
Losing Weight / First Pokemon

Laelius walked down the stairs as quickly as he could with his overweight body, and once he reached the bottom of the stairs, he walked through the hall and looked around the house's bottom floor.

It was not very large, but all of the necessities for the time period were in it, but one thing was strange. There was nobody else in the house, but there was a note on the table, which he read.

'Hi son, now that you are sixteen years old, your father and I have decided to use our savings to go on a trip around the world. You should be fine on your own as you are an adult now. We have also left you a little present underneath your bed, hopefully by the time we are back, you'll have used our gift well!

Love from,

Mom and Dad.'

After reading this note, Laelius went back to his room while thinking about what his present could be. He was hoping for it to be something good, especially considering it was the parting gift from his 'parents', who he was not bothered about leaving as he had never met them.

Once he reached his room, he looked underneath his bed and had mixed feelings about his gift. It was a Pokemon egg, this was a good gift no matter what came out of it, but it was also a very low chance that he would get something he wanted. Despite this, anything he received he would be able to use until he found one of his desired team members. There was also a chance that it would be one of the twelve, which he was hoping for.

As eggs needed a lot of movement to hatch, Laelius decided it was a good idea to train his body and lose weight while also hatching the egg in the process.

*Three Months Later*

Laelius stood in a forest near his home with a large egg attached to his back with rope, unlike his previously overweight body, he was now much more muscular and athletic. This was a result of three months' worth of intense exercise.

*Flashback of The Three Months*

Everyday, he would wake up and run until he physically could not run anymore, and once he started to feel like he was able to move again even slightly, he would carry on.

However, running was not all he did, as once he finished his daily run, he would continually do a mix of press ups, sit ups, and squats until he collapsed.

Laelius also spent a lot of time punching and kicking trees, as this was a good way to strengthen his arms, hands, legs, and feet. Once he managed to completely destroy a tree, he would use it as weights for more intense exercises which utilised weight.

Doing this everyday for three months with the egg on his back, or front if he was unable to have it on his back for whatever reason, led to his body becoming incredibly strong. This was only compared to people from Earth though, as humans in the Pokemon world could grow incomparably stronger than their counterparts on Earth.

When Laelius looked in the lake near his home, what looked back at him was no longer an overweight slob, but instead an athletic and powerful sixteen year old. He was around 5'9 or 5'10, it was hard to determine as there were no measuring tapes, but he managed to compare himself to the things around him and determine his height. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, and a bit of facial hair was growing as he was unable to shave.

At first, he sustained himself by eating the food remaining in his house, while drinking water from the lake. However, once the food ran out, Laelius had to start killing Pokemon to eat as food. In the forest around him were a lot of bug types, the weedle evolution line was inedible due to their poison. Caterpies and metapod were edible, but butterfree were inedible as they had poison moves and poison on their wings. This was similar for the other types of bug Pokemon in the forest, as if they were part bug or had bug type moves, they were inedible. The best type of Pokemon that Laelius had eaten so far was the tepig line. He had found a tepig and followed it which led him to a cave where a group were living. The group also had a pignite as their leader which was the biggest Pokemon Laelius had encountered yet, and also the best tasting.

He killed all of them except two tepigs, as he wanted them to breed and create more for him in the future. He would have brought them to his home and created a pen for them so he could forcibly breed them, but then the meat would be worse as it had been raised in captivity.

Eating the pignite meat also seemed to make Laelius stronger which made him come to the conclusion that stronger Pokemon would provide better benefits to him if he ate them. He knew from the beginning that eating Pokemon meat made him a little bit stronger over time, but the more powerful pignite meat gave him a large increase in strength.

*End of Flashback*

None of this was as important as what he was most excited for though, as Laelius had been hearing sounds coming from the egg for a few days, and it had started to crack. While he was standing in the forest, he took the egg off of his back and put it on the ground in front of him.

Something could be seen trying to poke through the shell, and eventually the Pokemon escaped.

What came out of the egg shocked Laelius, "What are the chances of that?"

Floating in front of him was one of the Pokemon he wanted to train, a Beldum. Not only was it a Beldum, it was a shiny Beldum. The chances of Laelius getting one of the main six Pokemon he wanted from the egg was incredibly low, let alone one of the six as a shiny.

The importance of shiny Pokemon in this world was more so than in the games, or in the other Pokemon world he had been to. In one of the books he had read, it was stated that due to shiny Pokemon having colours that do not match their environments, and therefore having a disadvantage against predators, they were stronger than regular Pokemon. Once a Pokemon mutated to be shiny in the egg, its DNA would automatically start strengthening it, in hopes of giving it an equal chance with others of its species in the environment.

Most powerful Pokemon trainers in this world had at least one shiny Pokemon, and they were worth immense amounts if someone was to be selling one.

The white/silver Pokemon with one red eye floated calmly in front of Laelius, and he took this opportunity to be friendly with the Beldum and attempt to form a soul link with it. This was quite easy as Beldum is a relatively intelligent type of Pokemon, and as Laelius was the first thing it had seen after being born, it was very willing to soul link with Laelius.

When he did this, he could feel the level of his Pokemon, and that was about it, but he also knew that his Beldum would never betray him, and would follow his orders in battle and outside of battle. This did not mean that it had no free will, but instead that it wanted to listen to him.

As his Beldum was only level 1, Laelius intended to train it by catching Pokemon himself and then allowing Beldum to finish them off to gain experience. Once it was strong enough, he would then allow it to fully hunt Pokemon to eat them and also gain experience in fighting, as well as experience for its level.

First though, he wanted to name his Beldum so he thought about a name for a while, "I'll name you Terminator." Laelius wanted to create a name scheme for his Pokemon that nobody else would understand, as he was going to name them all after films from his original world. The films would obviously have something to do with the Pokemon, such as Terminator relating to Metagross as it is a robot-like Pokemon.

Terminator started to float up and down with joy as it seemed to like the name it had been given. Laelius looked at Terminator, and spoke with excitement in his voice, "Ready to go train?"