
The Fathers Might and the Child's Growth

Ryjin is now mounted on Deathclaw as his Children have always loved Claw they are the 2 claw only ever lets near her if its anyone else Claw will actually go to kill them even rose cant go to near claw but ava and ragnar it seems Claw allows them Ryjin does not understand why he believes it may be because they have his blood in there vain's Ryjin comes to a compromise with rose and Jill and ava and ragnar he says The kids must see war and learn however he also understands they are still young so Ryjin says Rose and Jill can also come and accompany them along with rose's Elite Valkyrie Guards that have been Brutally trained for the last 10 years and or elites of the elites of all female warriors in draconis right now.

Rose and Her mother think as ava and ragnar are Pleading to them and they do cave in and agree with that ava and ragnar scurry off for a little while Ryjin is kinda confused why did they leave after so much Demanding and pleading However that was soon answered Ava came back Dressed as a Tiny Valkyrie seems she had Custom armour made for herself and Ryjin must admit she looks Good in it when she is older she will look both amazingly beauty-full and also Intimidating Ragnar on the other hand was Full on Warlord Style he was actually Dressed in mini chain mail with bits of plate-mail and a Helmet made of A Bears Damn Skull witch Ryjin thinks Looks Bloody amazing and that his children have some amazing Warlord style fashion sense.

Rose is now armour'd up and Jill is now also wearing armour after 10 years she finally relented on her old ways and now see's women are just as able as men and is secretly very Thankful her son in law is her daughters husband they also Brought 1k Valkyrie guards Ava was wielding a custom made spear thats her size Ragnar is wielding his Halberd as they are both mounted on there Horse's Ryjin Shouts for the army to march as they spend the next few days marching from Dragon Citadel to the northern lands Glen and Robert and many lords had started there Invasion of the welsh days ago Wallace had also entered the northern lands a few days ago alongside around 10 lords and there armies.

Ryjin was marching with his Entire army in a marching Formation his kids looking and watching the royal army march with such discipline and Order it was like a Beast that has awoken They where amazed and they rode round the different Legions seeing many Fearsome Legions the whole army was made of

60 Legions of Praetorian guards

20 legions of long yari ashigaru

20 Legions of Berserk'er

40 legions of dunedin snipers

30 Legions of Armour'd Longbows

30 Legions of Heavy armour'd Crossbows

30 Legions of winged Hussars

30 Legions of Mongolian sword and shield cav with bows

40 legions of Hunic Cav archers

Plus his Guards which he now has Yeti's hunters as his personal guards now due to there Power and fighting ability

His kids seeing this army March was like seeing a Beast the size of an ocean Ryjin did not mind them riding round and looking at the troops it was good they where looking and learning as they neared the Northern border Ryjin noticed a Lone rider atop a hill He instantly Ordered his entire army to halt and take defence formations as the formation came to life from the hill many flags where now seen raised well over a few hundred flags and at-least 7 where of the northern kings witch ryjin recognised However he also saw a few hundred flags on the left side of the hill They where Irish Flags ????? Ryjin then had a bad premonition did the Irish join if so that means Wallace me be ambushed on his left same with glen and Robert from the hill and the surrounding lands a tidal wave of armies marched before Ryjins defensive formation he was not worried about hims self but the other generals of course Rose was a little shaken but seeing her husband Fine and confidant she calmed and rode next to him Jill was Shocked and wanted to say maybe they should retreat but the words just would not seem to come out as if something was stopping her from speaking Ava and Ragnar where now beside there mother and farther.

It seemed the enemy army now had numbers maybe 3X that of ryjin's However at-least half is made of Irish Ryjin Gives the command for the entire army to Change from defence to offence as the formation comes to life and Goes from the defence to the offensive the enemy now seeing this Behemoth move many lords and kings had there armies Prepare but ryjin would give them no chance as he order'd the Dunedin snipers and the Longbows to fire at will and as that command was given a hail of arrows befell the enemy as they knew Ryjins army had better ranged archers they could only Rush and engage in melee the enemy all have shields raised and march forward avoiding most the arrows however Ryjin then Gives the Crossbows the order to fire and the effect was Unbelievable the Bolts tore threw the enemy shields soon the enemy made it to the front lines of ryjins army Only to be meet with a Huge hail of 60k Heavy Pilum's this Decimated the entire enemy front lines a good 80 to 100k enemy's fell to that Volley of pilum's.

Ava and Ragnar where watching there farther and all his commanders and the legions actions and felt there Blood boil there Adrenalin was Rushing Ragnar took his bow and joined the Archers and started shooting Ava not wanting to be Left out also did the same Rose had her spear and was stood beside Them with the 1k Valkyrie guards Jill made her way to Ryjin and grabbed his arm and started saying No shouting This is wrong something is wrong she feels a presence the same she felt every-time her Lands held a Festival for the gods she felt something was here she did not know what tho Then she remembered She spoke to Ryjin telling him That there is a Chosen one here somewhere in the enemy army and it feels like more than 1 with that said Ryjin remembered what the system told him all tho's years ago.

-in this world all the myth's and legends are Real so are the gods the demi gods the chosen ones and the hero's so are the monsters and the beasts of myth and legend-

With this Ryjin knew a God was at play helping them But How much help was it ????