
Tragic Immortal

After Losing his family and being cursed with eternal life, he must live on with pain and sorrow. His only hope is to find peace in a life so miserable...

TheM337 · Fantaisie
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39 Chs


As the days passed, the sword remained a looming presence in the village, a constant reminder of the darkness that had threatened to consume Alexander's mind. Villagers kept their distance, uncertainty evident in their expressions. The sword had become a symbol of both fascination and fear, a testament to the challenges that Alexander and Serene had faced together.

One evening, as the moon cast its silvery glow upon the village, Alexander found himself drawn to the sword once again. Its hilt seemed to beckon to him, its presence a haunting echo of the struggle he had endured. As he reached out to touch it, a surge of energy pulsed through him—an energy that was both familiar and unsettling.

The sword's voice—a sinister whisper—resonated within his mind. "Mortal, you are mine to command. Your existence is a vessel for my desires."

Alexander's voice was edged with frustration. "I won't be controlled by you."

But the sword's influence was unrelenting. In an instant, a dark aura enveloped Alexander, its power surging through him. His vision blurred, his thoughts became muddled, and a malevolent force began to take hold.

As if compelled by an external force, Alexander's body moved of its own accord, his feet carrying him towards Serene's dwelling. Serene, who had been preparing for a night of rest, looked up in surprise as he entered.

"Alexander, is something wrong?" she asked, concern evident in her eyes.

His voice was a chilling echo, devoid of warmth. "Serene, you are in my way."

Her gaze filled with confusion. "What do you mean?"

And then, with a swift motion, he drew the sword from its scabbard—its malevolent aura consuming him entirely. The sword's voice echoed within his mind, its words a chilling command.

"End her existence, mortal. Prove your loyalty."

Serene's eyes widened in terror as the sword's blade gleamed in the moonlight. She stumbled back, her voice edged with fear. "Alexander, please, snap out of it!"

But his actions were no longer his own. With a single swing of the sword, he attacked, the blade's power carrying a malevolent force that seemed to distort reality itself.

Serene's scream echoed through the night—a melody of anguish and desperation that seemed to pierce through the darkness.

And then, as swiftly as it had begun, the possession receded. Alexander's consciousness returned, horror washing over him as he realized the gravity of what he had done. He dropped the sword, its malevolent aura dissipating as it clattered to the ground.

"Serene!" he cried out, rushing to her side. Her lifeless form lay before him, the weight of his actions crashing down upon him.

But then, in a surge of energy, the sword seemed to come to life—an entity of darkness that materialized before him. Its voice was a haunting whisper that resonated with triumph.

"Foolish mortal, you have served your purpose."

With a wave of its spectral hand, the sword's demon unleashed a surge of energy that enveloped Serene's form, pulling her into an otherworldly portal—an alternate dimension that seemed to exist beyond time and space.

"No!" Alexander's voice was a mixture of anguish and desperation as he reached out towards the fading portal. "Bring her back!"

But the portal closed, leaving Alexander alone in the wake of his devastation. The village seemed to echo with the weight of his loss, the melodies of the night a somber reminder of the love he had lost.