
Trace of The Past

Unknown man with unknown past

DaoistTTQkfX · Action
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13 Chs

(Side Story)Chapter 3: Meaning of Freedom

Zou Fan was waiting for his student Wang Wei at the exit of the prison. Wang Wei's face was shining with happiness, as he had recently been released from prison.

Zou Fan asked, "How do you feel?"

Wang Wei smiled and replied, "I feel great, teacher. I spent all my time in prison learning martial arts. I applied what I learned from you and developed myself."

Zou Fan nodded proudly and said, "You have also progressed in martial arts thanks to me and have become a real warrior. Now you have another life outside and that life will take you forward."

Wang Wei headed towards the car next to Zou Fan and opened the door. However, Zou Fan shook his hand and said, "Good luck, Wang Wei. I will always be here for you. I am proud to have you as my student."

Wang Wei said goodbye to Zou Fan as he moved towards the car. Zou Fan watched him and then turned his head. After a moment of silence, a man approached him and said, "Zou Fan, we found you."

Zou Fan looked at the man and asked, "Who is looking for me?"

The man replied, "The Chinese Government. We need to talk to you."

Zou Fan took a deep breath when he heard what the man said. But then he smiled and said, "I am ready."

When the Chinese government contacted Zou Fan, his heart was beating fast. He answered the phone with an anxious voice, "Hello?"

The Chinese official said, "Zou Fan, this is the Chinese government. We have an offer for you."

Zou listened carefully and said, "Go on."

"Return to China and let us accept you as a hero. Join us and let us make you a world-renowned name," the official said.

Zou replied before considering the offer, "No, thank you. I am a martial arts master, not a hero."

However, the official was insistent. "We want to collaborate with you. We will protect you and make you one of the most respected people in the country," he said.

Zou refused the offer once again. "Thank you, but I am a free man and make my own decisions. I will continue to walk my own path," he said.

The Chinese official respected Zou's decision and hung up the phone. Zou once again appreciated his freedom and was happy with his decision.