
Tragedy love ;cursed by the unknown

An arranged marriage made with a cold demon If it were to be you cursed by the unknown to never be loved and whoever loves you will face death in one month's time Luciana, rumored to be evil and heartless what will happen when she is married to Lucian who is a cold demon? will she learn to love? will Lucian fall in love with her and even if he does will he die in one month or is there a twist to this story? will their love be a tragedy? ... now I have 3 rules if you can comply we will have no problem. 1:No touching without permission. 2:Dodon't talk too much near me 3:Dodon't look me in the eye I did not want her to see the demon in me. Luciana pov I will agree on one condition I will have 3 things you will give me promise l promise he said. 1. I can touch your face and chest right , agree or not? 2. No touching without permission. 3. Don't fall in love ever with me. the cover is not my kiddos to the original owner.

Aseoluwa_Olurebi · Fantaisie
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24 Chs


I saw a girl running in his arms only for Lucian to go away making the girl hug the air, I laughed as the scene was enticing to look at, the girl looked embarrassed.

I thought you would not come she said and who is this wretched girl I heard her say, excuse me I said but Lucian cut me off and said mind your language Katherine she looked at me with hateful eyes.

ohh that was her name Katherine I spat out in my thoughts, who is this third wheel she said I was shocked how dare she call me that.

Lucian, she called softly, even though I don't call him by name, and said you know how much I have loved you then why would you allow this thing to talk to me anyhow?

Lucian p.o.v

I was getting irritated with the way Katherine spoke and I couldn't help but tellk and I said

Because she is my wife and I don't plan on marrying another wife.

Katherine looked at me with teary eyes but I did not care one bit she took my hand and said okay let's dance but before we could take a step Luciana came in and jerked her hand away from mine before holding my arm, he is mine and only mine no one to share with so back off. It doesn't matter who loved him first but who he loves so if you excuse me, I and my husband would be going to dance .

she gave Katherine a half-hearted smile and dragged me with her, leaving Katherine standing daze.

We went to the dance floor and I asked her how did you know I love her. She looked at me and said I only said it so she could get out also why did you say you don't plan on marrying another wife, I haven't found another wife that is as sweet as you.

I saw her blush profusely showing a full red tomato on her face she turned her head away and I brought her face closer to mine and said you know you look so cute when you blush, I planted a long breathtaking kiss on her soft small lips and she said people are watching her whole face and neck was red which made me chuckle.

I don't care what the world thinks as long as I have you I said only for her to hide her face in my chest embarrassed and she brought her face out when I asked were you jealous she looked at me and then down I am sorry for the way I reacted, I was she said you can't blame me the girl was crossing her boundary I smiled at her you don't have to apologize for every little thing you do I am happy with the way you reacted.

Lucian pov

After we got home from the carriage I was thinking about how to tell her I loved her would it be the right time to tell her, Katherine kept on telling me she loved me but I ignored her thinking she would leave me alone but little did I know I was wrong.

Luciana, I want to tell you something very important meet me in the garden at ten pm. It was already ten pm I was waiting for Luciana but was interrupted when I heard my loyal servant running and shouting your Highness, her highness has been kidnapped how could this happ toen to send the troops to look for her immediately?