
Transformers Prime: New Missions, Threats and Fights

Sequel to Transformers Prime: New bots. It has been over a month since Team Prime's Human allies have been transformed into Cybertronians/transformers and have Join the Autobot cause to help the Autobot's in the Cybertronian Civil War. Meanwhile M.E.C.H. has developed New Technology becoming an increasingly threat on Earth.

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Information Part I: Mission Debriefings

Date: June 2, 2012, 1:50 P.M., Location: Autobot base omega 1

After the Autobots completed their Icon Relic retrieval missions and with their major Injuries sealed and repaired; they began to discuss of what happen during their Icon Relic Retrieval missions and of Icon Relic's they have collected. During their discussion Ultra-Aid* and Ratchet both agreed that: Nova-Strike Prime*, Shadow-Hunter* and Hardwire* would need between roughly 2-9 of days of physical therapy to get them back into fighting shape to battle with Decepitcons and the MECH and their Cybertronian/Transformer Mechcon troopers. As they discussed of what happen during their Icon Relic Retrieval missions Arcee, Bumblebee, Nova-strike Prime and Ultra-Aid told Optimus Prime of what happen during their Icon Relic Retrieval mission. As Optimus Prime asked in curious and calm tone, Optimus "Arcee what happen during your Icon Relic Retrieval Mission? Have you discovered what was the Icon Relic you have been unable to recover from the Decepitcon's or of the Unknown organization from what I heard it seems that your lost it to."

Arcee thought back to their Icon Relic Retrieval mission and in calm and a little depressed tone, Arcee "As we approached exact the coordinates of where Icon Relic is located we heard roughly a few 100 feet away a battle going on nearly the Icon Relic coordinates and quickly took cover and make our way through the cover to the battle to see what was going on. After a minute of travel through the cover that came within 50 feet of the battle in the middle of the battlefield. We saw the Decepticons in a fire fight with unknown enemy combatants. We heard an unknown enemy combatant say in a commanding tone "charge." The Unknown Enemy combatants came out of their covering and reveal themselves and charge at the Decepitcon squadron of troopers. We got a good look at the unknown enemy combatants and saw that they were huge robots ranging from the size to as tall as 7.625 meters to as short as 5.875 meters with a color scheme of light green and black basic color patterns on their upper and lower Torso similar to a Bulletproof vest design as well as a basic light green color scheme. They saw a moderately large symbol on their chest plate area. The Symbol was similar to a Decepitcon face shield but this symbol adds a pair of cross bones behind it.

Their back side and as between a single massive black strip to 3 black and light green strips running parallel along their back has a face plate area somewhere between a Cybertonian basic facial features and a human's Facial features but on a larger scale. Their head, shoulder, upper and lower arm areas have color schemes: Black and Light green around most of head area at their facial plate area and around their full mid to lower neck areas in the front and back of their head as well as a Silvery Grey color scheme for their upper head area where their head style hair area is. Their shoulder, upper and lower arm areas have a mixture of Black and Light green color pattern scheme. Their mid and lower half of their bodies has the same as their upper half: Black and light green color schemes along their legs; Their feet areas were either the color schemes of Black or Light green from the ankle joint area of their feet were either the black or light green paint meets the light green color scheme. We were able to identify the Unknown organization by Nova-Strike Prime pointing out that how else here on this Planet knows of our existence, wants to discover our races secrets by any means necessary and has just recently(she pointed to all of Nova-strike Prime team.) shown by figuring out how to turn Nova-strike Prime and the rest of his team from their former human forms into Cybertronians. Nova-strike Prime pointed out that this unknown organization they happen to have a Murderess psychopath and opportunist Cybertronian working with them that is when we figured out that it was the grow Ambitious Terrorist organization: MECH.

During the Battle I was able to get a closer look at the battlefield to see what the Decepitcons and MECH con trooper combatants are fighting over. After a few seconds of searching the battlefield I saw 25 meters away from where Knockout is hide she saw a Data Cylinder in the middle of the battlefield. The battle lasted for 2 minutes between the Decepitcons, MECH and their MECH con troopers and end with the Decepitcon Elite con trooper squadron was eliminated; however, they were able kill 15 members of the MECH faction team and injuring another member causing them to limp from an Elite con troop got a good strike on their left leg from the con arm blades.

The M.E.C.H. members team leader approached the Decepitcon Mining detail team and turning his attention to Knockout and in a commanding, calm, cold and calculating tone, Leader "Where is the Icon Relic?" Knockout didn't answer him and to counter Knockout's salient by transforming his lower left arm into and Energon Blaster and pointed it and knockout and in a cold, calculating and menacing tone, Leader "I'm not going to ask again tell me where the Icon Relic is or I'll begin to kill your Mining detail one by one until you tell me where it is."

Knockout in a still painful anguishing tone, Knockout "Alright I'll tell you.(Knockout turn his head on and raise his left arm and hand and pointed to the open battlefield.) The Icon Relic Data Cylinder is 25 meters away from us."

As the MECH faction Leader approached the Data Cylinder and just as he was able to pick it; He give the order to attack the MECH con troopers and secure the Icon Relic Data Cylinder. I saw the MECH faction leader act quickly and turned his attention to all his remain troops and in a calm and somewhat anxious, MECH Leader "You 3(He pointed to the 3 nearest(1 who was the injured 1) to him) deal with the Autobots,(He turned his attention to the last trooper under his command.) Here(Tossing the Data Cylinder) retreat with the Icon Relic Data Cylinder I'll cover you." Both the MECH Leader and his trooper transformed into their vehicle modes and began they retreat back to their Base while his remaining troops engaged us in battle. During the battle Nova-strike Prime was thanks to his intense combat training with you Optimus was able to hold his own in his fight with the MECH faction trooper he engaged with and was able to eliminate them from fight but the MECH faction trooper was able to get in a few good hits at him causing him to receive a few injuries from his opponent. As for myself I with Minimal afford hold myself own in fighting with the MECH faction troopers I engaged with and was able to eliminate them from fight. In 1 of my Fights Ultra aid who was providing covering fire shot one of the MECH faction troops in the arm just as I didn't see the hit coming causing them to be knocked back a few feet from the shot. 1 of MECH faction troopers were able to get in a good luck hit at me where I received an injury from my opponent.

During the Fighting I saw Knockout called for a ground bridge to the Decepitcon Warship to retreat but he had 4 members on his mining detail to being with them the bodies of 2 members of the MECH faction that attack then. Knockout didn't return empty handed because if he didn't Megatron would punish him harshly for failing to retrieve another Icon Relic. After the Battle as we realized that MECH forces retreat out of range I realized that we lost the Icon Relic Data cylinder to which I hope M.E.C.H. finds in the Data Cylinder is only a cultural artifact and not any information useful forgotten scientific knowledge or Decepitcon weapons of mass destruction. I had Ultra-Aid repair all of the major Injuries that we received from the MECHcon troopers and called for a Ground-bridge back to base.

Optimus Prime took a moment to process Arcee's report and in a calm, firm and somewhat concerned tone, Optimus "Well It appears that MECH has grown even more and more ambitious and thanks to Airachind information onto what an Icon Relic is it seems that a new player has entered the game." Nova-Strike Prime in a calm and somewhat concerned tone of Voice, Nova-strike Prime "That they are Optimus I fear that until we or Earth's Planetary Nation's find their Hidden bases of operations, more concrete evidence of their activates and all their operatives that they could give more time gather enough Political, Military and Economy strength to try to overthrow all Earth Major Influential Planetary Nations to put in power their own vision of a New World order that could cause a massive world war that could destroy this planet and it's inhabits." Arcee in a concerned tone of Voice, Arcee "Are your being a little over-dramatic Nova-strike?" Nova-strike "Perhaps I'm but if History teaches us anything is that a Rogue terrorist organization is not keep in check or eliminated that they continue with their extreme ideologies and harm or negatively impact innocence people to join their ranks further increasing their power and influence over the people that are attracted to such extreme ideologies to continue their work."

As they discussed of what happen during their Icon Relic Retrieval missions Bulkhead, Shadow-Hunter and Serenity told Optimus Prime of what happen during their Icon Relic Retrieval mission. As Optimus Prime asked in curious and calm tone, Optimus "Bulkhead what happen during your Icon Relic Retrieval Mission, have you discovered what was the Icon Relic you have been able to recover from the Decepitcon's?" Bulkhead thought back to their Icon Relic Retrieval mission and in calm and somewhat excited tone of Voice, Bulkhead "As we approached the exact coordinates location I looked at the handheld scanner and saw the distance meter saying that the Icon Relic is buried 15 meters to my right were a tree roughly a meter away from where the Icon Relic crash landed on the Planet. Finally, as we came just above where the Icon Relic was buried. I Told Shadow-Hunter and Serenity to begin using the excavation hand drills we brought with us to begin digging up the Icon Relic while I'll stand guard and watch for any Decepitcons coming Retrieve the Icon Relic.

As the Shadow-Hunter and Serenity drill through 3.90 meters of rock, soil and roots and continued with hand mining tools to dig the rest of the way to the Icon Relic to not cause to much damage to it. After a few minutes of dig by hand around the Icon Relic's Location we found the Icon Relic container and gentle pulled out the Icon Relic container and brought it up to the surface. As I approached right behind them I asked Shadow-Hunter for us to see what the kind of Icon Relic we have here. As Shadow-Hunter twisted the Icon Relic cap off the Icon Relic container and pulled out of the container what looked like some type of portable armor(similar to the Apex armor.) device to use combat. As I asked Shadow-Hunter to let me see what was in the Icon container and what type of Icon Relic was in the container. As Shadow-Hunter showed the Portable armor device to Me I was at first shocked and in awe of what I saw it was 1 of the Decepitcon Experimental Cloak-stealth armors: The deactivated 2nd Prototype cloaking-stealth armor was designed and constructed by Decepitcon Scientists and Engineers."

As I got on my internal processor communicator and turned on and switched it to an Autobot communications channel frequency to the Autobot base to tell Ratchet of what we found at the Icon database coordinates Serenity heard in the woods a branch break and she turned her attention to the area to the left of her and look intensely and she saw an Decepitcon con trooper arm that was barely noticeable but she saw him. she looks a quick look around the area and could see around them 3 more Decepitcon con troopers that are barely noticeable but she saw them. She told us we're around by Decepitcon's and their ready to come out to ambush us and secure the Icon Relic from our hands to Megatron. I told Serenity to activate 1 of her blaster arm's and attach the 2nd Prototype Cloaking-stealth Portable armor device to her armor. I wanted her to activate the 2nd Prototype Cloaking-stealth Portable armor device to quietly eliminate some of the Decepitcons in the ambush for us to break through the Decepitcon ambush.

The Skirmish fight between our Retrieval and the Decepitcon Retrieval teams lasted for 5 minutes and ending with the Dreadwing along with his Decepitcon Elite Troopers and Mining detail defeated and failed to Retrieval the Icon Relic from the us. We were able to eliminate 8 of the Elite Decepitcon Troopers before we were able to retreat back to their base by ground-bridge; however, Serenity was severely injured by 1 of Dreadwing's bomb charges that disable the 2nd Prototype cloaking-stealth portable armor stealth generator and forcing both me and shadow-Hunter to carry her through the ground-bridge back to base. During the Skirmish fight Dreadwing was shocked to see how the unknown male Autobot transformed for the 1st for an Autobot into an Ariel combat vehicle mode and saw he engage the Ariel con troopers and skillful dodge the con flyers and shot down his force con flyers. After getting over his shock he was able to vaguely see through the 2nd Prototype Cloaking-stealth Portable armor and throw a bomb charge in the area where he vaguely saw serenity. Dreadwing's bomb charge exploded and the blast wave hit serenity causing her falling down and with the 2nd Prototype Cloaking-stealth Portable armor stealth generator be disable leave Serenity visible to do the Decepticons and causing some moderate injuries to Serenity.

As for Shadow-hunter was thanks to his intense combat training with You Optimus he was able to hold his own in his fight with the a Decepitcon trooper he engaged with and was able to eliminate them from fight but the Decepitcon Trooper was able to get in a good hit at him causing him to receive an injury from his opponent. After he was able to eliminate his opponent Shadow-Hunter transformed into his Ariel Jet Mode to try to eliminate the Decepticon Ariel con flyers that was provided covering fight for the Decepitcon ground forces. In roughly 3 minutes shadow-Hunter was able to eliminate 5 of the 6 con flyers before the final con flyer was able to lock into him and shot him down. As Shadow-Hunter was falling from the sky Shadow-Hunter transformed back into his Cybertronian robot mode and crashed landing into the ground. As he impended his injury and saw that he received moderate Energon Blast Injury on his right shoulder area from his opponent get a shot off.

Hardwire asked in a curious and calm tone to Optimus Prime, Hardwire "Optimus what exactly is a Cloak-stealth portable armor device?" Optimus Prime on a Calm tone of Voice to everyone present to explain, Optimus Prime "You see during the war for Cybertron in a secret Decepitcon Research and Development center moderately deep in Decepticon force lines; Decepitcon scientists and engineers have designed and constructed 3 cloaking-stealth armors prototypes during the war. A Cloaking-stealth armor can in theory nearly blend all the light around an object making it with the cloaking-stealth technology virtually invisible to the naked optic of a Cybertronian. However, there is a Downside to the clocking-stealth tech if the object with the cloaking-stealth step on something that makes noise their location will be given away. As the Decepitcon scientists and engineers were Just going to activate the 3 cloaking-stealth armors an Autobot Wrecker Squadron was able to seek moderately deep into the Decepticon force lines and raid the Decepitcon research and develop center. The Decepitcon bodyguards in the Research and develop center engaged the Wrecker Squadron in a skirmish battle which ended with the Autobot wrecker squadron taking minimal losses. During the skirmish battle 2 of the 3 cloaking-stealth armor prototypes were damaged behind repair. The Autobot wrecker squadron was able to recover and capture the remaining intact 1 cloaking-stealth armor and take it the Icon Hall of Records Vaults for safe keeping. It seems that the Master Autobot Archivist send this Prototype Cloak-stealth armor here in Icon Vault container. Spoking of the Cloak-stealth Portable armor devices(Optimus turned his attention to Ratchet who was inspecting the damage of the 3rd Prototype Cloak-stealth portable armor device.) Ratchet can you repair the battle damage done to the 3rd cloak-stealth armor prototype and make it full operational?"

Ratchet in a concerned and somewhat calm, Ratchet "The battle damage is quiet severe Optimus.(Ratchet continued to examine the Prototype Cloak-stealth portable armor device). It's possible I can repair the battle damage but I can't promise I can it back full operational. Even if I'm able to repair the battle damage done to the Prototype Cloak-stealth portable armor device prototype are we going to do with the Prototype cloak-stealth portable armor device? Are we going to put it in our storage vaults or are we're going to use it in battle?" Optimus Prime turned his attention "I plan give as soon as you repair it to allow Serenity or any other Autobot roughly the same size to what the cloak-stealth portable armor device can hold and adjust to; However, the Autobot that was allow to use this Portable armor is required to have enough intense training to use it and stealth techniques to move around mostly quietly and unnoticed from the enemy."

As they discussed of what happen during their Icon Relic Retrieval missions Optimus Prime, Hard-wire and Ryu Senshi told the rest of Autobot's of what happen during their Icon Relic Retrieval mission. Ratchet asked in curious and calm tone, Ratchet "Optimus what happen during your Icon Relic Retrieval Mission? Have you discovered what was the Icon Relic you have been unable to recover from the Decepitcon's that you lost it to." Optimus Prime thought back to their Icon Relic Retrieval mission and in calm and little depressed tone of Voice, Optimus Prime "As our Team continued our search pattern area to locate the precise burial location of the Icon Relic that they were able to decode from our copy of the Icon database. I asked Hardwire to transform into his Ariel Vehicle mode and scout out ahead to see if the Decepitcon's have arrived before us and have begun to excavate for the buried Icon Relic as well as to provide air superiorly for us to which Hardwire did as I asked.

After a few minutes of searching the 3 mile(4.828 Kms.) search pattern area scouting ahead; Search to see if the Decepitcon's have arrived before us and have begun to excavate for the buried Icon Relic as well as to provide air superiorly for his Icon Relic Retrieval team; Hardwire found out that the Decepitcons have arrived before them and is seeing the Decepitcon excavating for the Icon Relic. He contacted me over his internal processor communicator and turned on and switched it to an Autobot communications channel frequency and told me that the Decepitcons where roughly 500 meters to our right. I told him to Maintain your Ariel surveillance and be ready to provide covering fire when I give the order to attack. When both Me and Ryu Senshi Nova Strike Prime teams heard roughly a few 100 feet away nearly the Icon Relic coordinates we quickly took cover and make our way through the cover to the battle to see what was going on. After a minute of travel through the cover that came within 50 feet I turned my attention to on what the Decepitcon's have dig up and saw as they open the Icon Relic container got a look at what Type of Icon Relic is in the Icon Relic container. I saw a Decepitcon miner pull out of the Icon Relic container same type of Portable armor device similar to the Apex Armor I lost to Starscream in Antarctica. As I focused my optics better on the Portable armor device, I was shocked to learn that the Portable armor device was the 5th Prototype Phase-Displacement portable armor device. As I saw Megatron examine it and that's when I saw an opened to attack and give the order to attack.

The Skirmish fight between the Decepitcon Retrieval and Autobot Retrieval teams lasted for 5 minutes and ending with the Optimus Prime along with his fellow Autobot's defeated and failing to Retrieval the Icon Relic from the Decepitcons. The Autobot Retrieve team were able to eliminate 7 of the Elite Decepitcon Troopers before they were able to retreat back to their base by ground-bridge. During our Skirmish battle Hardwire was moderately injured by the Decepitcon's Elite trooper Flyers that shot him down along with me being lightly injured and with Ryu Senshi being Lightly injured. During our fight I saw Hardwire was thanks to his intense Ariel training with Special Agent William Fowler and a few other Jet Fighters with a few other experienced combat Air force veteran Pilots teaching him in Ariel combat maneuvers to learn how to fly and fight against enemy Ariel targets was able to in roughly 4 minutes was able to eliminate 3 of the 5 con flyers before the final con flyer was able to lock into him and shot him down. As Hardwire was falling from the sky Hardwire transformed back into his Cybertronian robot mode and crashed landing into the ground from his injury from the Con flyer that shot him down. As he impended his injury and saw that he received 2 moderate Energon Blaster injuries: 1 on his left shoulder area from his opponent get a shot off and the 2nd injury was on his right leg lower thigh area from his opponent get a shot off. As Ryu Senshi was thanks to her intense combat training with you bulkhead was able to hold her own in his fight with a Decepitcon trooper she engaged with and was able to eliminate them from fight but the Decepitcon Trooper was able to get in a good hit at her causing her to receive an injury from her opponent.

*Ultra-Aid is formerly Team Prime's Human nurse and medical specialist: June Darby and the mother of Jackson 'Jack' Darby.

*Nova-Strike Prime is formerly Team Prime's Human ally Jackson 'Jack' Darby.

*Shadow-Hunter is formerly Jack Darby's childhood friend and High school rival High school: Vince Jones.

*Hardwire is formerly the Human computer expert and hacker: Rafael Esquivel.

*MECH Stands for Mechanical Engineering Cybernetic Humans.