

She was running with all her might out of coffee shop, barefoot, heels in her hand and completely soaked as it poured. There was cold breeze due to the rain as she made her way to the company bumping into several people on the way, apologizing to some and ignoring the others. 

Blisters had formed in the soles of her feet but she didn't care anymore. With every loud step she risked slipping and injuring herself but none of it mattered right now. Her mind wasn't working about anything else but him. She ran till she reached the entrance of the building and dropped her heels by the security room. Panting heavily and shivering, she whipped her phone out. God bless the man who made the suit and inserted a pocket on the inside. 

With shaky hands, she dialled Taeho's number which he picked up as soon as it rang. 

"I'm here," she whispered in a hoarse voice and he immediately cut the call, rushing downstairs.