
The Wraith Queens Plea

Ryjin was sat down thinking as he heard of her request many of the others had also somewhere still filled with anger to them but due to ryjin's explanation, they were not shouting they were mostly just waiting for others to talk.

Ryjin-Ok all I believe many of you may have reasons to reject this but I ask you to allow me to offer her something that may solve this problem for all -he looks and sees the alliance members nod- Wraith queen I have an offer for you if you wish to hear this out ???.

Wraith Queen- Of course, if it can end this war between my hive and force's and yours that's a good outcome.

Ryjin- then I will explain You see I am gearing up for a War of such Scale and Such Power that I shall be declaring war on GODS themselves and their minions but this very reason here can work to your advantage and mine you see these gods I was originally going to kill in revenge for there hand in my wife's death but with you Wraith if you and your kin Joined me and my empire I could give you them Gods in there Immortal form For you to Feed off For the rest of eternity I believe that would be far better punishment and torture for them would it not as you and your Kin would gain a source of Infinite life force to eat and I would gain my revenge for my wife if you agree i will here and now Allow you to feed off me and give you 100 Trillion years worth of life force for you to give to your Kin so you need not feed for a Great periode of time till we have war you can stay here and grow in numbers and regrow your ships ond once the time for war comes you can Bring your whoile race with me to said univers and dimension and that place i will bestow to you and your race to do with what you want feed till its dry if you like or farm them I dont care SO what say you Wraith Queen.

at this all present where shocked This emperor was Gearing up for such a war the wraith present were practically drooling at such Food and such.

Wraith Queen- I agree to your proposal Great emperor if what you say is true that would be the greatest thing for me and my kin and we agree -She gets on her knee's and bows- Please Please take me and my kin in as your people and we shall do everything we can to help aid and fight beside you.

Ryjin helps her up and offers his hand out as she shakes his hand but as she does she feel a great amount of Lifeforce enter her Trillions Upon Trillions of years worth as she pants and gasps she reaches out and grabs her elites and send a lot to them as she shares it as to Ease the burden after about 20 minutes the elites have left to hive fleet to share the Lifeforce.

Ryjin- Ok Queen you and your Hive's and Kin are now under my Empire BUT the rest of the wraith shall be shown NO MERCY and I have given you what I promised if you ever need more Life force let me know I will arrange some Immortals to help ease that for you Now I suggest you return to your hive fleet and go to a homeworld of yours and Start rebuilding your force's and such.

Wraith Queen- Thank you Great Emperor we shall be ready for said war Me and my Kin shall fight alongside you and yours to take the gods and their minions down she turns and leaves after bowing-.

The allied leaders were now shocked and amazed This guy had just Subjugated a Wraith Queen and her hive fleet and also declared the rest of her race shall be put to death and to now find out there going into such a huge war amazed them.

After this talks went on for a few hours with the allied Force's deciding that the allies shall hunt down every last Wraith not part of Ryjins group and wipe them out Ryjin split his fleet into 8 group's of 60k ships and they set out in all directions to start hunting down the Renegade Wraith.

with Atlantis, They had also started a full-scale exploration of Pegasus and had also heard of everything that had transpired in the meeting and outside of it the wraith where being Hunted down like dogs Ryjin and his force's where Relentless and ruthless and Very Very Efficient.

time goes on and went on as this was happening days turned to weeks weeks to months and months to years.

after about 3 years the Entire Renegade Wraith had been hunted to extinction and the wraith under Ryjin had started to recover and rebuild the allied Force's had also started to rebuild it was at this time Ryjin gathered the council and handed the Head seat to Teyla Emmagan of the Athosian People This shocked all some even Protested BUT ryjin put them down saying when he first Built this alliance with everyone he stated he would do this at that time and now is that time.

all the Pegasus galaxy had gotten word on the events of the council and now new Teyla was the new Alliance Head Many of the People who were rejected by Ryjin went to Teyla to request to join them after Much Debate and talks and many days and weeks the Entire Pegasus was United in 1 Allied force even the Genii Had managed to join they did show they were not happy at having no power in the said alliance but they could not fight the entire Galaxy.

right now Ryjin was talking to alexander and all the commanders on there next Move Ryjin was also looking over The StarWars Dimension Report that his wives and kids were running rampant in and doing really well.

Ryjin was thinking where to go to next He missed the Cold weapons Era of sword and Shield so he decided to Go to a cold steel Dimension next JUST WHICH ONE ?????.