
His Guardian Angel.

Lisa's P.O.V

It was Tuesday night and I had mustered enough courage to ask Justin the question I wanted to yesterday. But I still had a truckload of assignments to do since I was watching TV in the afternoon.

I began with them and some hours later, I was done with it. I was pretty sure that Justin was still awake because it was just 11:30.

And so, I stood up and left my room quietly. It was bright in the hall, so bright that a maid from downstairs could easily sight me. I stood in front of Justin's door for several minutes, rehearsing on how I was going to approach him and say what I wanted to. I don't know why but I never felt so nervous talking to a guy, especially not Justin... but here I was- playing aimlessly with my fingers because I was nervous.

Here's my simple plan; I'll go into his room and ask him politely if we could go and sit on the roof of that school we sat on on Sunday. It was the most serene and romantic environment I could possibly think of.

If he says yes, we'll go there. It'll be cool seeing him using his powers to float over to that place. And then we'll just talk... about anything. When I perceive it's the rightest time, I'll confess my feelings to him. Easy right? Actually... it's pretty difficult. I can't believe I fell for a guy in less than two months. Why is he so good looking and so... my type??

And then I'll tell him that he'll have to choose between Anastasia and me. It's going to be an uncomfortable moment and a hard question to answer but I wasn't going to let him keep playing with both our feelings and making me have resentful feelings for my best friend. Firstly, he takes Anastasia for the 'most magical date of her life' and then he kisses me?

It made me sort of feel like he was using us, but what was he going to gain from doing that?

I felt like I should knock, but why should I? When we are already like siblings... probably till I tell him the feelings I have for him.

I was going to go in in five seconds.

'5..., 4..., 3..., 2..., 1.'


I opened the door abruptly and with the aid of the light from the passage... I saw something like the silhouette of a person standing close to Justin's bed and holding a dagger in the air, which was aimed for the bed- or something on the bed.

Instinctively, I yelled "Don't!" and the most unbelievable thing happened.

Writer's P.O.V

A stream of a bluish substance got spewed out of Lisa's mouth and poured on the man's body. Immediately it landed on him, it solidified.

The fossilized man fell on the ground with a loud thud, making Justin wake up immediately.

"Lisa, what are you doing in my..." He started but paused when he saw the ice enveloped man on the floor. He looked distraught when he saw it.

"What's going on Lisa?" He asked with a voice that was filled with dread.

Justin's P.O.V

I froze when I saw Lisa standing in my room, with the door open. And when I saw a man, totally covered with hard ice, lying on the floor, beside my bed... I thought I was going to faint because of shock.

The man was holding a dagger up- in a posture which indicated that he was about to stab something. He was wearing nothing but black, and I wouldn't have seen him if not for the light coming from the passage.

Lisa was standing like she was stuck to the spot she was on... and looking at the iced man in despair.

"What's going on, Lisa?" I asked. There was hardly going to be any explanation for all this, but I still asked.

"I don't know..." She said in between series of pants. "I just came into your room and saw..." She paused when she heard the creaking of a door. She was startled and I was too.

'It's either Bob or Mirabel.' I thought to myself. Who won't wake up when they hear someone in their house yelling 'don't' in the middle of the night?

"I think it'll be better if you went to your room now." I suggested, whispering and trying to be as polite as possible.

She took off and closed my room door gently and then she went into hers. Her parents stayed on the floor below us, so it was going to take some time for them to get to our rooms.

I pushed the frozen body under my bed quickly and then lay down pretending to be sleeping.

Lisa's P.O.V

Moments after I had left Justin's room to mine... mom came in. I heard Justin's room door open too. It was probably dad that went to check up on him.

"Lisa... are you okay?" She asked caringly.

"Yes, I am" I said to her... trying to conceal the shock from the incident that just occurred from my voice. She put on the light and peered at my face for some time.

"You sure?" She asked, closed the door behind her and came to sit on my bed. "... then why did you yell 'don't!'" She asked. I didn't know what to say about that.

"It was just a dream." I lied. I got that one from Justin. (the yelling in dreams part.)

"Oh wow... a dream. What was it about?"

I moaned. "Mum... can I tell you tomorrow morning?" I paused. "I really got to sleep."

"Okay sweetie." She said and pecked me on my forehead. "Pray before you sleep."

"Thank you." I said and smiled. "Goodnight!"

"Goodnight." She said, switched off the lights and left the room.

I couldn't sleep after what happened... so many thoughts were lingering in my mind; what did I just do to that man... how did I do it... how will we get rid of him... who was the man... why did he want to stab Justin??? I thought my head will explode because of the pressure.

Now I wasn't even thinking about how I was going to make Justin choose between Lisa and me anymore.

I just stared at the ceiling, somehow wishing that that will answer all my questions though I was aware it wouldn't.

Justin's P.O.V

I knew when Bob came and stood by my door for some minutes. He had probably come to check if I was alright. But I still kept on with the pretense. It was better for me to pretend than to be faced with a lot of questions that I couldn't answer except by lying.

The iced man was still under my bed and I just hope Bob didn't see him.

J.C had struck again! That was what happened. I thought he used to space his attacks... why this?

I thanked my stars that Lisa came in at the right time... though I didn't know what she was doing in my room. Maybe she was my guardian angel after all. If she hadn't come at that time, the man would have probably been done stabbing me and leaving me to bleed to death, consequently helping J.C to achieve his 'life's mission.'

I felt trapped... couldn't believe that I was was never safe anywhere because of that bastard! It was exasperating! He attacked me after a date, he attacked me even at my parents' burial... did he have any empathy in him at all?... and now he's attacking me in my sleep. This is torture! So now, I wouldn't be able to sleep with both eyes closed?!! What the actual f***!!

I had to thank Lisa profusely for saving my life. I never knew that Lisa had powers, and she probably never did too. I was just waiting to hear the incredible story that led to Lisa having ice powers. But it was pretty cool that she did.

We had to do something about the man's body, but I couldn't think of what. It was still under my bed. All I knew was that I was not going to kill him... especially not in Lisa's presence.

About fifteen minutes after Bob left my room, I texted Lisa to come meet me. There was no doubt that she was awake.