
Transcending Fate: The journey of Senju Hiroto

In the world of Naruto, Tony finds himself transmigrated as Senju Hiroto, a last pure blooded descendant from the esteemed Senju clan. Tony's ultimate goal extends beyond simply surviving in this new realm. Armed with his knowledge of future events, he endeavors to change the course of history and prevent the tragedies and losses he knows are impending. He aims to become the most powerful Ninja in the whole world. Using his knowledge of future events, Tony, now known as Senju Hiroto, sets out on a mission to alter the course of history in the Naruto world. As a last pure-blooded descendant of the powerful Senju clan, Tony understands the impact his actions can have on the future of the shinobi world. However, Tony soon realizes that his actions are not without consequences. A ripple effect begins to take shape, and the future becomes increasingly uncertain. Tony ventures into the unknown, prepared to face whatever challenges come his way, in a quest to create a brighter future for the Naruto world. __________________________________________ I had written a same fanfiction in the past based on the same plot where the MC is a Senju. However it was not up to the standard, so I scrapped the old one and Now I am writing a new one. Hope you guys would enjoy reading this one. I own nothing except my main character. Also the cover is not mine and if you want me to remove it, then it would be done. __________________________________________ For 5+ advance chapters visit my patreon. patreon.com/StoryTeller229

Story_Teller_229 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

7 Wood Release Techniques

'.....'= Thoughts

"....."= Conversations


"Gramps, what are you doing here?" Hiroto asked.

"Well, I have brought good news for you. Having awakened your wood release, you may be able to slowly grasp it in the near future without the help of any jutsus. However, it would take a lot of time. Here," he said while giving Hiroto a storage scroll. "We don't have many of the Wood Release jutsus that the First Hokage used back then, however, these might be of some help," he continued while hinting towards the storage scroll.

'Is this what I think it is...,' Without wasting any time, he opened the storage scroll.

He was pleased to find out that the scroll contained the jutsus used by Hashirama.

"Thanks, Gramps," he shouted happily.

"Take a good look and practice them properly. I will leave for now as I am busy," Hiruzen said and disappeared.

'So it was a clone,' Hiroto thought and then focused on the jutsu scrolls in his hands, going through them one by one.

Wood Clone Technique (Rank D)

A clone that is created by altering the user's own cells with chakra. It has more endurance than the normal Shadow Clones and doesn't disappear when hit by the enemies' attacks. Moreover, since it has the ability to merge with plants and trees, it is also great for reconnaissance missions. They have the ability to travel far distances from the user and are able to communicate with the original. The clones can be as simple in function as a wooden dummy for use in the Body Replacement Technique.

Tree Limb Technique (Rank C technique)

The user summons forth five thick tree roots from the ground. These roots can then be used to shelter, shield, or impale, depending on the user's whim. Unfortunately, they don't stretch too far.

Dense Woodland Wall (Rank C technique)

The user creates countless wooden branches that grow at high speed from the ground. The wood interlaces to form a wide, net-like wall with an impressive defensive power. Just keep in mind its elemental weakness.

Wood Barrier Technique (Rank C technique)

The user performs the necessary hand signs, causing beams of wood to emerge from the ground. The beams then converge on one another to form a half spherical barrier to deflect an incoming blast.

Great Forest Technique (Rank B technique)

A technique that changes one's own arm into big trees. Using chakra, the tissues are transformed into trees at the cellular level. Then, by activating the trees, stimulating them to grow rapidly, they lengthen at high speed and fork into many branches. It is possible to capture the enemy with these branches and at the same time, if one changes the ends into sharp stakes, turn them into countless, sharp, spear-like piercing weapons.

Four Pillar Home Technique (Rank B technique)

By sending chakra into the ground, the roots of the plants are converted into raw materials. This technique allows for a building to be constructed, by forcing accelerated growth. Just like with the Four Pillar Prison Technique, the size and shape of the building are taken from the user's imagination or memories.

Although Hiroto was not too impressed by these techniques, as most of them were C and D rank while the other two were B rank, it was still better than nothing.

The technique Hiroto was most thankful for was the Wood Clone technique. Using this technique would allow his training to progress more quickly and efficiently, making it a better alternative to the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Hiroto started his training again, focusing on practicing the Wood Release jutsus he had received from Hiruzen.

Hiroto had no idea if anyone was spying on him as he trained.

'If only I had the Sage Mode, I would be able to detect if anyone was spying on me,' Hiroto sighed, unsure when he would be able to learn the Sage Mode. Hiroto could try to learn it on his own, as he had watched the 'Naruto' Anime in his previous life, but he was too young and learning it without supervision would be too risky.

Of course, he was not afraid of taking risks, but being reckless and overly confident without any foundation to rely on was not his style.

As for the spying, he decided to ignore it completely. He was not going to stop training the Wood Release just because someone was spying on him. That was now Hiruzen's problem to handle, as Hiroto had already informed him about the Wood Release.

Hiroto focused on mastering the Wood Clone Jutsu and began training for it.

He started by channeling his chakra and forming hand seals, directing his energy towards molding and manipulating his chakra in the specific manner outlined in the scroll. He concentrated on creating a clone consisting entirely of wood, picturing its appearance and structure in his mind.

As he completed the required hand seals, he felt his chakra surge and release into the world around him. He opened his eyes to see a wooden replica of himself standing next to him. The wood clone mirrored his movements perfectly, a testament to Hiroto's concentration and control.

Feeling satisfied with his progress, Hiroto decided to put his wood clone to the test. He ordered the clone to perform a few basic actions, such as walking, running, and throwing a kunai. The wood clone executed each action flawlessly, proving its effectiveness as a training tool.

Hiroto continued to practice the Wood Clone Jutsu, pushing himself to create stronger and more realistic clones. He challenged himself to make the clones more durable and proficient in combat. Just now he was merely training with one wood clone as he was new to the use of this jutsu.

He was able to create a maximum of 5 wood ones, because of the limit of the technique, as it was only a Rank D technique.

Creating these five wood clones was nothing to Hiroto who had vast amounts of chakra.

Hiroto continued his training in the Wood Clone technique, trying to increase his mastery over it.


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