
Time to Act

Now after hours of talking and planning and the earth leaders getting there expedition ready along with the Tok'ra getting there members who shall join the expedition ready Now it was time Ryjin wanted to make a spectacle and would use The system to Summon A great Fleet that shall split up into groups and each have their task so all the leaders where on his ship looking out at the Stars some asked what was going to happen Until they saw Ryjin walking in SPACE ??? -all of them had 1 thought WTF- Ryjin used his power and he glowed Goldenly -Simply for show haha- he used the system to then summon 500 Draconis Warships -these ships where the combination of all the etch they have so very powerful- as the ships appeared it looked like they came threw Warp so 1 after another all reporting into the Exterminatus after around 20 minutes all 500 where here and ready for WAR.

he came back in by walking threw the hull of the ship many where round-eyed as he did he spent about 30 minutes to set all the Ships in groups The Tok'ra Aid Group was 100 strong and under Terry's command, as he is working with the Tok'ra this would give the Tok'ra the ability to attack and rescue there fellow Tok'ra.

The second group was 200 strong and was the Atlantis group to head to the Pegasus galaxy and 50 will Guard Atlantis while the other 150 will split up and Attack the Wraith and help the Humans of that galaxy they also have the mission to take the other Atlantis city and Warp it back to Ryjin for fixing before it is sent back to be used as his Pegasus mobile fortress.

The last 200 are milky way galaxy Force's Ryjin Has Split command into 4 Ryjin takes 100 ships to attack the system lords the other 100 are split into 4 groups of 25 each and each is under the command of an earth Commander and allowed to start learning of space combat and command.

This surprised all but they were now all ecstatic And Glad they were allied to this Empire.

with this done everything was sorted and ready in around 7 days the expedition had gone threw the gate to Atlantis and Ryjin had told the Pegasus group of ships to head to Atlantis now and start there wake up call operation and to make sure to bring a Wraith Queen to him in shackles.

days pass and the weeks come and go around 2 months in the System Lords had been attacked by Ryjin and his fleet but the system lords had been Calm and it seems they have a plan.

with the Pegasus Galaxy Grand commander Alexander The Great.

Alexander- All ships are to prepare for warp we go to Athos and start the Operation Wake up Call NOW FORWARD AND SHOW THE MIGHT OF DRACONIS.

at that 150 warships Blasted threw Warp and appeared above Athos at this the people on the planet thought the Wraith came in great numbers and were running and hiding in safe spots Alexander had an envoy drop down to the ground and calm the people and also to look for Teyla Emmagan and offer her a place on a new world free of the Wraith along with all her people after hours of negotiations Teyla and some of her most trusted were brought aboard Alexanders Capital ship that he named Ares.

Alexander- Welcome Welcome Guests to the Ares My personal Capital war titan ship so how have the negotiations gone Diplomat Kii -They have gone very well Grand Lord Alexander- Good Good Teyla, if we could have all your People come up on the ship so we can begin, are plan and attack on the Wraith.

at hearing this Teyla and her Most trusted where Wide-eyed they had never in their life heard of anyone willing to stand and fight the Wraith So openly but they all felt these People could do it.

Teyla- I and my people also wish to help in the attack for Millenia are people have been nothing but cattle to the wraith we wish for the chance to avenge are fallen one's.

Alexander Nodded and accepted and after that the plan was set up all people would be taken off-world on the ships as the Draconis Fighters would be sent down and we would activate the Wraith Beacon to lure the Wraith threw the gate and we could attack and gain some Much needed Intel.

at this time on Atlantis, the Expedition was exploring Atlantis that was now fully powered by 21 EZPM's as the city was fully powered and all defence's where operational and loaded not only that but the expedition did not need to work on repairing the damaged parts of the city The Draconis fleet repaired everything before setting off on their grand campaign.

In the star wars Universe Yotanwa Oichi & Padme had been running rampant the Empire was on the back heel the rebels were not so bad as they did not declare war on the Draconis However a lot of smaller factions rose to fight Draconis by the empire's side so the 3 Empress Went fully on the offensive At least Half of the Known Starwars galaxy was now under Draconis Rule and it was only growing due to the ever-growing anger in the 3 Empress at there Husband being fucked with by Abaloth the battles were Huge and terrifying.


Leia De Dragon Lotus De Dragon Wulf De Dragon all 3 of his kids had taken to help their mothers and were also angry and To be honest it showed in there Fervor there mothers where so Proud many of the Generals of old had also taken to battle in the star wars universe in all different aspects.

Alexander and Teyla where now Down on the planet and there ambush was ready and all it needed now was the signal