
Ambush Gone Wrong

Writer's P.O.V

"Do we really have time for that right now?" Lisa asked. Her hair turned bluish-white and her eyes, blue. She was totally ready for them but to be honest with herself, she didn't want to kill them. Sentiments kept aside, she knew she just had to.

The blond-haired girl that had attacked her earlier, walked towards them. They stood side by side, unsure but confident.

"What in the world are we supposed to do?" Lisa asked as she planted herself in the concrete ground and made a large, blue, glowing, orb-like thing in her palms, groaning loudly as she did it. Lisa knew that spelt danger.

"Just wait…" He replied calmly.

"What the…" she started but he cut-in.

"Just stay put—I got this," said Justin but as he looked into her eyes, he sensed uncertainty. "Trust me," he added, and grabbed her hand. That made her nerves calm at least.

The Blondie shot a blast at them but unfortunately for her and fortunately for the duo, Justin's invisible shield blocked it and sent it travelling right back to her. She yelled in pain as the bright blue blast burnt her to the bone… literally.

Her skeleton fell to the ground and dissipated. Justin and Lisa just stood there, laughing their asses out. Somehow, that felt extremely hilarious to them.

"Eat your flames, bitch!" Lisa commented and resumed laughing. She was finally laughing once again… killing criminals and having a nice time with her one and only heartthrob. What more could she ask for?

Next, two other girls appeared from the porch, one with black and the other, brown hair. It was just as if they were all going to the 'Execution Council' in batches.

"Now we're on," declared Justin. "I'll take the beautiful one." He added and smirked.

"Suit yourself," she replied.

She stood, thinking of the most suitable weapon for use. She thought about many but the 'Shuang Gou' from Shadow Fight 3 was most appealing. It was a dream come true to be able to create any weapon she pleased just by thinking of it.

The 'Shuang Gou' was the perfect weapon and did wonders for damage. It formed at the ends of her icy fists. It looked just like a prototype of the one in the game.

The two girls kept finally got to them. Justin and the 'beautiful girl' fought endlessly but somehow, she never seemed to get affected. Even when he broke her hand once, she fixed it in a second resumed fighting. It was as if she was numb. And to top it all up, she was even smiling as she received blows. That pissed Justin off to the bone marrow.

"You know… you're just wasting your time cos I don't feel pain" she disclosed.

"Spectacular! But you certainly have to try this," he said and made her levitate. He opened his right palm and closed it at once, making her explode from inside. Her body parts splattered all around the place. Justin wiped the drops of blood that had splashed on his face.

"Three to go!" he yelled to Lisa who was still battling with Veronica, who was really quick and skillfully dodged most of her attempts with the Shuang Gou. It was exasperating that Veronica was just like her cousin—untouchable.

Looking back at her combat with Justin at Jiko Boei… that time both of them destroyed the whole place, she knew exactly what to do. But she just wanted to give Veronica a shot. So she dropped her weapons on the ground. Veronica glared at her, a bit flustered… wondering why Lisa wasn't attacking anymore.

"Veronica, I really don't want to do this to you," she muttered. "You should just quit—you and the rest of your pals."

Veronica didn't look pleased at all. "You think because I behaved welcoming to you, we're friends? Sorry to burst your bubble, we're not. We only deceived you into helping us unlock the restraints that encaged our powers. It was all part of the plan." She said evilly.

"So… you guys were expecting me or what?"

"Of course; you're incredibly predictable." Damn… they must've had tabs on her. That was so freaking alarming.

Lisa felt angered by her words and tried to give her a superman punch but she dodged it quickly and landed beside her. "Bitch," she spat.

"Besides, we are not pals, we're associates. By the way, I'm not even British." She threw a punch at Veronica but she caught her fist. "Stop trying…" Veronica said in an annoying manner.

"I could tell. Who the hell are you guys actually?" Lisa questioned inquisitively.

"Confidential." She back talked and chuckled lightly.

"Okay then. I'm done here." Lisa declared, seemingly chucking up the sponge. She closed her eyes and levitated a bit.

"Dodge this!" And then multiple icicles flew out of her body in every direction with amazing speed, stabbing Veronica in a thousand and one places. There was no way Veronica could evade them… not even in her wildest dreams.

She fell hard onto the ground and then Lisa walked up to her bloody body, slowly. Veronica felt as if dusk just fell over her completely.

"I never wanted to do this," she started and paused, forming a sword in her right hand. "But I couldn't care less."

"Fuck you!" She screamed with all the energy left in her. Lisa quietly put her to the sword.

"Two to go!" She yelled to Justin.

They looked around for the other two girls but couldn't find them. All of a sudden, an invisible force punched Justin off his feet. It was the first time he was getting hit in a fight and the fact that he couldn't see the culprit infuriated him more.

"Show yourself!" yelled an enraged Justin as he got back on his feet. Soon after, the force got him again but this time, in the guts. He stood still, charging with fury as he got hit a couple more times.

On the other hand, Lisa was battling with a speedster who was too fast for her to even see. Even when she tried her deadliest move, the girl was still able to evade all the spikes. She was just too fast.

Lisa was getting drained gradually but she knew she couldn't dare to give up. At last, she lost consciousness and let whatever was in her take her over.

Meanwhile, time was over for the invisible girl who was continuously striking Justin. He predicted her next move and caught her fist. He squeezed it until her bones dislocated. As if that wasn't enough, he cut her hand from her shoulder with just a slash in the air.

He dropped the now visible but lifeless hand on the ground and looked up. He could finally see the idiot that had been stomping on his nerves so hard; she was a red-haired girl who had her face buried in her right hand, crying. She was now handicapped because of him.

Looking at her, there was only one thing he could remember—Anastasia. The thought came at the worst time but the resemblance between her and Anastasia was striking. His stone heart melted into lava as he thought about her.

He walked towards the pitiful girl but stopped about a meter away. He tried to console her for the loss of her left hand. He had totally forgotten that he was on a battle ground and not a date.

He got way too emotional and apologized to the sobbing girl. He sounded so sincere… and he was.

She rose her head up and glared at him. "Motherfucker!" she cussed and like a flash, threw a star-shaped shiruken at his face.

Immediately he figured out what was going on, the shiruken stopped just an inch from the middle of his forehead. In the blink of an eye, it sped back towards her and stabbed her in the chest.

The force it went with was so much; it caused her to fall to the ground. He sliced the air with his hands multiple times and the girl's body got chopped into a thousand and one pieces. You could literally see everything your Biology teacher has been teaching you just by looking at it. Blood flowed endlessly from the chopped body, staining the floor.

Meanwhile, Lisa stood, watching the girl run around her in an orbit.

"You need help?!" Justin asked. He could only see a blur of Lisa because of the dust the girl's running caused to suspend in the air. It was slowly turning into a tornado.

"No!" She replied with a hoax voice. She then lifted her hand up quickly and an ice wall which was covered with long, sharp spikes came out from the ground.

The speedster saw it coming and dodged it cleverly. Lisa was absolutely stunned. "Yes I need a hand!" She yelled at the top of her voice. The wind made so much noise; she doubted Justin could hear her.

Justin stared at the upcoming tornado and watched the speedster running in slow motion. Then he lifted her off the ground and into the dark sky. After about thirty seconds, all the dust and rubbish that had joined in the tornado had fallen to the ground already… making the whole place a big mess.

Lisa walked up to Justin, continuously staring at the girl in anger.

"Would you like to do the honors?" He asked her with the speedster still levitating in the air. She wasn't able to say anything… or to even move a muscle.

"Sure… why not? I always liked the name Emma though." She said and smiled. The girl looked totally distraught.

Lisa made icicles; about ten of them which were so much larger than the normal ones but no pity did she feel for her.

She moved her hand backwards and then forward with a lot of speed—the large icicles travelled towards Emma and stabbed her multiple times with the rest going astray. And then Justin released her. She was so high up, when she landed on the ground, she died instantly.

Everything was quiet again… so quiet, you could literally hear the crickets chirping. That was when Lisa remembered the CCTV cameras that she had seen when she got into the compound earlier on. By then, they had changed back to their normal forms.

"Dammit!" She exclaimed. "They've been watching us all this while!" She pointed to the cameras. He didn't really care about them right now. They had been wearing their hoodies except for a brief period when Lisa pulled hers off.

"Who has?" he asked.

"How should I know?" She back talked, shooting icicles through the lenses of each of the dozen cameras.

She walked to the porch where she had killed the first girl. "Hell, there was even one at the entrance. Shit!" she exclaimed. Whoever was watching them, she knew, must have seen everything and gotten all the information they required about her—her face, her voice, her hair color… everything! And she knew that person… or those people were going to be coming for her soon. Possibly even both of them. 'Damn, what have I done?' She had to be ready for anything, anytime.

She shot an icicle at the camera after showing it her middle finger.

"We gotta cover our tracks, Justin" she said to he who squatted, observing some of the dead bodies that weren't mutilated. He didn't respond but called her.

When she came, he showed her the crocodile tattoo on Veronica's neck. "You see this man-eating crocodile tattoo here?" he paused, staring intensely at it. "It's on all of them. They've been attacking us for a while now if you've noticed." Lisa recalled that she had seen it on their necks but didn't know it actually spelt danger. Maybe if she did, she wouldn't have removed those collars in the first place.

"I don't know if they're like a cult or some kind of assassin organization but they are deadly… very deadly. The whole 'kidnapped girls' fiasco was all schemed up by them… pretty smart.

"And maybe they would've actually terminated you if I hadn't come along so you gotta be more careful cos I can tell that they're gonna keep attacking us till they end us." He ended.

She actually had nothing to say so she just nodded and then walked towards him. She knew this was her chance—to take ownership of what was rightfully hers: his heart. There was not any much need for the talk she had planned for earlier on anymore.

"Thank you for saving me tonight and I'm sorry for all I've been putting you through lately." Now they were face-to-face and looking into each other's eyes. She had a pretty adventurous night and she just needed this to top it all up.

"You're forgiven," he muttered softly and smiled. Right then, her heart was beating so fast, she could literally feel it pounding against her ribcage.

She admired his ocean blue eyes, his dashing smile and most of all, she loved it when the smooched. He was such a talented kisser and she sure loved the butterflies in her stomach whenever they did.

She stretched, held his back and kissed him.

Like magnets, he repelled her before even a second went by. He knew he couldn't keep strengthening Lisa's feelings for him when he already had a girlfriend. It was all so wrong!

"I'm sorry, I just—I can't…" he stammered. He looked into her eyes which kept asking him 'why?' He had no other option but to fly away from the scene and that he did.

"Wait!" Lisa called out with a shaky voice. He hadn't gone so far so he just halted in the air. She looked at the person she had thought was her first love with teary eyes. "How are we gonna clean up this mess?"

"Just get outta there already." She glared at him briefly and then hopped on her hover board, flying away slowly.

He was going to destroy the whole place. The place was probably a safe house for those sapheads so there was no need keeping it, he thought. He was floating meters above the building. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on collapsing it. He had never done anything like it before so all he did was believe.

Before you even know what was going on, the entire building came crashing down to the latter. Everything was destroyed to debris

After all the noise was over, he opened his eyes and saw the safe house in ruins. How pleased he was! When he looked around, he saw that all the evidence was destroyed and covered by the remains of the building. That was when he finally flew away.

By then it was already 3:30a.m. and he had just two hours thirty to sleep so he flew with the speed of light.


Meanwhile, Lisa who was flying at her very low speed, on her trusty ice hover board was worse than devastated. She had never thought that was how her adventurous night ended… with a bucketful of heartbreak.

But Lisa Cole just won't give up… not until hell freezes over. She was as sure as hell that Justin actually liked her but cos they were cousins, and knowing what the world would say about them decided to keep his feelings locked away in a dark dungeon. That was why he decided to take Staci as his girlfriend. 'Curse the fact that we're cousins!' she swore in her mind.

She sure as hell was going to do all she could to unshackle those locked up feelings and liberate them some way or the other! She wiped her tears and sped off, finally basking in the freedom and joy flying gave her.

All alone, she flew back home.