
Tower of God: The Promised Day

"Zahard, mark my words—the day of your demise shall herald the inception of a new era. Your tyrannical grasp on this tower will be released." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The long-awaited day approaches. Those who defy the tower's constraints will bring in the salvation we crave. God's power will enter them, they will open the tower's door and return. They are destined to conclude the conflict we initiated, exacting my revenge and bringing the war to its end.

Gre_y · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Coincidences - 1

"No matter how long I have to walk this tower, I will wait for the promised day. The day I enact my revenge and cut you down."


Under the shroud of the dark night; a door materialized seemingly from nowhere. As it swung open, an apparition of a young woman manifested.

"I've finally made it out, God of the outside," she uttered. "If you can hear me, please answer my prayers. I beseech thee to respond and grant me salvation."

As though her prayers had been heard, a radiant light burst forth from the depths of the dark night.

"What is it that you desire, child?" it inquired.

"I have preserved two bodies and two souls: one belongs to my deceased son, and the other to the offspring of a 'king'. I offer them in exchange for the infusion of divinity into the words I am about to utter," she explained.

"I perceive... exquisitely pure souls. They shall suffice, and I envision delightful days ahead. Your wish has been granted—speak."

The woman joined her hands together and commenced murmuring in an ancient tongue, "One day, the power of gods shall flow into these two children...they shall catalyze a transformation within the tower...they will sever the king's throat, concluding the war...and elevate the tower to unprecedented heights. Their names will be Baam and Azar."

The instant the last words escaped her lips, the woman vanished, as if she had never been present. Yet, before her remained two infants in a casket: one adorned with brown hair, the other possessing a radiant shade of yellow.

"Now, now. Leaving children out in the open wouldn't do, would it?" the being contemplated. "An enclosed space seems far more fitting—perhaps a cavern."




The infant with bright yellow hair opened their eyes, taking a while to become accustomed to their new surroundings. This baby was Araz. Upon spotting another newborn beside him, an enormous smile spread across his face. That baby was Baam.

"Arlen, the spell worked. Just wait for me—I'll come to you, my wife," the infant promised. "Is this our child? He's so cute. I'll make sure to protect him well."

Abruptly, a radiant star burst forth, illuminating the scene with a brilliant flash of light. "Goodness gracious, I can't fathom that I'm now entrusted with the responsibility of caring for these children," the being exclaimed with a mix of surprise and mild exasperation. The star then saw a bright child staring straight at him with a hint of surprise. "Hmm? How Intriguing," the star mused. "I knew I sensed something was off. You are unique, a strong soul but also in a strong body. Now, I'm genuinely curious—reveal your identity.

Araz gently raised his hand, extending a finger towards his mouth to convey the message that he cannot speak.

"Oh, how thoughtless of me," the star apologized, and in a flash of light, Araz found himself transported into a space resembling that of a nebula.

'Teleportation,' Araz marveled silently.

"That's not entirely correct. It isn't teleportation. I've merely projected your presence into the realm of my mind. Here, we converse through our thoughts. So, let me ask again: what is your true identity?" the star inquired, its radiance flickering with a mixture of curiosity and wisdom.

"I am the soul of V, husband to Arlen. Given the circumstances, I suspect you've encountered her as well," Araz questioned, seeking confirmation.

"That is correct, I have met her. She was the one who used my divinity to deliver a prophecy. However, this still leaves a part of my question unanswered. Why is a being of your nature with that newborn? The purity of that infant's soul contrasts starkly with yours. A scent of blood clings to you, a testament to a history of war and lives extinguished. Am I right in assuming you've taken many lives in battle?" the star inquired, its tone laden with discernment.

"Yes, I will not deny that I've taken the lives of numerous individuals and indeed, I have been entangled in wars, but it was all necessary. That bastard Zahard proclaimed himself the king. His insatiable greed, fueled by obtaining the key to the 135th floor, drove him to seize control. With his self-appointed mantle of authority, he wielded the power to determine the destiny of all who dared to ascend the tower. Arlen and I stood in firm opposition to this idea; however, since we weren't going to get anywhere, we departed from the group. The clash of our opposing convictions set the stage for an inevitable conflict. Yet, amidst the impending war, my 10 other companions all chose to align themselves with Zahard's cause. We were severely outnumbered, and so in the end I decided to bear all the consequences urging Arlen to flee."

Araz inhaled deeply, clenching his small hands. "However, that bastard went for my son and he killed the unborn child inside of Arlen. The very infant beside me is that very child; my own flesh and blood. During my reincarnation, Arlen transferred to me all of her memories and knowledge after my death. I will not let him get away with this, I will kill him."

"I understand your urgency and anger to enact revenge, but as of right now, you are far to weak. Your current vessel cannot even handle 5% of your full potential even if it is an offspring of that king you spoke of," the star explained. "Nonetheless, a solution exists within my grasp, though it comes with a cost. In exchange for my help, I want you to let me inhabit your child's bod-"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Araz thundered.

"Calm down, young one. Allow me to complete my thought; your child possesses a soul of great purity, and my intention is solely to accompany it. Additionally, I will also help him in times of danger as you want to exact your revenge, right?" The star reasoned. "Furthermore, I will accelerate the growth of your vessel—ensuring that it becomes capable of accommodating your complete potential. How about it?"

I feel like this wasn't the best premise, but I might rewrite it later down the road.

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