
Total War : Shogun in another world

"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in." Mandle could not help but smirked at the thought of a quote that came to his mind as he remembered his last few moments on Earth. Thinking, hoping that he had finally retired from his occupation only to get blind-sided by life. And brought into a world where the only retirement was death. [*Ding* Initial requirements of System Activation have been completed, Waiting for deep evaluation of host…] [*Ding* Error, System has found that host lacks one of the initial requirements,…] [Cause(s) : 1. Host currently has influence over a monarchy. 2.Host does not have total control of said monarchy. ] [*Ding* System shall commence searching for an alternative route…] [Please stand by…] [*Ding* Alternative route found.] [*Ding* System shall now activate in: 3 2 1…] [*Ding* Welcome to The Total War : Shogun System.] "What the fuck." …or maybe not. .... As you can see am trash at describing my own book, mostly because I am not sure what going to happen in it. Yes I am that type of writer. But worry not as i am decent. I think. I hope. And is you want to support my works please check out my p.a.t.r.e.o.n patreon.com/_Starsign_

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16 Chs

Chapter 11 - Sorcerers and Knigths

In this new world that Arno had found himself in, there was a subset of people who could achieve extraordinary feats that can rival the so-called Gods. These people throughout the ages went by many names, but the most common ones were; Sorcerers and Knights. 

With Sorcerers having the ability to innately manipulate aspects of the world and later down the line even create them. And depending on what tier of sorcery they were in, would determine how much control they had over an aspect and what tier of spells they could master.

While Knights on the other hand had martial abilities that improved with every stage. Meaning that they did not need to learn a spell or technique to gain said abilities. But it was better to have one than to not.

These types of people were elites in their own right and were allowed many privileges because of it, no matter where they went. 

However despite that being the case, there was a subset group of people in that subset group of people that were called ; Sophos. 

People with both knight and sorcerer abilities which enabled them to be far more dangerous than your average Knight and Sorcerer. 

Which also granted them even more privileges, to the point that they were national treasures for some Federation Kingdoms. Two of those supposed national treasures were in a clandestine operation, with one of them being engaged in a brutal fight with an animal. And said animal winning, forcing Arno to assist where he could. 

"How the f#ck is this even possible?" Arno sighed as he sat back in his seat, trying to collect his thoughts. Red Oni was a Sophos and as well as a ninja. But despite that fact she was losing.

Was this the true nature of the world he was currently in? Maybe he underestimated this world or he missed something? Or maybe he should have just skipped the meeting initially and started reading at the library like Guide suggests, instead of him arguing with Guide. But mayb-

[Your Majesty, if it will put your heart at ease. I can show you her real-time status.] Guide interrupted his train of thought as he suggested something to calm Arno down. But it did not do that.

"Wait? You could have given me real time footage of the operation and you did not think to inform me about that?" Arno sat up straight after hearing that Guide was still keeping important details from him. 

Arno knew he needed to learn to accept the fact that he would not be privy to all information regarding the System. But he still deserved to know something, anything if it could keep his operators on the ground safe.

[ I would have, Your Majesty. However this ability does not show real-time footage, but rather a representation of what information is gathered by the System from the units on the ground. Making it slightly unreliable of giving you a clear idea of the situation.] Guide tried to explain his reason, which caused Arno to fall silent as he tried to analyse the implication of what Guide had just said. 

And, sadly, whether he liked it or not. Guide had a point. 

"Okay, whatever, just show me her status." Arno sighed trying to calm himself down, as he had to admit that Guide made a fair judgement call.

Because if he had informed Arno about this ability, and Arno used it, eventually down the line he would have heavily relied on this unreliable ability which would have led to casualties, let alone injuries. 

Especially in dire situations like the one Red Oni was facing. However, now that he knew about it, he just hoped he would not fall into that pitfall.

But those thoughts were sent to the back of his mind as multi-clouds began to emerge from the sea of colours, reminiscent of the first time he entered in his mind space. The light show combination from the clouds and colours should have soured his mood, but a notification beat them to it.

[*Ding* Sorry Host, however the System is unable to connect to the unit. Please try again later.]

"Guuiiiiddddeeee." Arno called out Guide's name, taken aback by what he was seeing. " What is going on?" 

[ Red Oni has completed her mission, and is now currently unconscious.] Guide's statement caused Arno's eyebrows to lift as he then asked.

"And what does that have to do with this?" Arno pointed at the notification in front of him, wishing it could disappear at any moment so that he could see Red Oni's condition.

[ With her being unconscious, it makes it impossible for us to recreate a scene of her current condition. These are the limitations I warned you about, Your Majesty.] 

"Fu#k, fu#k,fu#k,fu#k." Arno muttered as he began to scratch his head again, but this time more erratically."No, no, no. I need to calm down. I just need to calm down. Okay, okay, okay." However, before his heart rate increased too much. Arno stopped himself from getting too caught up on his inability to prepare his operators for the worst case scenario. 

"Guide." Arno called out after letting out a huge sigh " You said something about, if I spawn the Uesugi Clan. They will take care of her. Are you certain?" He asked hoping to get a positive response from Guide.

[ I will make sure of it myself, Your Majesty.] Which he did.

"Good, Do it." Arno said not needing anything more.

[ Your will is my command, Your Majesty.]


P.O.V of the dragon


In the constantly shifting tide that was the river of samsāra*, a soul could be heard amongst the moans and groans belonging to the rest of the souls that could break the saniest of minds. As they were constantly swarn like tuna in a bathtub. Drifting in circles with no sign of their destination or if there was one in the first place.

"Why?" Its raspy voice barely sounded out, it had already lost its sense of sight and touch. Anguished was all it could feel.

"After all…the things…I've been through,... the constant wars,...the peace I tried to create… for my homeland. The 'monsters'... I vanquished…for my Clan." But it held hope that somebody, anybody would hear it.

"Why?…Why am I…in samsāra? Have I not… achieved nirvana?...I had made peace with my death." Hoping its cries could make what or whoever made the mistake of bringing it in this accused place, reconsider.

"Why am I still here?" But hope was a fleeting thing especially in a place like this, as it asked softly this time. Understanding or better yet knowing that no one would answer it in this place. Not even Buddha* would help it. "...Why?"

[ Do you want to achieve nirvana?] But just when it had given in. A voice in an alien language could be heard by it.

"A foreigner?" it asked itself, not really sure if it was hearing correctly. Because yes, the language was alien like the foreigner's one from its homeland but it clearly understood what the voice was saying.

[In some context, yes. But I am not here for semantics. So I will ask again, do you want to achieve nirvana?] The foreigner's voice was loud, but gave the soul a warm feeling that honestly reminded it of home.

"Yes, please Bodhisattva*." The soul pleaded without thinking twice, if it had a body it would kiss the ground. " Allow me to join you in your journey to achieving enlightenment."

Even if it was against its way of life, there was no shame in kissing the ground of this forei- Bodhisattva* as only those who are on the road to enlightenment or had reached enlightenment, could promise it to you. Especially in samsāra, one wrong action done here could be detrimental to your reincarnation.

[ I am no Bodhisattva, however the one I serve is. And this is where you come in. As long as you serve loyally, you will be rewarded handsomely.] The Bodhis- foreigner said to the soul, causing it to be in shock that a retainer of a 'Bodhisattva' could safely traverse samsāra to find a soul and offer it enlightenment without being a Bodhisattva, let alone a Buddha.

" This servant will serve her lord without complaints or doubt." The soul roared, not because of the sound dampening groans and moans of samsāra. But as a testament to its resolve to this foreigner's master.

[ I respect your pledge, but I must inform you that the minute you reincarnate you will have no choice but to be loyal to my lord. Do you understand?] The voice said, trying to make sure the soul understood the gravity of its situation, but that was unnecessary as the soul took no time to say…

" I understand." And with that, the soul began to feel. Yes it began to feel again as it heard the voice said.

[That is excellent to hear, please do your best to please my lord. Because you may come to find out that I am quite merciful to those who are loyal to our lord. However, there are others who are not.]

And without waiting for its response, the soul began to see again but all it saw was a blinding light that was not painful. In fact it felt like the warmth of a lover that wished to keep you safe from all needless things. It was honestly intoxicating, but sadly fleeting. 

As the next moment it- she felt the heat of the unfiltered sun hitting her face, as the dry climate caused her to feel the weight of the armour she had found herself in. 

"I thought Milord said I would be reincarnated." She thought to herself, while looking at her surroundings. With the armour being the first thing that grabbed her attention as it was the same design as the one she died with. However the one she wore lacked the wear and slight tear that she was so accustomed to.


However those thoughts were interrupted by the neigh and gallop of countless horses that rang in the grassland, like a natural disaster coming her way as the ground shook due to their charge. The sight of this would have concerned her, however she felt nothing but a sense of ease as she heard 

" Brother-in-law, you are alive. Thank the Buddha, thank the Buddha, you are alive."

P.O.V Arno

[*Ding* Congratulations on the host acquiring a beginning Clan, the host will have the ability to summon more Clans once he ranks up. So may the host please do its best to achieve Rank Minor Victories.] A notification appeared in front of Arno, confirming that the Usegui Clan was summoned and hopefully any minute now Guide would contact him to give him an update on the proceedings.

"Okay, now for other pressing matters." Arno muttered to himself as he then went to say, " Guide, inform Green about the change in the operation's status." Right after which he said, " Oh, and ask him if he is confident in completing his mission without the assistance?" 

He asked this mostly because Green Oni's mission was the most crucial to ensuring Operation ' Welcome Home' was a success.

But with it being the most crucial, it also had the highest risk of mortality. Which is why the original plan would have had Red Oni as reinforcements if anything went south. 

But with her out of commission, Arno would probably need to send Black Oni as reinforcements. However that would leave him vulnerable to enemy assassination attempts.

[ Green has confirmed that he can complete it without any added assistance.] Guide using his ability through the System to be a communication link between Arno and Green.

"Really, is he sure?" Arno asked as his left eyebrow lifted at the same time his head tilted to the side. " I can pull him out if he wants."

[Yes Your Majesty, he is adamant in completing his mission.] Guide replied within the second, as if he was deciding for Green.

But Arno paid no mind to it as he had a vague idea of how determined the Hanzo's Shadows were when it came to their mission. Especially since it was their first operation, but because it was their first operation fatal mistakes could happen. Therefore Arno could not help himself but say.

 "Okay fine, but if it gets too dangerous-" 

[I have already repeatedly informed all the operators on the mission.] Guide said, knowing full well what Arno was about to say. 

" But the Red Oni incident still happened." Arno retorted to Guide statement.

[ Now, now Your Majesty. You and I both know that the unexpected is not uncommon in special operations.] Guide said, trying to remind Arno of the true nature of these types of missions.

Which Arno could only sigh to, as he knew Guide was right. He should be thankful that Red Oni is still alive, even if she is badly injured.

"Okay fine." Arno said, as he then changed the topic into something more 'personal', "and what about Blue's assignment?"

[Well, your Majesty. Blue's assignment has been smooth sailing in her opinion, however those dogs are planning something that might hurt her mission. She has requested to investigate the matter?]

"Denied." Arno said without missing a beat, as he then continued to say " She is to stick to her mission, no matter what. Her assignment is not one I am willing to compromise on. If the situation does get uncontrollably, I will send in Black as reinforcements. Understood?"

[Yes Your Majesty, I shall relay your message to her. Right this instance.]

P.O.V Somewhere in the Manor 

" Tyner, we can't be in here. Orders are orders. I will not indulge you in your shenanigans for a second time." A household guard said to his friend who was insistent that they should step inside the holding cell of a recently newly added prisoner. 

" Shenanigans? Are you still angry about that Ashamed merchant story? I said I was sorry. How could I have known it was one of those tribeless bastard's caravans?" Tyner said as he was unlocking the holding cell of the prisoner. "And besides, I heard they are holding the woman that tried to kill Lord Arno in here."

"You mean His Highness, not Lord Arno. If both titles were not true, I would have to execute you." Tyner's friend said to him as all emotion and expression left his face. " And besides I know about her, she is His Highness' new toy."

" Which is why I want to greet her." Tyner said with a smile as the cell finally unlocked. To which he entered, and saw a green head girl chained to the wall. She was in a daze, her body wishing only to fall into a fiddle position to find any little comfort it could get. A futile attempt in Tyner's eyes.

As she was forced to stand. Which revealed her new stylish clothes, given to her by their Commander. But sadly, said clothes could not cover up the injuries caused by Lord Arno. 

"And besides, when has Lord Arno ever cared what we do with his toys after he is done playing with them." However seeing her like this did something to Tyner's loins as he found great pleasure in seeing women in this state, having fully submitted.

"Thank you Lord Arno, at least you know how to do something right." Tyner thought to himself, while enjoying the view as his little friend started to wake up, "And to thin-."

" That may be true, but has he ever brought one to the manor? No, so this one must be special." The friend argued, as he felt his instincts telling him that if he were to even attempt what his friend is suggesting. Then he would lose his life.

"And your point is?" Tyner's mouth flinched in annoyance, as he ripped his attention from the lovely sight in front of him and plastered it to his friend. " Look at her, if she was really special she would be our Commander by now." 

The friend frowned at that statement, but found no fault in it as their Commander used to be one of Arno's toys when he was still young.

Only to later join the Von Moore Household Guards at the request of Lord Arno himself. For a reason that not many know. But there were rumours. Some say he did it to gain influence in the Household Guards, while others say he just wanted to sleep with a Household guard without resorting to underhanded methods.

Whichever was the case,their Commander joined the Household Guards and excelled at it. Leading many in the family to try and poach her, but she stayed steadfastly loyal to her master. Even as he deteriorated to what he was now.

" I hear you, b-'' The friend was about to retort, but he was interrupted by a strong pressure that weighed on his body and made his breathing hard. Fear began to creep down his spine as he subconsciously knew who was releasing said pressure.

"Guardsman, I believe I told all officers to inform you all that the new prisoner is to not be touched?" And as if confirming his assumptions a familiar voice rang, Commander Sekhmet's to be specific. 

As she walked, not in a seductive way like before, but a general who demanded respect. The Commander Sekhmet that the Frontier Household Guards branch knew, and feared. 

" Yes, Commander." They both said in unison, as they straightened themselves and saluted their commander. Their famed stoicism plastered on their faces, but sadly the fear in their eyes was unquestionable. Especially Tyner.

" So why are you here, Guardsman?" She said as she got closer to them, while at the same time the pressure got stronger. But they stayed in their position despite that fact. All thanks to their training and willpower.

"We…Uhm, we…" However all that training and willpower was being tested by someone who was infamous for getting her way. Causing Tyner to stutter his words as his Commander drew closer. So close in fact that Tyner would at any moment urinate himself.


" We were checking if the prisoner needed anything, especially since we heard a rumour that she is special to His Highness. We thought we should show her some hospitality, Commander." His friend saved him from potentially getting punished for disobeying orders, and maybe even executed for touching something precious to Lord Arno.

" Well I can assure she does not need your 'hospitality'." Sekhmet retorted, as stood in front of them and said very softly, "So, Guardsman, I would advise both of you to leave these cells before I change my mind. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal, ma'am" They said, before they ran past her and got out of the cell. Mostly trying to stay out of sight of their Commander.

And when 'Sekhmet' realised that the two Household guards had finally left the premises, she began to left out a sigh of relief.

As her body also began to morphed into the appearance of a female in full black with the only thing she wore that was not black, was a blue oni mask.

"I hate this babysitting assignment, I wish I was a part of the operation Kage activated." Blue Oni thought to herself, as she began to examine her V.I.P to check if she was okay.

[His Majesty has denied your request to investigate. And seeing what could have happened to your V.I.P if you were not here. Even if I could, I would not question his judgement on this matter.] Guide said in her head.

"Yes, whatever you say."


Samsāra: the cycle of death and rebirth to which life in the material world is bound.

Bodhisattva: a person who is able to reach nirvana but delays doing so through compassion for suffering beings

Nirvana: a transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and the subject is released from the effects of karma and the cycle of death and rebirth. It represents the final goal of Buddhism.

Buddha: enlightened.

Author's note: As I was writing this chapter I asked myself should or should I not use real life Religion. Then I realised that these religions are part of the game, so I might as well. And If me writing about this offends you, too bad🙃 if you wish to correct me where I got something wrong about anything i write, comment or message me😁 let's make the greatest fanfic.