
Transformers Prime: New Missions, Threats and Fights

Sequel to Transformers Prime: New bots. It has been over a month since Team Prime's Human allies have been transformed into Cybertronians/transformers and have Join the Autobot cause to help the Autobot's in the Cybertronian Civil War. Meanwhile M.E.C.H. has developed New Technology becoming an increasingly threat on Earth.

SithDan · TV
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New Vehicle Modes Part I

Date: May 30, 2012, Time: 2:00 P.M., Location: Autobot base omega 1

After Team Prime and Nova-Strike Prime teams finished their daily intense training in Cybertronian Tech and combat they headed from their training room areas to the Autobot base's Energon storage area to pick some energon cubes to reenergize themselves from their exhausting intense training. After they reenergized themselves with energon they headed to the Autobot's base's main control room and staging area to put into the Autobot base main computer their Progress of their intense training with their students. After a few minutes of Team Prime putting into the Autobot base main computer their Progress of their intense training with their students Optimus quietly decided to himself that it was time to their New Recruits to choose their Vehicle modes to better blend with the Humans of Earth to cause stick out like a sore thumb. Just as he was able to speak all of the Transformers present hear their bases proximity sensor when off let them know that Special Agent William Fowler is coming down to get his weekly reports from Team Prime. During their training of Nova-Strike Prime Team Optimus have asked agent Fowler if his Planetary government would allow him to bring Vehicle schematics and blueprints of some of their planet's best Military and civilian modes of transportation for them to choose their own vehicle mode to blend in with Humans of Earth to cause stick out like a sore thumb.

Time: 2:10 P.M.

As the Autobot base elevator system bring down the elevator to the Main Autobot Base. As the elevator touchdown of the Land platform the door opened Revealing an overweight(rather like it or not he is overweight) middle Aged African American Man in a Business Suit with a lose tied tie around his neck walking out. As Agent William Fowler walked out the Elevator, he looked around the Autobot base and saw Team Prime. Agent Fowler looking directly at Optimus Prime and in a calm and curious tone, Agent Fowler "Prime how's the combat training of Jack's teams coming along?"

Optimus Prime "Their combat training is coming relatively well. Agent Fowler where you able to get some of your planet's best Military and Civilian vehicle schematics and blueprints of modes of transportation for Nova-Strike Prime team to choose their own vehicle mode to blend in with Humans of Earth to cause stick out like a sore thumb?"

Fowler in a calm tone, Fowler "As a Matter of fact yes.(he began to walk up to Optimus and took out of his suits coat pocket a USB drive) Here Optimus Please open your hand."

Optimus did and she saw Fowler place the USB drive into the pam of his robotic hand. Optimus in a calm tone, Optimus "Thank you Agent Fowler."

Fowler in a gratitude and calm tone, Fowler "Your welcome Optimus however know that it took me and others that support me and your cause a lot of persuasion to let our Nation's Military and civilian leaders to allow us to gain access to some of our best Military and Civilian vehicle schematics and blueprints of modes of transportation."

Optimus Prime "We're in your debt Agent Fowler for doing this for us to help."

Fowler "Just Repaying some of the times you saved my bacon from the Decepticons."

As Fowler coming their conversation and with Optimus Prime give Fowler detailed Reports of Nova-strike Prime team both Fowler and Optimus were talking on how both Decepticon and MECH activities have been quiet for the last few weeks. Optimus Prime in a calm calculating tone, Optimus "Agent Fowler it seems that the Decepitcons and MECH have either begun to use stealth strategies and tactics to expertly conduct their operations or they're preparing a major offensive against the Autobots and the Humans of this Planet."

Fowler in a curious and calm tone, Fowler "Another words you're saying that we are in the calm before the storm."

Optimus Prime in a calm tone, Optimus "That's 1 way of looking at it. Agent Fowler could you for a few hours before you return to your base to give your report to your government to see what Vehicle modes Nova-strike Prime team choose?"

Fowler in a calm and somewhat calculating tone, Fowler "I'll stay for a few hours be no more than 3 1/2 hours; It would be interesting what vehicle mode what Jack and his Team chose."

Optimus took the USB dive that Fowler handed him, walking over to Ratchet over at the Autobot base's main computer and handed Ratchet the USB dive. Ratchet took the USB dive Optimus give him and plug it into the computer to begin the download of Schematics and blueprints of some of the Earth best Vehicle modes of transportation. After a few seconds the download of the schematic and blueprint files of some of Earth best military and civilian vehicle modes Ratchet began to organize the downloaded files into 2 main file sections with 2 to 3 sub file sections. The 1st main file section he setup was the Civilian File with 3 sub file sections: 1st sub file had the SUV vehicles: Hummer H3 and Toyota Highlander for Nova-strike Prime Team to choose from. 2nd sub-File had the Pickup trucks: Toyota 4w double cab V-6, Ford F-450 Heavy Duty, GMC topkick c4500 and the Chevrolet Colorado Trucks for Nova-strike Prime Team to choose from. 3rd sub file had the Big Rigs: Peterbilt 359 and Peterbilt 337 Wrecker tow trucks for Nova-strike Prime Team to choose from. The 2nd main File section he set up was the military file with 2 sub files: 1st A Family of Medium Tactical Vehicle or FMTV for short, Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement or MTVR for short and the Heavy Equipment Transport system or HETS for short for Nova-strike Prime Team to choose from. 2nd sub file had for the 1st time in Autobot history 4 Aircraft: Northrop Grumman RQ Glorbal Hawk(Air Drone), McDonell Boeing F-15E strike Eagle, Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor and the F-35 Lighting Jet Fighter for Nova-strike Prime Team to choose from.

Time: 2:15 P.M.

After a few minutes of setting up the downloaded files into 2 main file sections with 2 to 3 sub file sections Ratchet turned his attention to Jack and in calm tone, Ratchet "Jack please come up to the side computer terminal console for you scroll thought the schematics and blueprints of the Vehicles mode to pick out you Vehicle mode."

Jack begin to walk toward Ratchet and for a few seconds his looked at Optimus and in a calm, excited and somewhat smugness tone, Jack "Optimus you finally decided that we're ready to have our Vehicle modes."

Optimus in a calm and somewhat agitated tone, Optimus "Jack this is Just a standard stage in all your guys' training to be able to fight and blend into the habits of this world better without drawing notice to yourself and the rest of us."

As He continued to walk toward the side computer terminal console he is able to hear Arcee in a secretly calm sarcastic tone to Bulkhead, Arcee "Bulkhead I would love to see that smug look wiped off Jack's face once he realizes that transforming from his Cybertronian Robotic form to his Vehicle mode; learns just how hard it is for us to focus our mind to stay in our vehicle mode and to learn how to operation the vehicle mode he choose to disguise himself in and drive."

Bulkhead in a calm and somewhat smug tone, Bulkhead "That would be funny to see sense it took us a few days to get us to transforming from our Cybertronian form to our vehicle mode and learned how to focus our minds to stay in our Vehicle modes and to learn how to operation our vehicle modes and drive it."

As he came to the side computer console, he began to search through the list of vehicle schematics and blueprints to choose his vehicle mode. Jack spent the next 28 minutes and 30 seconds scrolling through the list of vehicle schematics and blueprints until he decided on the vehicle schematics and blueprints the Vehicle Hummer H3. After selected the vehicle mode he wanted he turned his attention to Ratchet and in a calm tone, Jack "Ratchet I chose these one."

Ratchet walked over to the side computer terminal console in looked at the Vehicle(Hummer H3) mode he chose and in a calm tone, Ratchet "Good chose give your large size and muscular athletic build(Ratchet the picked up a cable wire information connector.). Jack can you Please retract your protective body armor around your very upper neck area so that I could plug in this Cable information wire connector to your connection port on the back of your upper neck to have access to the area of your brain where it progresses information and data from your Brain to your T-Cog so that it well received the schematics and blueprints of the Vehicle mode you chosen for your body to make the necessary adjustments to transform from your Natural Cybertronian Robotic mode to you Vehicle mode."

Jack nodded at Ratchet and did as he Instructed and focused his mind and after a few seconds he heard the protective body armor around his upper neck area so that Ratchet could plug in the cable information wire connector to his connection port on the back of his upper neck to have access to the area of his mind where it progresses information and data from his brain to his T-Cog so that it well received the schematics and blueprints of the Vehicle mode he chosen for his body to make the necessary adjustments to transform from his Natural Cybertronian Robotic mode to his new vehicle mode. Ratchet connected the cable information wire connector and in a calm tone, Ratchet "beginning the Download Process.(after a few seconds of downloading.) download Process at 5% and raising." As the download process began Jack see running through his Processor Images of the schematics and blueprints of the Vehicle mode he chose. he hears parts of his Cybertronian Robotic form making the necessary adjustments to transform from his natural Cybertronian robotic form to his Vehicle mode.

Time: 2:47 P.M.

Ratchet in a calm tone, Ratchet "Download Process 100% completed(He turned his Attention to Jack's Guardian and Partner: Arcee), Arcee please take Jack to one of our driving simulators training room areas to begin teach him how to transform from his Natural Cybertronian form to his new Vehicle mode and to drive in the simulators training room areas."

Arcee in a calm tone to Ratchet, Arcee "Very Well Ratchet,(Arcee turned her Attention to Jack) Follow me Please Jack to driving simulator training room area 2 to begin you transformation training begin teach you how to transform from your Natural Cybertronian form to you new vehicle mode and to drive.(as they began to walk to driving simulator training room area 2 Arcee in a very quiet and a little menacing tone.) I going to enjoy this."

As Arcee and Jack heading to their driving training simulator room 2, Ratchet turned his attention to June and in Calm tone of Voice, Ratchet "June please come up to the side computer terminal console for you scroll thought the schematics and blueprints of the Vehicles mode to pick out you Vehicle mode." As she came to the side computer console, she began to search through the list of vehicle schematics and blueprints to choose her vehicle mode. June spent the next 28 minutes and 30 seconds scrolling through the list of vehicle schematics and blueprints until she decided on the vehicle schematics and blueprints of the Vehicle Mode: Ford Type II Ambulance Van.

After selected the vehicle mode she wanted she turned her attention to Ratchet and in a calm tone, June "Ratchet I chose these one."

Ratchet walked over to the side computer terminal console in looked at the Vehicle(Ford Type II Ambulance Van) mode he chose and in a calm tone, Ratchet "Good chose give you're a medical nurse, Medium size and lightly athletic build(Ratchet the picked up a cable wire information connector.). June can you Please retract your protective body armor around your very upper neck area so that I could to the same to you that I did to Jack."

June nodded at Ratchet and did as he Instructed and focused she mind and after a few seconds she heard the protective body armor around her upper neck area so that Ratchet could plug in the cable information wire connector to her connection port on the back of her upper neck to have access to the area of her mind where it progresses information and data from his brain to her T-Cog so that it well received the schematics and blueprints of the Vehicle mode she chosen for her body to make the necessary adjustments to transform from her Natural Cybertronian Robotic mode to her new vehicle mode. Ratchet connected the cable information wire connector and in a calm tone, Ratchet "beginning the Download Process.(after a few seconds of downloading.) download Process at 5% and raising." As the download process began June see running through her processor Images of the schematics and blueprints of the Vehicle mode she chose. She hears parts of her Cybertronian Robotic form making the necessary adjustments to transform from her natural Cybertronian robotic form to her Vehicle mode.

Time: 3:17 P.M.

Ratchet in a calm tone of Voice, Ratchet "Download Process 100% completed(He turned his Attention to Optimus Prime), Optimus please take June to one of our driving simulators training room areas to begin teach her how to transform from her Natural Cybertronian form to her new Vehicle mode and to drive in the simulators training room areas."

Optimus in a calm tone to Ratchet, Optimus "Very Well Ratchet,(Optimus turned his Attention to June) Follow me Please June to driving simulator training room area 1 to begin some Military training begin teach you how to transform from your Natural Cybertronian form to your new vehicle mode and to drive."

As Optimus Prime and June heading to their driving training simulator room 1, Ratchet turned his attention to Ryu Senshi(Aka Miko Nakadai) and in calm tone, Ratchet "Miko Nakadai please come up to the side computer terminal console for you scroll through the schematics and blueprints of the Vehicles mode to pick out you Vehicle mode."

Miko begin to walk toward Ratchet and for a few seconds she looked at Ratchet and, in a calm, excited and somewhat smugness tone, Miko "Ratchet I can't wait to choose my vehicle mode."

Ratchet in a calm and somewhat irritated tone, Ratchet "Miko wipe that smug look off your face this isn't a game.(he turned his attention to Bulkhead changed his tone of voice to a Smug and Sarcastic tone of voice.) Bulkhead I would love to see how your able to your going to be able to teach the over excited and smug Miko to transform from her Natural Cybertronian Robotic form to her vehicle mode; learns just how hard it is for us to focus our mind to stay in our Vehicle mode and to learn how to operation the vehicle mode she chooses to disguise himself in and drive."

Bulkhead in a calm nervous and somewhat agitated tone, Bulkhead "oh scarp Ratchet I think I'm got a processor headache thanks for the reminding how difficult it is to train the chatter Box Miko."

When Miko heard the statements from both Ratchet and Bulkhead she stopped temporarily in her tracks and in an agitated and somewhat angry tone of to both, Miko "Hey You guys you know I'm standing right here. You know you guys can be douchebags."

Ratchet in calm, cold calculating and a little irritated tone, Ratchet "You're calling us douchebags for telling the obvious truth that you're an overanxious chatter box and never kept your mouth shut for long."

Bulkhead step into argument between Miko and Ratchet before Miko could respond to Ratchet and looked straight at Ratchet in calm and somewhat agitated tone, Bulkhead "Enough Ratchet you make you point.(He turned his attention to Miko.) Miko It's truth that you're an overanxious chatter box and never kept your mouth shut for long but our chatter box as well as our Former human communication expert and you do provide the occasionally to help provide information for a mission and do sometimes ask some important questions that we don't think of went we have a possible Decepticon double agent in our ranks. Now Miko please continue your walk toward the side computer terminal console to pick through the schematics and blueprints of the Vehicles mode to pick out you Vehicle mode." As she came to the side computer console, she began to search through the list of vehicle schematics and blueprints to choose her vehicle mode.

Miko spent the next 28 minutes and 30 seconds scrolling through the list of vehicle schematics and blueprints until she decided on the vehicle schematics and blueprints of the Vehicle mode: Toyota 4w Double Cab V-6 Truck. After selected the vehicle mode he wanted she turned her attention to Ratchet and in a calm tone, Miko "Ratchet I chose these one."

Ratchet walked over to the side computer terminal console in looked at the Vehicle(Toyota 4w Double Cab V-6 Truck.) mode he chose and in a calm tone, Ratchet "Not a Bad chose give you're a wrecker, Medium size and moderate muscular athletic build(Ratchet the picked up a cable wire information connector.). Miko can you Please retract your protective body armor around your very upper neck area so that I could to the same to you that I did to June."

Miko nodded at Ratchet and did as he Instructed and focused she mind and after a few seconds she heard the protective body armor around her upper neck area so that Ratchet could plug in the cable information wire connector to her connection port on the back of her upper neck to have access to the area of her mind where it progresses information and data from her brain to her T-Cog so that it well received the schematics and blueprints of the Vehicle mode he chosen for her body to make the necessary adjustments to transform from her Natural Cybertronian Robotic mode to her new vehicle mode. Ratchet connected the cable information wire connector and in a calm tone, Ratchet "Beginning the Download Process.(after a few seconds of downloading.) download Process at 5% and raising." As the download process began Miko see running through her processor Images of the schematics and blueprints of the Vehicle mode she chose. she heard parts of her Cybertronian Robotic form making the necessary adjustments to transform from her natural Cybertronian robotic form to her Vehicle mode.

Time: 3:49 P.M.

Ratchet in a calm tone, Ratchet "Download Process 100% completed(He turned his Attention to Bulkhead.), Bulkhead please take Miko to one of our driving simulators training room areas to begin teach her how to transform from her Natural Cybertronian form to her new Vehicle mode and to drive in the simulators training room areas."

Bulkhead in a calm tone to Ratchet, Bulkhead "Very Well Ratchet,(Bulkhead turned his Attention to Miko.) Follow me please Miko to driving simulator training room area 3 to begin your transformation and driving training begin teach you how to transform from your Natural Cybertronian form to your new vehicle mode and to drive."

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