
The council gets BASH'D HARD

Naruto and the firelords family are talking as Ryjin was looking to the 2 newcomers both where kneeling the 1 wearing the dragon robe's spoke first.

?????- I am Grand Elder of the Imperial Dragon Clan my name is Drai I Greet Ancestor and emperor The Dragon clan is yours my lord and we are all happy to see you finally awake -1 could see tears drop from his face - ancestor Rai would be happy to know you are well.

Ryjin approached and hugged the elder man and told him Rai was a great man and he was glad to have him as a grandson I see you are a direct line of his are you not

Drai- Yes Lord Ryjin I am we have kept vigil while you where in meditative slumber we have watched and safeguarded all in Hi no kuni.

Ryjin- Relax Drai you are family no need to be so rigid also that golden hair boy he has my blood too how come he is not with the clan ???.

Drai- what ??? -he turns to naruto his eyes widen- I belive he is Minato's son Minato was a member of the dragon clan but wanted to branch out and the clan did not stop him last we heard he died we did not know of a son ??? Boy, come over here.

Naruto- what's up old man dattebayo

Everyone- Face faults this kid just called the Grand elder of the dragon clan OLD MAN.

Ryjin burst out laughing he is absolutely one of my blood HAHAAHAH Drai looks at naruto with a Great Smile Come here boy I am your grandfather I am farther of Minato Come give me a Hug ma boy Naruto launched at him as he hugged him and smiled and laughed as he was shouting he has family Ryjin smiled and went to hold his reckless with the Hair of Rose Ava and Ragnar but it was not there he became worried and upset Yet was seen by the Third-party.

?????- Great ancestor the reckless was in the dragon clans keeping but a few years ago someone stole it we have been tracking it both are clan and the dragon clan -as she removed her hood there was a woman with pure Crimson Hair and a Headband with a swirl on it- allow me to introduce myself I am kishina kushina's sister and Naruto's Aunt She Rush'd and Lunged at naruto but not to harm but to Hugg him as she Hugged him Crying saying he has a family he has people who care for him that she shall teach him all he wishes to know.

Ryjin watched with a smile INSIDE THO MAD AS FK SOME CUNT STOLE HIS MEMORY OF HIS WIFE AND KIDS with his anger his power was leaking out as all were looking at him now 99% terrified Until Naruto went and Hugged Ryjin and asked if he was ok and wanted a hug Ryjin smiled and laughed and the leak stopped as he told the boy go and meet his Kin and that he shall deal with this council stuff The elder and the Uzumaki left to tell and answer naruto's billion question marathon the fire lord was seething as he was glaring at The Konoha council the Ninja side where a gasp at they heard that child was Minato's son the civilian side where Rigid and mad but all were sat down.

Fire lord- he sat down and the second his ass sat he let loose WHY THE FK WAS I NOT TOLD OF HIS SON -he glared at hiruzen- WELL EXPLAIN

Hiruzen- I believed it for the best that no one knows of his heritage as to protect him this is my fault and mine alone I shall take all blame and punishment.

Ryjin- that's fine its over Naruto shall be going to Dragon mountain and then Uzu no Kuni for the next 7 years for training and to be with family and I will deal with the Ninth myself That reminds me fire lord sama Ryjin calls forth 3 Big Scrolls that look unbelievable these are the imperial dragon clans Summon contracts The Dragons and the Gryphons and the Leviathans he hands them to the Firelord -Chose 1 for ya self to sign and for your kin before you leave-.

Firelord- Ancestor I can't accept such a thing these are Clan treasures -he is stoped as Ryjin states the entire clan shall be signing them- The fire lord Sign's the dragon scroll then and there.

the scrolls poof away as Ryjin turns to Hiruzen -Naruto is leaving but shall be back in 7 years for team placement I shall be his Team leader Lady Hinata will be on the team also the last is for you to choose also all stuff belonging to Minato and kushina is now naruto's not only that all past offences are forgiven but if anything like that happens again you will be killed also I will do some missions for Fire lord Sama and for Konoha I only take s rank or higher as he is speaking Ryjin feels a Chakra trying to seep into him he sees Fugaku starting at him with red eyes in that instance Ryjin activated his eyes a Golden Sharingan that he calls the Timeless Imperial he stares at Fugaku as ryjin overpowers the Uchiha -if you ever look at me like that again UCHIHA I will rip your eyes out and feed them top you -Fugaku fell face first as his eyes nose mouth ears are all bleeding-.

Hiruzen you can pick the third and fourth for the team but they best be good and be able to keep up also Hyuga san I will be taking Hinata to train her alongside naruto with the dragon clan and the Uzumaki do you have any problem with that.

Hiruzen- do I even have a choice ?? -Ryjin responded NO- well I have no problem with that thanks for being easy on us.

Ryjin- Hiruzen you tried to care for him of that I know but you have given these fuck's to much power he points to the 3 advisors and the civilian council but the Lord here will take care of that I believe -he walks out-.

Fire lord- and RIGHT HE IS if I had known you where Treating blood kin of MINE LIKE THAT I would have killed you all Effective immediately this Civilian council is Disbanded Completely all members of the civilian council shall be Confined in the prisons while all there accounts and actions are investigated This goes Double for you 3 He points at the 3 advisor's Hiruzen as of now FIX THIS SHIT YOU HAVE CAUSED. -Fire lord gets up and walks out-

Hiruzen- That went better than I hoped he looked at the ninja council Have the civilian council taken and imprisoned along with the 3 Ex advisors

-anbu in and around the room gathered around them and started to detain them but the 2 anbu detaining Danzo killed the 2 anbu by them and made a break for it with Danzo as they vanished before anbu and ninja could get them-

Hiruzen- Foolish move old friend Now even I cant save you