
Tower Survivor

I was a thug who used to accommodate my men. I pay them according to what they work for, if they get a lot, they get a lot of wages. Vice versa. Such was my daily life, until I was visited by someone I wanted to step on her face and blend with the tiles. That person brought the news to me, my first father's younger brother went missing a year ago. After that, my second brother got a strange letter that had an unreasonable location. The woman offered an incredible amount of money. However, on a condition, I must accept the invitation on behalf of this second brother of different blood. Infiltrated in her stead, and saved my first father's different brother. No money, food, or whatever. Just a Katana belonging to my stepfather's family, the only pillar for me to live on.

Sunnava · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
2 Chs

Chapter 1

"How are you?" I shouted as I tossed a fifty thousand note on the wooden table, which was dirty as if it had not been cleaned in years. An emaciated young man delivered my order, a cup of coffee that was neither hot nor cold.

The body of the young boy in front of me trembled with fear, his dry lips begged me for mercy. Asked for a little extra to buy medicine for his sick sister. I squealed in annoyance, the classic excuse. He thinks I've never been given that word every time my people ask for more deposit rations? Maybe the 'sick sister' shield is still better than 'my lover who wants to get married soon. ' However, it's still annoying to hear.

I squeaked, while drinking my coffee order. "I'll still give you 20,000 RP (Rupiah). If your sister is really sick, use the full 15,000 RP for your sister. You definitely won't have a problem right, if your lunch and dinner are only two packs of instant noodles?"

The man looked resigned when he received a bill of 20,000 RP, then said goodbye and left me alone. I can still hear the screeching sound from behind the coffee shop tent which is no more than the same size as where I live. It sucks to have to describe it in more detail, because the place where I live is far from proper. I snorted, the kid does seem to have a knack for being a liar. Well… although I'm more or less the same as him. Back then, when I was begging was exactly like that.

"It's really troublesome, huh ..." said the coffee seller's aunt who was behind the coffee sachets and the like. "Today's youth, I'm sure… the money he gets will never be used for medicine. It's just cellphone credit and games. " She wiped the last glass in his homemade sink, which… for some reason was far from proper. "Auntie is sure that even if a family member is sick, he will not care," she added.

"Well… no one knows what he's going to do with that green bill. I'm not a god," I snorted. "After all, I share the results evenly. They're just pickpocketing, while I have to deal with other thugs who want to rule this area. " I chuckled, "Even though... if they work for other thugs, they won't necessarily get paid, right?"

"It's not necessarily that they met a beautiful woman like you~" the aunt teased which made me a little annoyed.

I snorted, "I'm not interested in finding a husband."

"Why not?" The aunt asked in surprise, "You know, Rena the prima donna of this region who is your age is married to the skipper."

"Nor am I interested in selling my body to that filthy man," I averted my gaze. "That bitch is always showing me disgusting things, telling me to sell myself, and making fun of me as a woman who has no value." I took the last sip of my coffee, "basic, junk like she doesn't deserve a price."

"Hush! You can't insult Rena like that!"

"Why, because she has the face of the model on the billboard over there? Tch, other people can also have a face from that plastic surgery," I whined. Remembering how disgusting a woman like Rena is. The aunt didn't know how many wives came to her house every midnight.

"Then, when are you getting married? It's not good for a woman like you to be single for a long time like this," she said which made me a little angry. Who's she? This woman isn't even my mother.

"Want to get married or not is in my hands," I said while handing over ten thousand, holding back anger. "Thank you," and then walked away from the coffee shop that tasted like it was meant for men. Because if it's a woman like me, it can be seen earlier, my business is in her absolute hands.

I opened the door of my house, the stuffy and hot air immediately greeted me after confirming that the sun had returned to its bed.

There's nothing more pleasant than having your own home, even though my house only consists of two rooms. Bedrooms and bathrooms, sometimes these two spaces can be suddenly converted. Whether it's a living room, laundry room, and so on if I want. Luckily I myself have never been visited by annoying guest 'pests'. There might be, but they're just goons who come out of the house out of shape. I have no problem with that, just happy with an interesting entertainment after struggling to get this house.

I lay down on the mattress that there were no words comfort when lying on it, but it was more than enough for me to be able to rest after going through this tiring and annoying heart. Staring at the ceiling of the house in the form of an arrangement of zinc , which is just waiting for time to rust and no longer function when it rains. I turn on the mini fan near me, easing a bit of the fatigue and heat that feels full in my body. Until my eyes caught sight of a woman my age whose face for some reason was already twice as old as her real age, although I must admit her body was flawlessly white.

Rena seemed to be talking to someone, I closed my eyes, ignoring her. Then drifted off to sleep in my dream.

Again not a dream that I want to see.


"Where is this?" I mumbled as I opened my eyes. I found myself strapped tightly to a wooden chair, alone in a dark room. My mouth was gagged by a bundle of cloth wrapped around my head. With all my might, I freed my hands from the rope after finding an opening. Untied my waist and legs, then removed the cloth that was blocking my mouth. Once freed, I immediately checked the door.

"Of course it's locked," I cursed.

I took a few steps back, slamming my body against the damn door that was still locked. Second, third and fifth hit. Eventually this thing lost its function and just opened.

As soon as I came out, a sound of applause greeted me. Either amazed, warm, or it could be dismissed. I sighed in annoyance, sharpening my eyes when I saw an old woman who greeted me. Her clothes were bone white, luxurious and elegant, not in contrast to the surroundings, which were full of dull dust and almost devoid of color pigment.

"As I thought, you can escape my daughter Eufony."

"I'd rather be called Sity than the ridiculous name my mother gave me," I sarcastically said.

The old woman frowned, "Even though the meaning of your name is good, girl."

"What do you want from me?" I asked without further ado.

The old woman was silent, the disgusting eyes immediately turned to sorrowful eyes. I can't remember ever using it when raising me as a child. But I don't care, because I don't think of her as my mother anymore.

"I'm asking you to help me find your brother."
