
Finally Saturday

Justin's P.O.V

I couldn't believe that I let her have her first kill. Like; what the f*ck? I told her to wait for me. Why didn't she just do as I said?

I felt so damn useless. And she was probably going to want to kill more people because as I had said before, once you've had your first kill, you won't want to stop. Killing won't feel so wrong to you anymore. I really wish I could turn back time to the point when she killed him and stop her. Ugh!

And after it all, she just came and kissed me. Was it a way of saying 'Sorry for not listening to you though I saved your ass'? If that was what she meant… I wasn't going to accept her apology.

And she didn't save my ass. I'm a hundred percent sure that right now, she feels like some hero; like she's my guardian angel or something. I'm sure I would have saved myself if she hadn't come.

Plus, the new superpower was just so crazy. It was as if anytime I encountered new villains, I always discover a new superpower. What really am I? I really wish dad were here to answer that question.

Also, when I squatted to observe that monster guy, I saw it again—that crocodile tattoo on his neck. It was the same tattoo that I saw on that kidnapper whose neck I had snapped, the exact same thing; a crocodile eating a man. It wasn't Lacoste though. It looked a lot more realistic and more spectacular than that. And it was on the three dead men's necks.

The coincidence came to me as a shock but somehow, I expected it. Maybe it was my cosmic reason for having this telekinesis that I love and at the same time, dread.

I was guessing they were like some kind of team of assassins just like the League of Assassins, only difference being that they had really weird supernatural abilities like that crocodile man.

I felt satisfied that I had finally found my calling and I hoped that maybe when I'm done killing all of them, the superpower would leave me for good. But something in me told me otherwise; that I was stuck with them forever.


Alan and I had gone shopping on Friday afternoon to get something I was going to give Anastasia on Saturday. Even though he claimed he hated shopping, I coerced him. And guess what… we came out of the mall with almost half of the stuff inside. Bill's on me though.

He never spoke to me about Lisa but for some reason, I was certain that had feelings for her. It was written everywhere on his face. Anyway, I promised him, though I didn't actually tell him anything; that I was going to make it work no matter what! Damn, that's such a big thing. Thank goodness I didn't say it out loud.


The Saturday finally came and anytime I thought about asking Anastasia to be my girlfriend, I felt my heart skip a beat. Damn, I never thought it'd be that scary.

Lisa and I read together till one and then we went to play FIFA. By seven, I went to take a shower. When I was done, I put on a pair of grey chinos trousers, a red shirt and a black leather jacket. Then I wore dark blue sneakers.

I looked into the mirror but something wasn't right; it was the jacket. I pulled it off and then looked into the mirror again. I looked perfect! I brushed my hair and wore perfume then I went downstairs.

I went to join Mirabel in the kitchen but she said I shouldn't bother since I was all dressed up and also, Lisa and Julie were already with her. So I went to the parlor and began watching TV. I wasn't really concentrating on what I was watching. All that was on my mind was Anastasia. I felt so damn nervous. Why was I feeling so nervous?

After a long thirty minutes of watching TV, I heard the silent hum of a vehicle driving into our compound. I walked to the door and waited; taking deep breaths just to ease my tension. Then, they finally came; the knocks. I took a couple more deep breaths and opened the door.

She was standing in front of me, wearing a gown and strapped wedges. The silver gown she wore looked so beautiful on her. It was as if it was made just for her. It even shone under the moonlight. I wondered how this badly dressed teenager could be the date of this moon goddess.

I was so trapped in her emerald green eyes.

I didn't know what to say. Hi, you can come inside or you look pretty. I just couldn't decide.

"Hey!" She greeted.

"You look so beautiful," I complimented, muttering. I didn't know where all my words disappeared to.

"Thanks" She said. "You look really handsome too." Damn, she smelt so good.

"Me? Thanks." I think I blushed slightly. It was kind of awkward just staring at my date and trying to make small talk. Pathetic!

Luckily, Lisa came from the kitchen. "Oh Staci, you're finally here! He's been waiting impatiently for you for the past thirty minutes." She teased and smiled at me. I smiled back.

"How are you?" she asked and Anastasia replied. They exchanged pleasantries, hugged and she bade us goodbye. She made it seem like I was going to die or something.

I could tell that she wasn't happy that she couldn't attend the party. She was a pretty good actress but she just couldn't conceal it from me no matter how much she tried.

From nowhere, Bob and Mirabel came to the door we were all standing by. Damn, why didn't we leave a long time ago? And it was so wrong that we were all standing. If I had known this would happen the least I would've done would've been to invite her in.

They greeted and there was no need for introductions since they already knew her as Lisa's best friend.

"Goodnight son. Make sure you take care of the lady!" Bob called out and winked at me as we were walking down the stairs, heading towards the black Rolls Royce parked in front of the house. For the third time, I felt so freaking awkward! Like, why the hell were they behaving like we were going on our honeymoon or something? It was just a freaking Birthday Party!

We hopped into the back seat of the car and the chauffeur who was wearing a black suit and looked so corporate, sped off.

But one question bugged me so much; was JC aware that all this was happening??

If he was aware, it wouldn't be happening at all. I know he's against everything that I'm involved. He'll never let me take his daughter out because he should be scared that I could kill her anytime. God… that sounded so wrong. I can't ever do anything to hurt Anastasia let alone kill her.

So, I'm guessing she lied to him. That's the only logical reason I would be going out with her.

I can vividly remember our first date in the cinema. After I dropped her back home and he sent his brainless goons to attack me.

What if it was another scheme of his??

'Nah… Anastasia can never be part of such!' I assured myself.

I turned to look at Anastasia but all she was doing was looking through the tinted windows. It was so silent, I asked the chauffeur to play some music but even at that, she kept on staring outside, pondering over something God knows. I didn't want to disturb her so I just took out my phone and began playing Shadow Fight 3. I hoped that wasn't how she was going to behave when we finally got to the party. It was so unlike her.

Before long, we arrived at a very large skyscraper; Sanchez Hotel. I had seen it numerous times when going to the arcade but I had never been this close to it. It was enormous.

Everything on and around the building was lit up and all it screamed was beauty.

I got out of the car and helped the pondering Anastasia out. Then the chauffeur drove off.

"He's going to come back, right?" I asked.

"Sure… by 10:30. By then the party will be over." We walked to the entrance of the building and encountered two muscular bouncers there. Okay, let me get this straight—how freaking rich are Cindy's parents to be able to pull this off just for her birthday party. Like; it's crazy!

One of them asked politely for our names and Anastasia told him. Then he checked through a really long list which I guess was the list of invitees, for our names. When he found them, he let us in.

Juice Wrld's voice boomed throughout the place and I saw many people from school and other people I was seeing for the first time, in the party. She must be hella popular.

The song was soon changed to a slow one and many couples stepped onto the dance floor, slow dancing.

"Would you be so kind to have a dance with me, milady?" I asked.


We stepped on the dance floor and slow danced amidst the others. I held on to her tightly and followed her steps. I had never slow danced with anyone in my life so following her steps helped me get a hang of it. I looked into her beautiful eyes and we got lost in each other's eyes. She was just perfect. And it felt so right being with her. Nothing ever felt righter.

We were so lost, when the other couples left the floor, we still remained, slow dancing.

"I think we should go now, they're staring at us." She whispered.

We left the floor and headed to the table Cindy and Alan were at. We wished Cindy a happy birthday and greeted Alan. One look into his eyes and I sensed that he wasn't interested in her anymore. Why did he get himself into this ditch in the first place?

"You came at the right time." Cindy said, a little tipsy. "We were about to eat. You should join us." She suggested.

No matter how much we tried to decline, Cindy's mind was unchangeable.

We got tired of trying and just decided to eat with them. It wasn't going to kill us. The waiter came and served their food and asked us what we wanted.

When he was gone, she asked in hushed tones; "You don't drink, do you?" She looked at me suspiciously.

"I don't." I replied.


The waiter served us, we ate just a little and left to grab some more punch from the counter.

"Follow me." She said. "I want to show you a very special place, just for both of us. It's a secret place." Her words kind of startled me. I hoped that it wasn't the part where both of us would have sex just to prove our loyalty to each other. Don't blame me, anything is possible.

When she saw the reluctance in my face, she said; "come on."

"Alright" I finally agreed and dropped the glass of unfinished punch on the counter. "Where to, though?"

"Just follow me, you'll see." I really didn't like her idea but I decided to follow her all because I trusted her.

We walked past a dark red curtain and through a dim hallway. At the end of the hallway was an elevator. We got into it and she made it journey us to the top floor. It was a pretty long journey since the building was really tall.

The silence in the elevator proved to be awkward so she started a conversation. I'm not really a conversation starting type. "So, how are your parents?" She asked.

Her question struck me really hard. What did she mean 'How are my parents'? There's no way she didn't know they were dead. At least her goddamned father should have told her! Again, it so annoyed me that she was the one asking that question.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I meant your foster parents; Bob and Mirabel, right?" Wow! Foster parents. Did she really have to bring it up?

"They're fine. Nothing's wrong with them." I answered plainly. I felt so uncomfortable.

"How are yours? John and Vanessa, right?" I asked back. The look on her face changed slightly. She was probably wondering how the hell I got to know her mom's name.

"They're great, bored at home." Such a dry topic! Damn, I regret not beginning the conversation.

Luckily, we finally got to the top floor and the elevator doors opened. "Follow me; this is where the elevator stops." She said as she climbed the stairs. Where the hell was she actually taking me to? We got to a door and she pulled a key out of her pocket and opened it.

The cold midnight air whistled past us and I felt so free… so comfortable. There was a large pool in the middle of the place. It was the first time I was seeing a swimming pool on the roof of a building.

"Where did you get that key from?" I asked, inquisitively.

"I've got connections." She said and smirked. "Told you the place was special," She added.

"Whoa!" I expressed in awe as the edge of the building attracted me towards it. The scenery was so marvelous. The city from up here looked so bright and beautiful.

I felt Anastasia hold my hand as a current passed through my spine. I held her hand tightly. "Don't they look beautiful? The stars." She asked.

"Not as beautiful as you though" I teased and watched her blush.

"How about we swim?"

I tried to disagree, saying it was cold but she just wouldn't stop her cute pleading.

"Fine." I finally agreed.

"Thanks. So, give me your phone and everything in your pockets. It's going to be just you and me." She declared. I felt the zeal in her; it was real. I surrendered everything and slowly pulled off. "And don't look back."

I just stood beside the pool and closed my eyes, waiting for her.

Suddenly, she pushed me into the water and I fell, creating a big splash. She took me unawares. She giggled endlessly and I smiled at her. I so loved it when she was happy.

She pulled off her clothes and joined me in the water. We played in the water for about thirty minutes and when we got tired, we just sat by the pool with our legs dipped in the water.

We spent time talking about random stuff; our favorite food, song, color, movie… anything you can think about. Believe me; Anastasia's company is the best!