
Clash of The Titan's

with all that sorted Ryjin took deathclaw and went to his camp as hector took his mount hector had gathered 70% of the entire Trojan force's Ryjin said he should not leave Troy empty Hector agreed they marched to the wall camp as the Trojans reached there they where Greeted by a Huge host of what they could tell where Elite Troops with Unbelievable discipline Hector was Given Command of the Central Gate's of the wall they where essentially rampart Built up with Palisades Holding up the Earth as there where 3 entrance's in the centre But it gave his archers the best Cover and also protection from Enemy troops due to the Hight advantage.

Hector had set up his troops and had been given a Huge Load of supplies such good Tent's and Comfy sleep gear for his men Hector was thankful so where his men once they got the stuff they noticed how good it was the sleeping Gear was a Padded Matres that can be rolled up East the quilt may seem thin but was soft and also generated good warmth and would keep them from cold the tents where amazing as they Blocked all wind and Cold from getting in Hector was also Impressed with these things Ryjin had split his force's in 2 and had 1 hold the left and 1 the right as the enemy Greeks where now Preparing for a Fight Ryjin had sent a rider back to Griffon to order the Imperial fleet to leave port and blockade this beach area and bombard the beach with the Greeks on.

Agamemnon was now starring at the Great defensive wall the new Army built and he also now knows the Trojans are now Situated in the middle of this new army Blocking his Entire army Odysseus gave a Plan to attack with full force Yet we Have all the major Hero's such as Achilles and ajax and some-other Good warriors attack 1 entrance together he suggested the Hero's attack the enemy's Left flank entrance -that's ryjins area on the left side of the Trojans- He believed this side had no solid commander as he had not seen one the right side had the leader if that Beast cavalry Agamemnon agreed he had the elite's of the Greeks on the Greeks right wing to face this defence's left wing with this all the pieces where gathered and ready now we wait for morning.

But do things ever go according to plan

Ryjin had just gone threw his system List and was looking at magic and after scrolling he found it Comet of casandor Upgraded version This is like a made that makes all magic more power full at the cost of more magic Now if he cast comet of casandor He could Charge it up from x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 making it WAY more devastating But the magic required for each next LVL of charge is Intense he can only fire 1 X5 right now but he is also buying some other stuff and he saw it the thing he wanted to get The hounds of Gehenna spell Then he Thought of the Light spell that traps people and makes them unable to move he also Remembers a skill from 3 kingdoms that drops the enemy moral by HALF but he cant remember the names yet He shall think on it But he does remember 1 thing a skill from Zhang Fei called Blazing Roar it drops the enemy moral by 100% that's Heavy He bought it right away. and he also Bought Binding Fury of Guan yu he was now ready for tomorrows Battle.

as morning came all commanders where up and ready as where the troops as Ryjin Don'd his New battle armour which is a Knight style'd Plate mail over his body except his head and it was Coloured blood red with Gold Trimmings and lining as he stood there the whole allied army ready Ryjin had 1 of his men Sound the Horn -the erabor horn- as it went off All troops got in positions as the enemy army was now marching to them in an orderly manner different from the last battle as the enemy lines where now charging the walls entrance's Ryjin and even hector noticed The Greeks had solidified all there hero's in 1 area the walls Left wing That's where ryjin is Glen had no Problem he believed in his lord Hector was a Little Restless he did not know this emperor's Battle potential or even if he could fight.

The Greeks Smashed on the Shield walls of the Trojans in the centre gate's as Glens side was then hit are archers where firing so where the enemy archers it was now an all out fight 1 side for survival the other For conquest Ryjin was stood at the front of his entrance with Death alongside him as he saw the Greeks rushing him madly some Stop'ed and panic'd as they saw Deathclaw Ryjin mounted death and Ordered his men to Lock shields and All archers fire at will Crossbows pick the targets with best armour and take them out he ordered his infantry to Lock shields and brace them self's for impact

as the Greeks hit the shield wall held Firm as the Greeks where Hammering all the entrance's with all there Might Ryjin noticed 2 warriors.

He almost Screamed in excitement It was Achilles and Ajax from the Movie Troy and damn they looked Just like they did in the film Holy shit they where charging his shield wall as ajax bashed threw Achilles was Killing his men with ease Ryjin could not allow that and he and death charged both Achilles and ajax.

Both Ajax and Achilles Header a Great Screech and turned to see a Man riding a Great Beast the likes they had never seen Charging them as the rider's weapon was raised and swinging towards Achilles Ajax Rushed towards the beast and the rider Great warhammer Meets Glaive as a Ear-piercing sound is made and both men are locked in a test of strength Achilles takes this chance to try and 1 up ryjin by attacking death Yet Death swung her claws at him witch surprised him as he did not think she could act without riders Guidance as all 4 where now locked in battle the Troops round them had also collided and a all out Slug fest had now started.