
chapter 77 - Bloodbath!

[E/N: - In this chapter you will find some of the MC's sentences being written <like this>, this will be used during the use of his "Voice of Authority". Anyways that was a heads up because I didn't want to kill the mood of reading down below. Enjoy.]


In the busy streets of Akihabara, where it was the paradise of all anime lovers with the wide arrays of figurines and anime merchandise.

"Black Clover manga is sold out here…"

Within one of the stores, there were two young women. The one that spoke had a long dark-hair and wore a dark turtleneck and navy-blue jeans.

The other one was a gorgeous young woman with short blonde hair and dark eyes. She wore a leather jacket with a red blouse inside and a skinny rip jeans. The woman also wore glasses that gave a certain charm to her image.

"Relax Liliena, I'll ask the staff if they have a copy."

'I need to find one since this is the least, I could do for big brother." [E/D: - Pretty damn sure that you doing kinky stuff with him is more than welcome ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) .] [A/N: dude it's still early but….she does 'play' with herself when her bother is gone. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ]

The young woman reminisced about the sacrifices of her big brother, who had been taking care of her since their mother was in coma. Her brother had always spoiled her, he always let her do as she pleased, yet she did not let this get into her head. This made her try doing jobs without telling her brother, but he always found out and reprimanded her for it.

Liliena once saw her brother alone doing his job all night, which made her heart tighten seeing the person that is so precious to her suffering because of her, but every time he looked at her only a warm smile could be seen on his face, hiding his pain inside.

Many had tried to court her but all were rejected by her saying she needed to focus on studying which in truth was a lie. She tried to hide it, but as her body matured she started to get attracted to the person that she was the closest to.

Regardless of how much she denies it, the truth is that she loves her brother as a man not as a sibling, and she is willing to do everything to make him happy. Liliena always wishes that he wasn't her brother so she can have a chance.

"Liliena, here!"

She snapped out of it and turned to her friend who was holding one of her brother's favorite manga. Liliena immediately went towards her friend looking at the item.

"Told ya I'll find it, you bro-con!"


"Okay okay, calm down jeez hahaha if you're like this I'll really steal him from you. He's single, right?"

"Oh shut up Mary, and stop teasing me!"

"Ah, but you look so adorable when you're all flustered. "

"W-Whatever, thank you anyways let's go buy this."

They both went to the cashier, and thankfully Mary was multilingual and had studied multiple languages. Her family was rich and had few businesses, but they were humble and allowed Mary to go to the school she wants.

She and Liliena has been best friends for a long time. Unlike Liliena, Mary was open about her feelings for Caelum, Liliena's brother. He was totally her type, as he prioritizes his family above all else, even her father approves of such man.

Her father tried offering money to help them but was declined, and Caelum asked for a job instead. Caelum was thick headed at the time focusing on providing for his family on his own and not relying on someone else.

Mary's father respected him and thought about helping them in a discreet way. Of course, he tried fighting the owner of the building where he stayed at but the man had too much influence and he didn't want to risk himself or Mary.

After buying what they needed, both of them went to explore the place. Liliena still had culture shock seeing so many new things but tried to hide it to not make herself look ignorant, since it could be used by scammers.

She turned to see an anime character in one of the stores, it had a man sitting in a chair. He had long wild crimson hair with a third eye on his forehead and wore a dark green overcoat that had omega and alpha on his shoulder.

On his lap was a wooden chain which he rested his arm on, while his knuckle was on his face and behind him was a long katana with a chain at the bottom of the handle. Both of his closed eyes and smug expression seem to be looking down at everything.

Seeing her friend's curious gaze, Mary turned to what she was looking and saw the same drawing and was dumbfounded as she had the same thought as Liliena.

"This character looks exactly like your brother if he was an anime character."

"Y-Yeah. "God of High School", this is the first time I have seen this."

Looking it up on google, Mary was able to find the character. She was shocked at how scarily similar Caelum was to this fictional character.

"Look at this, according to the wiki this character is named Okhwang or The Jade Emperor."

"Jade Emperor? Isn't that a God from China?"

"Yeah, it seems that it's been recently adapted into an anime. Do you want to buy it?"

"Ah, actually why not, it seem that my brother would like it."

They finished their exploration around 7 pm. After which they went for lunch in a local ramen shop. Enjoying their meal they decided to take a picture.

"Come on Liliena, tell me what kind of man do you like."

"Oh Mary, not this again."

Looking at her friend who has drunk a few cans of beer, she couldn't help but sigh. She knew it was a trick question and ignored her.

"Ignoring me eh? Well, I do like your brother to be honest."


Seeing her friend looking serious, she couldn't help but be taken back. She knows when her friend is teasing her but now it was different.

"You like my brother? Well, if that's the case then I approve."

"Hehe…thanks but you know, I'm actually quite jealous of you for having such a wonderful brother. I'm the only child of my family so I don't know the feeling of being spoiled by a sibling…but looking at you and how he treats you makes me jealous."

"Ah…Don't be like that! I'm sure big brother will accept your feelings because I'll make sure of it!"

"Thanks Liliena, but don't lie to yourself I know you're jealous."

Liliena flinched looking at her friend's serious gaze as if she was peering into her soul but stopped as Mary started laughing.

"Fufufuhahaha you should have seen the look on your face!!"

"Jeez Mary, I think you have had enough drinks for today."

"Oh come on, let me drink!"

"NO! This is enough! We are going back to the hotel room!"

"Tch! Alright MOM!"

After finishing their meal and paying for everything, they went back and used a taxi to their hotel. She was a bit tired so she didn't notice the strange smell in the air.

She woke up with dizziness and headache, her eyes bulged as she was in a room where many women were held captive, with their hands being tied with ropes. She immediately tried to look for her friend but she wasn't in the room. The room was in a hotel or some sort of inn, with blinds blocking the window not letting her know where she was.

"Today's stock has many lovely ones hehe!"

She turned to see a disgusting man wearing an unbuttoned white shirt and dark pants with fancy shoes. The man wore a lot of jewelry and necklaces making him look like a kingpin.

"Oh, what a pretty face you have."

The man grinned looking at Liliena who remained calm, trying to find a way out or getting as much information as possible.

"Hahaha you don't seem scared huh? Oh, wait you don't seem to understand me, don't ya?"

The man was speaking Japanese, so Liliena didn't understand any word he was saying. This made the man grin even more because he likes to break the brave ones.

"You're looking for your friend? She's here, but surely my boss will be enjoying her soon."

Speaking in English, Liliena eyes widened from the shock, fearing for what her friend's fate was. She tried to move but both her hands and feet were tied while her mouth was shut with tape.

"Oh, how wonderful seeing how you still have a brave face despite the situation. I will surely enjoy breaking your mind."

The man was gradually approaching her while unbuckling his pants, which made her terrified at what is about to happen and looked at the other captured women who were shaking in fear.

"You lot will be next, after I break her."

She was extremely sad and afraid, not because her purity was about to be taken but because she couldn't give to the person she loved, the person that went beyond his limits for her, asking nothing in return.

"Now then, spread your legs!"


She closed her eyes waiting for the inevitable, yet nothing happened. She looked at the man who couldn't move or speak. Liliena turned to see a man behind him that she knew too well.

"I did not expect that an insect would dare to touch my sister."

His voice was devoid of emotion as the disgusting man felt his chances of having blissful life was no more as only eternal hell awaits him. [E/N: - Dude got some future sight there I tell ya.]

Caelum immediately moved towards his sister while making the occupants fall asleep. He snapped his fingers, removing the ties and instantly hugging her tightly while carrying her.

"Don't worry Liliena, big brother is here."

Liliena who was so frightened that she didn't even notice the supernatural things that happened, hugged her brother tightly as tears began to fall.

"Brother!!! Waaaah!!"

Hearing his sister shed tears to crying her hearts out made the air turn colds as shadows began to emerge while his eyes opened. His most loyal shadows and servants appeared behind him.


Uttering a single word, the shadows began to envelop the whole place as hundreds of shadow soldiers emerged shocking the gangsters outside. He lifted his sister in a princess carry and felt his sister's hug tighten even more.

"Sleep for a while Liliena, your big brother will beat up the bad guys for you."

His sister turned to look at her brother who seems so surreal that she thought it was a dream, and without hesitation their lips collided, surprising Caelum.

Caelum was too stunned that the kiss lasted for a minute until he saw Liliena's passionate gaze that slowly dozed off.

"Ah…This is unexpected but for now."


"Sakuya, can you send my sister back to her hotel and make sure she's safe."

"Of course, Caelum-sama."

"Thank you Sakuya, I don't want her to witness what is about to happened."

He gave the unconscious Liliena to Sakuya while giving her a tender kiss and telling her that she will be rewarded, which made her blush knowing what that "reward" was.

Being alone, his rage truly enveloped the whole place, as Caelum's face was becoming distorted with countless eyes and sharp teeth appearing all over his body.

<No one shall escape and no one shall die, only eternal suffering.>

A voice that seems to come from the depth of hell was heard by all the residents of the place, it sent chills down the souls of both gangsters and the shadow soldiers alike, it was their first time seeing their king being enraged. They still continued as the gangsters were busy defending themselves from the countless shadow knights that were slicing their bodies.

All of them were surprised at the fact that they weren't dying which gave them hope but then realized that regardless of how much struggle they did, only endless suffering was awaiting them.

Back at Caelum, he teleported towards someone he knew and saw a blonde woman that was about to be defiled by a fat teenage pig. The pig turned to look at him with rage.

"Who are you?! How dare you interrupt me and enter without my permission!! Guards! Kill this bastard!!"

Caelum slowly moved towards the fat pig as the pressure he was emitting increased, making the pig fall from his bed, revealing an unconscious blonde woman.

"ARGH!! Y-You!! Guards, help me!!"

He tried to scream for help but no one came as Caelum stood in front him and looked at him with an emotionless gaze.

<Reverse, Erase and Heal>

The unconscious blonde woman's clothes reverted back to normal. Caelum looked at the blonde woman and held her body tightly while speaking warmly.

"I know and I'm sorry for being late…"

[E/N: - I know this part may be confusing but no she was not touched and only her clothes were damaged and he just fixed her clothes, removed the drug from her body then healed her. Anyways I gotta say, fuck you Cure that shit was bad for my heart while editing…..] [A/N:...😐]

Behind him appeared a clone, it went to the fat pig who gave a look of disdain to Caelum. He then crouched down to look at the fat pig, then held him by the hair while giving a neutral smile.

"Tell me, how much time does a person need to faint from pain?"

He then grabbed the fat pig's hands then broke one finger, making sure it was in the most painful way. Caelum had full knowledge of the medical field which made his torture beyond cruel.


"That's one down, nineteen more to go."

Breaking every single finger made the fat pig fall in utter despair, then his fingers were healed but the pain remained. When he was about to faint, his consciousness was called back.

"Oh, it would be troublesome if you faint so early from our little game."

<You can't faint, you can't go crazy or lose your mind, you can never adapt or get used to the pain, the pain shall remain and stack regardless of how many times you are healed, every time you feel pain you will feel it as the first time experiencing it in your entire life, you will only feel endless suffering.>

"Now then, shall we continue?"

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