
Total War System: Stuck between DC and Marvel

How would a third generation rich kid which was the black sheep of his family react when he discovers that he has been chosen as host of a system but the price is that he is bound to a place where he has limited freedom and could only leave on certain conditions? Freak out of course!!!! “Why!? I was comfortable in my house leeching of my family! Why must I be subjected to this confinement!!” [Host was chosen randomly out of trillions of many possible candidates, so in the words of your fellow humans it is better for you to ‘enjoy’ it if you can’t fight it.] So Mark Johnson was stuck within a weird three story building with a late Victorian design. [Host has discovered ‘The Shop’] [Mission Issued: Where are you?] [-Host must discover where you are and what or which worlds you can access.] Mark then fumbled around and realized that there are two doors that led to two different worlds. Namely DC and Marvel Universes. [Mission completed!] Mark could only say two words when realization dawned upon him. “I’m Fucked!” [Note: Any character in this novel is not mine except for the main protagonist. Also I would change some things about some characters as I am not quite knowledgeable in every canon facts about many of them Also I only write in my free time to release some stress so don't expect consistent uploads of chapters.]

Warcry_Ayms · Fantaisie
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102 Chs


Hello everyone it is me Warcrayms, if anyone was wondering if this fanfic is dropped, No.

I am not dropping the novel, it has just been a crazy month for me since Truck-kun and me had a close contact discussion for a chance to be sent to another world but my application was rejected as someone else might have gotten the position. So I left the interview with just a few broken bones and some second degree burns in my leg.

Thankfully it did not reach my family jewels or else my left nut would have been prepared medium rare Gordon Ramsey style. Anywho, I have just been having significant recovery the past few days and I could now move my left arm and thumb a bit well. So my right hand is free but can't make the bald man cry yet unfortunately so this has been the longest I have been not intimate with right hand-kun.

My Doctors said that I might be able to recover enough to be discharged in another month or so but sadly my laptop was with me during my talk with truck-kun so all the chapters I had prepared to mass release is gone in a puff of smoke, literally and figuratively.

So sorry for the delay but I am glad I still have all mental faculties intact as I am still depressed and lonely being single.(Cries internally)

But hey, good thing is that when people get burned the body releases some kind of hormone or protein that would make the 'spear' gain length or size if my attending is speaking the truth or just consoled me when my 'junior' was almost toast.(It's not Lupus I said to him of you guys no what I mean hehehe...)

Bad thing is that school is still asking me to catch up when I come back, but that's for later to talk about. My wrist is hurting after all this typing so hope for me to get better soon so I could pick up from where I have left.

A/N: June 17, 2023

It seems i'll have to take extra days because something went wrong during my physical, somehow as my doctors said a broken bone of mine was not fixed enough so it threw something like a 'Fat Embotido' or something. I can't remember, might be the morphine taking off some of my edges...

Any who my brother, a nurse, won't let me use my old laptop which is considered a relic but still works because of reasons like needing to sleep more for my physical therapies to be able to use my left and right hands again with enough coordination since that recent incident cause me to get a hole on my right temple.

The doctor said the surgeon had to do it to relieve pressure but I still seemed depressed as ever so maybe the operation did not work... just kidding, i guess making a joke about this is just my way of coping with the fact I almost died again.

Anywho it seems even the devil rejected me (cries in the corner 😭)... Soon I might be able to get permission to have time using my fingers again, for research purposes.