teleporting. However if I turn it off they can hit me ,but good luck with that. But if there is a reflection of my image it becomes me that's why I said they would turn to stone." I say

"So you were not lying, but you didnt want to scare people. As this would cause anyone to become scared of you. Then want you dead but that's not possible. So you would become a nightmare story, that people tell their kids when they go to bed if they arnt good. The stone man spirit will come get you. Truley terrifying ability, remind me to not get on your bad side." says zuko he says laughing. I turn it off.

"Okay all done you can take them off now."

They all shake in fear of what could have been.

" I consider this is my ultimate defence. Oh and toph your technically not the first metalbender as I am also the first woodbender, godflames, sunbender user too. I consider myself the second, as I will it too happen so I consider it a cheat."

They are all dumbfounded at my hard skin, but when they hear the bending they are all intrigued.

"Wait what's a godflame, and sunbender" iron asks intrigued

"Oh the hottest flames is white, that's sunbending as it's the hottest a sun can be. Above that is divine flame that makes dragons look like a campfire. This is it, it never stops burning and will burn anything into dust ,adding to the flame." I say lighting my kunai on fire while it's in my hand it melts and the flame becomes bigger. I then turn it off. "if I don't have it in my hand and let go, it wouldnt be controllable anymore. Only reason now is my chi is keeping it alive." I say

"Wow, amazing well I think we all agree anything said here will be a secret. As the world could go into chaos of we announced it. said iroh seriously while sipping tea 'Wait where did he get the tea from?'

"Well i know one way to make us all happy especially when I visit this world. I will share all my food knowledge, and beverages too. So onwards we March twords a food and tea revolution. Where vegetarians food taste good ,and tea tastes amazing, and Meat makes you think you went to heaven." Everyone hear's this and quickly take off with me through the front door yelling All hail the Food and Tea revolution. After working with various merchants, lawyers ect. I got a few recipes patented and I told the avatar put the gained money ,under a trust fund that we can all access. Also the future avatars will have access,but there will be an age restriction.Also no overspending, just needs unless permitted otherwise. Everything was said and done I asked, if I could have some materials delivered to the northern airtemple as fast as possible. They then questioned me about it I explained. I also noted I wont be changing the existing structure. They agreed and asked if they could see some things I make I allowed it. However told them I wont be releasing it.As certain technologies can destroy worlds just by existing, without enough laws and structure to prevent misuse. Zuko said then we could just create some, but I explained would anyone remember millions of laws. For that's what would be needed. He shut up at that and I said the species needs to adapt to the technology level ,or it just cause choas. Also all people would need enough of a memory for such a society. He agreed with sadness as he knows change is not easy. I said worry not as this world will advance fast, and that's why it dont need my help that much.I then said I'm off to the spiritworld aang decided to follow me. I opened the portal as soon as we entered the entire places shook.

Aang"Whats happening"

"Well depending on your emotions ,it greatly effects this place as your the avatar. Also it's because the place is welcoming its king me."

"Oh hehe I guess I'll be careful but is this safe for the spirits?" sang asked with worry

I then see countless spirits gather near us bowing to me even the facestealer has came.

"Oh hey koh how's your collection going." I ask

he slithered over here with his guardian wolf's

"oh great spiritking you have finally arrived as prophizied. The collection is going great do you happen to require my services perhaps? he said flipping through many faces and voices

"Perhaps in the future for some subordinates but let me make this clear ,you wont be taking any more avatar faces. Unless they agree to it that is, is that understood?"

"Of Course my king" Says koh as he says reluctantly but knows his place. 'Wow to think i have such effect, it seems like I'm so powerful this spiritworld has become like a domain to me. I can probably spirits cease to exist'

"Thanks, my friend." aang says

"Oh that's right almost forgot about you rava let me help you" I look at the avatar then I put some chikra into aang, to make rava gain some energy and size back.

"W-what are you d-oing?" Says aang confused but he feels no harm being done

"This should prevent the cycle from breaking from one attack use it wisely."

"Thank you a--ahh"

Rava comes out of aangs body

"Wow I cant believe it, I'm able to now stay close to the avatar while being outside of his body aswell." says rava

aang is currently on the ground panting

"Wh-at just happened, did a spirit just come out of me?Wrathos what did you do to me?" he asked in confusion and some fear

"Calm down child, I am what gives you the ability to bend all elements. Also I am who connects all the avatar cycle together, as you can see." Says rava as she materializes the other avatars I start laughing

"I-i see, this is alot to take in. Oi Wrathos don't laugh, you just like to keep surprising me don't you."

"Oh while we are at it ,I would like to anounce my support for this avatar. So if you have any problem with following his orders. Then you have a problem with me, even koh knows to not to do that right - koh?." I ask with the sweetest smile I could make

While all the spirits shiver

"No king I would not advice it." koh said flipping through multiple faces, with a nervous expression .

"Well that's my buisness for today, avatar you need help getting out or no, also as rava will tell you why . Dont travel to the spirit tree it's being used as a prison for a naughty spirit."

"Much appreciated your travel is more direct so if you will, also I will take this advice to heart."

says aang 'I sometimes like his attitude very lax ,goes with the flow as long as nothing bad happens ,quick to recover.'

"Well here we go I'll be busy making stuff in my lab, and if you try looking for it .Even if you know where it is it can still be hard to find, you will have to look through the corner of your eye. So good luck." I make a portal then leave with aang then fly off saying "O by the way the gate to the minds trial was a trick ,and that was the key, shame you could have been able to fly.


"Ahh I'm such an idiot wait Flying!!? Wrathos get back here I want to learn how to fly!!!.... o well maybe ,I could have rava help me with the trail again?" says aang as I disappear and fly off to my lab.

I look at all the materials and tools

'Alot of work to make better tools ,but that's not bad with metalbending. It becomes easier, especially when I can change it at almost a molecular level. Now time to invent kukukuku wow no wonder he likes laughing like that. It feels so good for mad science.'