
Tournament Of Titans

A/N: This is a futuristic action novel. Don't let 'Soccer' deceive you. In an interstellar age, the sport soccer had transcended from just game to the deciding factor to gain resource planets. Footballers, now known as Titans with great physical and unscientific abilities were the core fighters of each planet. Waking up to this new age after a near death experience at his last match, how will Stefan Anderson react to his Alpha abilities? ____ Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/i_dream61?igsh=Z283bXlzYjFjdXk1

Soaringuniverse · Romance
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19 Chs

Bounty List

Seated on a bench within a subway station, a hooded man observed the bustling crowd with dim eyes.

His crimson gaze tracked a small boy, cherub-cheeked and clinging to his mother's arms as they walked. Although it was evident the boy had just mastered the art of walking, Stefan couldn't help but unconsciously lift the corners of his lips. 'A century,' he sighed, tilting his head back, his gaze drifting upwards toward the ceiling.

The stark white illumination forced him to squint, yet he persisted. 'We should have spent that time together; it shouldn't be like this,' he ruminated, yet beneath that contemplation simmered a deep-seated anger.

Acknowledging this truth seemed to magnify the pain. Stefan couldn't fathom letting go of his mother, not even in a million years. He had resolved to ensure her longevity paralleled that of martial artists!

Perhaps with a different familial relationship, he might have remained composed. However, Sang-hee had wiped away any semblance of rationality from her son.

He was, indeed, a mommy's boy, impervious to any shame anyone might attempt to foist upon him. It wasn't his own character he was ashamed of; it was the sense of shame for his mother.

"How long has it been?" he muttered, turning his head to glimpse a 3D timer floating in the terminal's middle.

'7:30 p.m.!' he exclaimed, noticing discarded bottles strewn at his feet. 'Security wouldn't allow this, unless…!' Stefan's eyes widened as he surveyed his surroundings.

How had he failed to realize he was seated amidst the destitute and homeless? Their soiled attire scattered about, and a woman slept nearby.

As he wiped his eyes, his vision gradually normalized. He had perceived everything magnified, almost akin to being near that well-fed child.

Glancing at his phone, he noted numerous missed calls. Despite his mind's disarray, Stefan couldn't allow Sang-hee to worry.

Darting out of the terminal, he sprinted along the sidewalk, a penance for a man devoid of funds.

The skies cast a dusky hue while vibrant orange lights illuminated the cityscape. As he ran, the doctor's words echoed, eliciting sparks of lightning in his eyes. His hair defied gravity, crackling with energy as each step sizzled with bolts of lightning, grounding themselves back into his body.

Some pedestrians were instantly frightened, but before they could react, Stefan had already disappeared from their sight.

Turning his head, his eyes zoomed into the alleyway. Since the map on his Phase Venom interface showed a shorter path, he made a quick turn.

He had prepared for his clothes to burn, but the Eternal Era's attire proved more than capable of handling the abilities of a titan without a rank.

Suddenly, a sleek black vehicle blaring sirens stopped at the end of the alleyway, and a policeman stepped out.

He quickly revealed his badge to the speeding Stefan, who slowed down until he stopped before the police officer.

"What…" Stefan couldn't even finish his words when something metallic covered the police officer's arm, and he launched an uppercut that sent Stefan into the air.

Crashing against a wall with several iron pipes, Stefan had to roll to avoid being hit by the larger ones.

Turns out the building was still under construction, but what bothered him even more was why a policeman would punch him out of nowhere.

It wasn't like he harmed anyone.

As Stefan turned around, what he saw wasn't a police officer but a man clad in metal armor with arms disproportionate to his body.

They were quite big and had blue electricity crackling.

'What in the heck?' he gasped, stunned at the sudden turn of events.

"Who knew you'd survive a shot to the head. Ironic, isn't it, that I'll come back to deal with you again," the man said, causing Stefan's eyes to dilate.

Lightning crackled through his eyes, and he balled his fist, his teeth tightly pressed. Hidden behind his mask, a smirk appeared on the man's face as Stefan dashed forward.

"Kid, it isn't just about blows! You just got those abilities and want to compete with a veteran," the man chuckled, easily evading Stefan's punches.

While they packed lots of power, the man, who had been in the MA for decades and had achieved a good amount of success in the lower department, easily saw Stefan's glaring flaws.

"You titans always look so proud and invincible on the pitch, but outside, it's our mercenary world!" He snickered, slamming his fist into Stefan's abdomen.

He brought out a round device and shone it on Stefan's face. It started glowing green before turning red.

[Target: Stefan Anderson].

[Objective: Exterminate].

"Go back to the world you were in for a century," Terminator hissed. Stefan swiftly dashed out of the way, narrowly avoiding a deadly punch.

His eyes burned, and the amount of lightning moving around his body multiplied. His mind also sharpened, and he leaned backward, evading a kick.

Launching another punch, Stefan's eyes bulged as his fist hurt. Punching metal armor was a stupid mistake.

"Enough!" Terminator barked, and an electric pulse erupted from him, slamming Stefan against the wall.


"Ugh!" He groaned and fell to the ground, breathing heavily. Yet, his mind raced at supersonic speed, seeking an advantage.

He had already assessed that the armored man was old and depended on his armor, indicating he had no ability and was at the Continental rank.

'Bingo!' His eyes crackled, and he grabbed an iron pipe, whipping Terminator's face so hard that his eyes became dizzy.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Now that he had the advantage, Stefan wasn't going to let go. He kept striking the man's head until he fell to the ground, struggling to stand.


Kicking his head, Stefan grabbed the round device and saw his name.

[Name: Stefan Anderson]

[Planet: Earth]

[Age: 121]

[Bounty: 1,000,000 Cosmic credits (CC)]

'What the heck is this? Why is my name on a bounty list, and why that cheap!' Stefan quickly corrected his last question, realizing he couldn't let his pride work against him.

Nee-nore! Nee-nore!

The sound of police sirens filled the air, and within a minute, they had surrounded the place.