
Life-Changes 2

What he didn't say, was he had lowered a box of stuff he was setting out into the backyard, where he went to go grab when he went to get his bike.

Tying it down to his bike he pulled out his phone, and opening the first address.

His mom might be able to handle him wanting to get his life in order, but suddenly considering selling stuff he worked so hard on, his figurines of all things? That might worry her too much.

Taking his bike he began to travel to the first address, selling the figurines they asked for and netting himself a tidy profit. Having almost 1200$ in cash before he even left the first stop, and after he continued to bike around, selling the figurines and other things he had in the box. He was now much richer than he was before he left, so he also stopped at the gym to grab the slip.

Still strange he needed his parent's permission for this of all things but whatever.

Once he got back home he hid the money in his room, having gotten back before his Father got home as well he helped his Mother getting the rest of dinner ready, and then the table set and everything else ready just as his father got home.

Dinner was a quiet affair, since his Father looked more tired then usual.

He didn't even question the slip when Issei asked about it and signed it with ease, Issei's worry was unfounded.

His dad simply woke up two hours then usual and when you get past a certain age, breaking the usual cycle even a little when it comes to sleep comes with a lot of tiredness near the end of the day so him and Issei's Mother retired early, leaving the dishes for Issei who didn't mind.

Once he finished with dishes he made his way back to his room that smelled a lot better now.

Closing his window since it would start getting cold as the night approached he sat at his desk.

It was currently the summer, meaning he had a little under two months of free time to do as much has he could.

He would focus on working out, already having the knowledge and discipline of martial arts training he would also look into maybe finding a dojo to train at, if not. There were plenty of clubs in school that offered it as well.

The second thing was to see if he could find his mana, humans had mana but it was usually incredibly hard to find.

Issei didn't know the future exactly, he knew the things he should be looking out for, and vaguely of the things he needed to prepare for so at least that was easy.

Waking up Ddraig earlier then 'cannon' would be something beneficial, as he was sure there were better ways to train, better ways to get stronger that only the Red Dragon of Domination would know.

His plan was basic of course, but it was meant to be basic. He didn't need anything hard in his life except himself right now after all.

With that he began to continue logging his figurines, collectibles, and everything else that he wanted to sell, as well as reviewing his old textbooks from school.

Purely to see how well his knowledge held up, and with both minds knowing the subjects? Pretty easy.

Able to spot the mistakes in some of his previous homework without looking at the answer sheet before hand.

After awhile he noticed the time getting a little past midnight and he stopped everything, cleaning up his desk of his books he then took a shower before he soon passed out as soon as his body his the bed.

While Issei was passed out, changes happened within him.

The original Issei had a weak soul, which lead to weaker abilities when it came to certain aspects, mana, devil power, and other similar things.

But after the combination of the new soul, the new capability and talent, that once weakness had changed.

This increase in talent, strength, and overall the density and size of his soul had grew enough for something inside him to stir, all be it just enough to claim land within him.

Just enough to remind the world he still existed


With a new day started he woke up and just sort of stared at the ceiling a moment, taking a few minutes out of his morning to confirm his movements from now on.

He had a little under two months until school started again, which he would need to attend. For now he would continue to make money by selling everything he owned, which in turn would clear out a large portion of his room... Actually, it might be big enough to make himself a at home gym, he would have weights and things for light workouts up in his bedroom, then he would use a portion of the garage for heavier workout equipment that shouldn't go on the second floor.

Sitting up he rubbed at his face a bit before standing from the bed and walking to go make himself a quick breakfast, starting the coffee for his parents so when they got up it would be ready for them.

He then took a shower, doing his daily hygiene before heading out on his bike again, he didn't just want to carry a ton of cash around with him so he started to use one of the many trusted apps for storing money.

One of the most common was PayPen, which most online stores used for payment as well. With that he now had fat stacks, and a fat 'bank' account.

It was a little before ten when he got to the gym with a signed sheet, and he immediately moved into working out.

Finding, and pushing the limits of his body over time this routine continued for a month.

Selling his stuff, some of which took longer simply because they were more expensive, and some need to be shipped instead.

Working out and pushing his limits, something he found out though was his body type.

It was the same body type he had in his previous life, one that allowed him to more easily gain mass, and keep it. It came with the adverse effect of also making it just as easy to get fat, and keep said fat but proper dieting, and his working out would avoid it.

Under two months wasn't enough to chisel him from stone, or turn him into the second coming of Hercules.

But it showed a vast step in the right direction, having been able to work up to the average weight for his age and skill. His muscles starting to show enough that he was actively getting flirted with at the gym, by both males and females.

Males were, more subtle with it as despite the world around him being pretty 'allowing' compared to his old world, it was still Japan where there was some level of conservation.

Subtle, but he noticed and using his own subtle ways he turned down the flirts from the same gender, new life and all. But he was still strictly a pursuer of women, though he did consider it for just a moment to see if his tastes did change.

They didn't, if anything they just made them stronger. He used to prefer asses over breasts, but his new taste didn't 'care' if it was breast or ass, as long as they had some meat on them.

He also turned down females, whereas a one-night fling might be alright he wasn't going to take the chance of accidentally stumbling across one of them... Deres?


He did not have time for that, and neither would he have time for it with where his life would be leading him, like head first into a supernatural world that is one bad funny joke from a Supernatural world war.

Along with him working out, his parents also started to notice, him taking his studying seriously, his items slowly disappearing, and his improvement in his health and physique.

His mother was the first to notice of course but was calmed by Issei's Father.

''The boy's finally growing up a little, is that so bad? He looks happy still, and sometimes...? Happier than he did before.''

That single statement made his Mom calm down, his Father has always been skilled in settling her worries.

She noticed it of course, Issei had once just done his perversion without having a real goal, no real direction.

But now he worked constantly with a fire in his eyes, every movement had the wish to get better, as if he was preparing himself for a larger purpose.

Oh god... He didn't want to be a politician, did he?


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My first account on Webnovel is BeaulenSmith

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