
Tower of Heaven

The Tower of Heaven. An ancient, towering enigma said to grant any wish, unveil any secret, and provide anyone who enters its floors a path to Godhood; it stands as a beacon of both hope and despair. For untold centuries, its immense power has drawn countless seekers, yet none have ever emerged from its depths. This Tower is engraved in the world’s myths as the meeting place of mortals and Gods, a realm where anything was possible. It is a monument to mystery and the pursuit of glory. However, for one man, it represents the last chance for redemption and the key to unraveling his tumultuous past. The Heavenly Emperor, a great ruler from an era long forgotten. was betrayed by those he trusted and died with a heart full of regret and a thirst for vengeance. Only, the end of his life was not the end of his story. Reborn into a new world, he finds himself drawn to the Tower of Heaven, driven by the desire to understand his reincarnation and to reclaim his lost honor. The path ahead is filled with unforeseen twists and hidden depths. Unbeknownst to him, his destiny is interwoven with forces and secrets far beyond his wildest dreams. The advent of the former Heavenly Emperor begins here. And with each step he takes, the Heavens themselves quake in anticipation.

Crocs_is_Dead · Fantaisie
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107 Chs

Steps [1]

The massive entity that seemed to be connected to the ceiling by a series of veiny roots was still just as terrifying when they saw it for a second time.

In Atlas' mind, as they'd approached the trial in an order that he thought was correct, the eye would be different from the last time. He assumed that it would be hostile at the very least.

The only indication from the eye that they did the trials in the correct order was the fact that it acknowledged them. It was no longer a statuesque being, but a real, living, writhing eye that was horrid to look at.

"Um…are we supposed to be doing something?"

Horus didn't want to question Atlas as the other man was making it clear that he wasn't going to say anything. 

He was more worried about his condition than he should've been. The fact that there was "hidden power" in his body and that the force would not respond to him didn't make him happy at all.