
Red Pupils

Justin's P.O.V

The event was going on well... for now. We were in the VIP Section of the stadium and I was sitting right beside Lisa.

"Don't be tensed, you're going to smash it!" She encouraged.

"Thanks," I said and smiled. Some minutes after, some guy walked up to me and told me that I was going to have to follow him backstage to put on some slight make-up before I appear in the ring for my speech.

"Good luck." Lisa and her mum chorused.

"Thank you." I replied and followed the guy. I swear, I didn't know what I was going to say when I get up there. I had a bad feeling that if I got up there, I was just going to tell everyone how their superstar; Luis Baxter killed both my parents and how John Coyde was the mastermind behind the whole scheme.

He took me backstage alright, but there was something fishy about the man... the way he behaved and all but notwithstanding I followed him.

He was taking me to my dad's dressing room where I would meet the make-up guy.

We got to the room and I saw the guy, probably waiting for me. I was directed to one of the chairs in front of the mirror and I sat down there. Then the guy that led me there, left.

The make-up guy started on my hair. Then he started talking to me. "I heard about what happened to you and I'm very sorry about it." He said in an appealing manner.

"Thanks... but I feel its something everyone's going to face in life anyway... losing their loved ones." I replied casually.

We kept talking and he kept working then he said, "Close your eyes, I want to apply powder on your face."

I don't know why I trusted him but I obediently closed my eyes and before I knew what was going on, he put some hooped ropes around me and tied my hands at my back.

"What are you doing?" I asked and he didn't reply. He just looked at me with an evil smile.

I started struggling to get free from the ropes but it was fruitless. He tied it too tightly for me to escape.

'I was tricked,' I thought minutes after realizing what was going on. I was sure he was one of John Coyde's wasted pawns. What does he want from me?

The door was opened and some men walked in. They were all holding guns, they had come for me alone. I felt like some kind of bad ass super villain!

This was familiar, it was like what happened in that dream, they took the same curved formation, pointing their guns right at my handsome face. Seriously?

He tied my mouth with a white cloth, then he brought out his own pistol and a taser.

"Justin Cole," he said with a deep, evil voice. "You thought you could escape death, right?... Well, think again." His eyes were piercing my soul. I couldn't believe I was dumb enough to trust an asshole like this guy just because he was nice to me, now he's just turned out to be a real bastard!

I didn't know what to do. I was stuck, trapped, whatever you'd call it. This was another of Coyde's plans and I had no idea of how I was going to escape this.

"I'm going to kill you in a very painful way." He added wickedly.

I was in need of my powers and I didn't know if there was a way I could use them without my hands. The man walked around my chair saying things about my dad, things that really got on my nerves.

Is this how I'm going to end? No way! I had to think of a way out of this situation and my telekinesis was the only way out.

The fake make-up artiste or, let me say, the assassin, was coming towards me, step by step, with the taser in his hand. I was so scared, I couldn't even think straight.

'Focus,' I thought as I tried my best to focus on getting the men floating and in my control.

He was just about to stab the taser through my jugular vein when I felt some sort of magnetic connection between all the men and I. Then they started levitating. They looked both scared and confused but I just smiled at them.

I used the telekinesis to drag a dagger from the pocket of the make-up guy and used it to cut the rope that was tying me then I removed the white cloth from my face. Again, they all looked at me with their faces bearing hopelessness. They couldn't even move.

I was so confused about what to do next. If I freed them and didn't kill them, they'll all tell the news that their 'target' had superpowers, which was going to blow my cover.

But killing them wasn't going to help me. I never wanted to be a serial killer, I'm just a young boy with superpowers who is haunted by a deadly man and wants to go back to living a normal life. But one part of me disagreed with that. It made me think it was mere self-defense.

And it also made me hungry for more and more violence. I locked the door with the telekinesis and put the key into my pocket. Then I freed them and they all fell to the ground. Now it was time for me to pour all my anger on these bastards!

They hadn't recovered from the shock yet when they all started firing at me. To my expectation and to their surprise, the bullets all just fell on the ground when they got close to me. I smirked in victory.

I beat the first one to a pulp then I took his gun and shot him through his heart. I fought the second one and when I pinned him, I shot him in his head.

The remaining six of them came rushing towards me with their knives and daggers but I shot them all in different parts of their body. It was brutal... I was brutal!

All of them were dead, except the one that made me up. He was leaning on the wall and watching me. He applauded "Bravo!... It seems you learnt from your father, the greatest fighter in history." Then he laughed, "That's cos he's history!" I looked at him with so much anger and annoyance. I was wondering why he didn't look scared at all.

I dropped the gun I was holding and he dropped the one he was holding. He advanced towards me and I advanced towards him swiftly. He looked very fierce.

He tried punching me many times but every time he tried, I blocked them. I seriously have no idea where these combat skills came from. I punched him very hard in the face and he staggered back. Then I kicked him below the belt and he winced in pain and fell on his knees.

"You said you were going to make me have a painful death right?..." I recounted. Well, now it's the exact opposite."

"Now tell me who the fuck sent you before I make you end up like the rest of his men!" I commanded outrageously even though I knew I was lying. There was no way I was going to let him go.

I had thought he was going to be hardheaded like Luis but he proved me wrong. "It was the same man that killed your parents; John Coyde." He said, dramatically.

"Typical!... Why does he want me dead???" I asked him as he was still kneeling on the floor, weak.

"Maybe you should ask your dad." In a split second, he sprang up with a dagger in his hand. He was trying to stab my chest.

I don't know how it happened but the next thing I saw was the fake make-up guy on the ground with the dagger in the left part of his chest bleeding profusely. They'll always try to be smart. Stupid!

"I didn't want to kill you but you decided you were going to do it yourself." I said as I smashed his head into the mirror I was using before with the telekinesis.

He lay lifeless, almost. He was still breathing but bleeding profusely.

"When you see Coyde, tell him I said hi"

"Have mercy. I have five kids... who's going to take care of them?" He said in a muffled voice.

"Awwwn! That's pathetic." I said sarcastically. "You've got five children, but you want to kill someone's only child... Go to hell!" I yelled and then shot him dead.

I walked slowly, amidst all the blood, bullets and dead bodies to the broken mirror. It was designed with blood from the make-up guy's face and was shattered to pieces. Only a few pieces were still hanging.

I looked into he mirror and there was something unusual about my look; The pupils of my eyes were glowing red, I don't know why. I looked so evil.

After some seconds, I saw it change back to the normal color; black and I looked normal again. I felt very different from how I did when I was fighting. I couldn't even believe I was the one that did all that killing.

I unlocked the door and I went out. Then I locked it back, with the key so at least the WWE security wouldn't find out... at least not now.


"Lets leave this place!" I said to Bob, Mirabel and Lisa as I got to them. They were definitely confused about why I came to them and didn't appear on stage. "Lets just get out of here... I'll explain later." I promised.

I guess they saw how serious I was so, they got up and we all left.

It wasn't long after we left that I saw a car through the rear-view mirror, following us. No one else in the car but me saw them... I think.

They were very far but I could see them clearly even though it was dark. I saw someone in the front seat of the car bring a large gun out of the window of the car then he aimed it at our car.

I turned back sharply and threw them off the road with the telekinesis then I heard a faint 'boom,'... I think the car exploded.

I sighed deeply and hoped no one in the car saw what just happened. Well, I was extremely happy I didn't make that speech cos I was surely going to mess up.

No one spoke in the car and I was very sure Bob was waiting till we got home for my 'explanation' and I had nothing to say. Damn it!