
Traitor of the pack

katerinamattone · Histoire
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2 Chs


Wendelin writes

Yesterday I was in the office late at night, writing down new findings from everything possible, from the state of supplies through the number of prisoners to the number of conquered and lost territories in the last week. At any moment, however, I look at the heavy oak door leading up the spiral staircase to the dungeon. There are a total of twenty cells, ten on each side of a dark corridor illuminated by torchlight. And the girl is sitting right under me in the cell. I think her name starts with "F". It was shortly after midnight as I lay down on the bed with thoughts of tomorrow's idleness.

In the morning I was awakened by a commotion in the courtyard. Great, just one day a year when I can sleep longer. My mood did not improve, even when I found out we were going hunting, and the king lifted my punishment, that is, a ban on entering the stable. Not that it wouldn't make me happy. The reason bothered me. The girl managed to slip through the entire guard unit in some mysterious way and escape from the fortress. The king himself came to tell me. He only does it when ... No, I don't dare think about it. I can not. I loved her too much for that. And her eyes ... If that happens ... No, it can't. I would never forgive myself for that.

We prepared on the path. The king headed beside his friend. And the whole party set out, along with the royal dogs. I wish I never met her. I wish I had never heard her speak in that melodious, ringing voice. I wish I never touched her raven hair, which curls around her face like a ball of snakes. I wish I never looked her in the eye. Into those icy blue eyes, so deep they could drown in them. I've seen a lot of girls before. Why did this one charm me so much?

We've been chasing the one I loved so much for a long time. I tried to think of other things that amused me, but I couldn't. Memories of her were always mixed in. At the same time, I wondered, how had she managed to get so far in such a blizzard? Then we reached a rocky crossroads. There are two roads, right and left. There's a forest behind both. At first glance, it may not seem to matter which way you go, because the forest looks the same. But the opposite is true. There's a rock wall between the woods. The dogs stopped and tailed off. And they gulped unhappily.. Why did she go left? True, in such a flurry one can easily mistake one's way. Or overlook the warning..

I felt sorry for her, though I should be angry with her. It was clear to me that the King would not ignore the fact that I was in charge of her at the time. Probably a torture chamber waiting for me at best. Worse, it'll be an execution. The thought gave me a chilling satisfaction. If that's the only way to save her, I'd be happy to accept it. Although.... Is this really the only way?

A crazy thought came to me. Couldn't I disguise her as a soldier and send her off to war? Yes, she might lose her life in the process, but she might as well drop her armor and go free. I'd have to ask her first. Would she even agree? It occurred to me as I turned my beloved brown horse and urged him into a gallop. I don't really know anything about her. "Follow her! Don't let her get away!"brought me the wind jerkily. With that we rode onto a path covered with a thick layer of snow that muffled the landings on the ice below.

There was a shrill howl from somewhere. The king signaled for us to slow down. I think most of them were thinking the same thing I was thinking. wolf here What's going on here? There never were any. So where did they come from? Below me, the horse tossed its head nervously. "Peace,"I reassured him. "It'll be fine."

Slowly we approached the cave, which everyone in their right minds avoids. I hope she didn't run in! You couldn't really see it in the snow, but I could tell we were about to. The archers laid arrows. The soldiers drew their swords. The cave was already in range. Everyone was ready. Just waiting for the King's signal.

Then the king's friend pointed to a figure slumped in a drift. I recognized her immediately. Her black hair shone on the white snow like a moon in the sky. "Prrrr!"The girl opened her eyes. "Francesca Jessica Thompson!"The king cried. I was overwhelmed with despair and helplessness. She looked at me. And then she fainted.

The soldiers laid down their weapons, but the archers were still ready to fire. I watched the guards approach her cautiously. The soldier who had reached her first was carefully testing her for awakening. discuss There was a low growl from the cave. The dogs whimpered. I looked in that direction. There was a wolf pack at the entrance. The soldiers looked up at the girl, startled. When they tried to tie her up, they snapped. Like they mind being so close to her. I didn't even like it.

The first soldier drew his sword and looked at the king. The King nodded. I knew what this signal meant. I couldn't stand to look anymore. "No!"I cried out and dismounted. The soldier with the sword stopped in mid-motion. I could feel everyone watching me blankly. I hurried to her side and didn't care about anything else. I had no regard for either the angry pack capable of attacking at any time or the risk posed by the armed company.

I took her in my arms and carried her to my horse. I draped it carefully over the saddle. The King looked at me. There was a look of surprise in his eyes, but he recovered instantly. "Check in with the general tonight."I vaulted into the saddle to my beloved, and the king gave the go, and we all urged our steeds. I wasn't comfortable, but it was a tax I didn't mind paying. Only when he's alive. meantime I touched her hair. There was a howl. I looked back. The wolves were chasing us. "Faster!"I urged my bay horse on furiously.

At the fork I sighed with a grin and shook my head. She was so close to freedom. How far away he is from her now. At the edge of the forest we looked back. The pack stood by the woods, no longer following us into the meadow. We stopped. t a lot of hours because we returned shortly before noon and now it was completely dark.

She opened her eyes. They remind me of a frozen lake. Ice on top, deep as the ocean below. She licked her cracked lips. look around Her gaze stopped at me. She stared into my eyes. I tried to look away at one of the stone walls, but I couldn't. I was hot. I tried to look back at her, but after many unsuccessful attempts I gave up. I just stared at her. For the first time, I thought about how dangerous she was. She turned her head to one side and looked at the door, which was still open. "Go."

I had a lot of questions to ask her, but her tone was unrelenting. "Go.", she said, and it sounded a little threatening. I left the cell in a hurry. I was on my way out when I turned around and took a step back. "I'll be back."I whispered into the silence and went to my office. I sat down in my chair, but after a while I jumped out of it again, as if it were littered with embers. I turned and looked up at the sky full of bright little dots. I felt her silky hair on my hands. I looked at them as if they were there, but they weren't there. I was content to know I was dreaming. Suddenly the door creaked and someone behind me cleared his throat. I recognized him as one of the newcomers, the boy who was my errand boy. "Well?"I asked him, not pleasantly. "The general wishes to speak with you, sir."I nodded, got my cloak, and walked out the door. I left the uncomprehending messenger in the room and hurried to the barracks.

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