

"Hey! I just remembered! How were you able to defeat that guy?"

"I learned different fighting techniques when I was younger such as martial arts."

"Can you teach me sometime!?" Song Shui asked with a huge smile.

Song Shui loves fighting the most, so now that someone such as Jiang Weicheng is willing to teach him, he became very excited.


Since Jiang Weicheng wanted to get close to Song Shui, this was the perfect excuse. Plus, Jiang Weicheng was not sure if they were in the same class.

"Yes! I'll call you Sir now since you're my teacher!!"


"Master, then!!!"




"Don't tell me...Daddy?!" Song Shui gasped out.

"Just call me Weicheng." Jiang Weicheng said, clearing his throat.

"Okay, Weicheng!!"

"But why did you have to learn how to fight?" Song Shui asked him.

"I have many enemies."

"So mysterious." Song Shui said with a hint of amusement.

"Not really; I'm the heir to my family's business so they have always been over protective. They even hired body guards but I told them to not bother me."

"But you shouldn't have done that. Even though you beat up that blonde guy, you still got hurt. Is your body made up of glass or something?" Song Shui joked.

Jiang Weicheng shrugged. The body he transmigrated into was extremely weak. His skills from his previous life was able to integrate into his new body so he was still as strong as before but his performance was greatly hindered due to his weak body.

Plus, Jiang Weicheng did not want to inform Song Shui of his illness since he is planning on curing himself anyways.

It was mentioned in the novel that his illness could be cured. This is because the cure is in his Aunt's home, who is of course, the mad scientist who experimented on the original host when the original host was young.

Song Shui's face brightened when he thought of something. Song Shui leaned towards Jiang Weicheng so that they were very close. Seeing Jiang Weicheng's calm expression, it gave Song Shui even more courage to tease the seemingly innocent boy.

"I like you," Song Shui whispered, his breath ticking Jiang Weicheng's ears.

"Oh? Really?" Jiang Weicheng smirked as he questioned Song Shui.

"Y-y-you what are you doing?!" Song Shui sputtered out when he saw Jiang Weicheng's face inching closer to his.

Song Shui put his hand in front of his face to stop Jiang Weicheng from inching closer. Jiang Weicheng boldly grabbed Song Shui's wrist with his hand that was not broken. Song Shui was stunned before accepting his fate. Song Shui closed his eyes and puckered his lips, waiting for Jiang Weicheng to kiss him.

Seeing his puckered lips, Jiang Weicheng has a urge to laugh, but he held it in. He patted Song Shui's hair with his hands and said, "Just kidding!"

Song Shui's eye immediately flew open and he glared at Jiang Weicheng.

"It's not like I wanted the kiss or anything!!!" Song Shui shouted before storming out of the infirmary, leaving Jiang Weicheng all alone.

"What...what is this weird feeling? It's almost like...like I enjoyed teasing him." Jiang Weicheng muttered to himself, confused.

Furthermore, Jiang Weicheng did not feel like it was a bother to speak to Song Shui for some reason. In his previous life, he did not like to talk, but if it was for Song Shui, then he can talk freely.