
Total War : Shogun in another world

"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in." Mandle could not help but smirked at the thought of a quote that came to his mind as he remembered his last few moments on Earth. Thinking, hoping that he had finally retired from his occupation only to get blind-sided by life. And brought into a world where the only retirement was death. [*Ding* Initial requirements of System Activation have been completed, Waiting for deep evaluation of host…] [*Ding* Error, System has found that host lacks one of the initial requirements,…] [Cause(s) : 1. Host currently has influence over a monarchy. 2.Host does not have total control of said monarchy. ] [*Ding* System shall commence searching for an alternative route…] [Please stand by…] [*Ding* Alternative route found.] [*Ding* System shall now activate in: 3 2 1…] [*Ding* Welcome to The Total War : Shogun System.] "What the fuck." …or maybe not. .... As you can see am trash at describing my own book, mostly because I am not sure what going to happen in it. Yes I am that type of writer. But worry not as i am decent. I think. I hope. And is you want to support my works please check out my p.a.t.r.e.o.n patreon.com/_Starsign_

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16 Chs

Chapter 10 - Redbone

The Frontier, a place that used to be the only thing that bordered the Federation from its neighbours. And now despite the fact that the Federation has multiple areas that serve the same purpose, it is still frequented by caravans who come and go from the Federation looking for risky yet better opportunities. A merchant promised land if you will. 

And just like any other promised land, there are bound to be vultures on the road. Waiting to pick off strugglers who are too weak to defend themselves. And the Frontier might as well consider itself a nest for such individuals.

A clear stretch of desert and dry grassland with no signs of civilization in sight. Except for a shithole city, six vaguely xenophobic tribes and a bunch of vultures waiting to pick off their next launch. The weather was scorching in the day and freezing in the night. So you could imagine how tough the people who called it home were.

[ Green Oni has inquired about your status update.] 

In the canyons of such a place, far from the city, there was a figure currently engaged in battle with three creatures that resembled mountain lions. However they were far larger than any average mountain lion you would find and their heads could rotate clockwise and anticlockwise similar to an owl.

"Tell him I am almost done with my part. And I will rendezvous with him within about 20 minutes depending on his location." the figure named Red Oni said, as she rushed with kunai in hand towards one of the beasts with speeds rivalling that of a cheetah. 

Seemling getting into striking position in under 2 seconds, as she slid under the belly of the beast. And then punctured its heart repeatedly, as well as its stomach, in the same amount of time it took her to slide under the creature and appear behind it. Ready to jump on its back, so that she could have better access to its throat.

However, instead of doing that she retreated a few metres back from the creatures. 

"What is going on?"  Was the first thought popped in her mind after tactically retreating from the beasts. She then looked at her kunai trying to understand as to why there was no blood. Especially after puncturing a heart. 

And worst yet the creature seemed to be unaffected by what she had done. Instead, her stunt only angered the creatures as they roared in unison, before charging at her at full speed. With two choosing to attack from her flanks, while one ran in front of her with claws out ready to pounce. Seeing the speed at which they were running, she decided that if wanted to get a proper kill she would need to jump into one of their shadows.

"Wait, what?"

However for some reason she could not jump in, causing her to be momentarily stunned. While it was only momentarily, it was enough time for a claw to dig into her arm. Not before she evaded all of the creatures and retreated once again.

" Damn it, am going to be late!"  She thought to herself, understanding that she had underestimated her enemies. But she still needed to assist her comrade in his side of the operation in under 20 minutes. Time that seemed more like an illusion than anything else, especially with her now injured arm.

"Damn it, Damn it, Dame it."  Her thoughts were consumed by the fear of having to face Black Oni's ire for the failure of a simple multi-targeted elimination mission, but worse yet, the fear of disappointing her Kage. She had to eliminate them all. She just had to." I am my Kage's Shadow for crying out loud. I can't fail my first solo mission."

[ While I commend you for your tenacity. Do keep in mind that His Majesty would prefer you alive than dead even if it meant failure of your assignment.] A voice chimed in her head, causing Red Oni to think for a minute and then sigh so as to calm her thoughts. 

"Hai, milord." She said as she got her thoughts to calm down just a bit. The pain of the wound was not felt, maybe thanks to her training or the pure adrenaline but moving her left arm would be difficult from here on out. 

"He's right, I need to calm down and analyse the situation." She then began to look into everything see knows about the creatures. 

Blunt objects do not work on them.She can not jump into their shadow.They are not horrible at tactics.

With these three things to consider, she needed to formulate a plan of action. But she was lacking a piece of crucial information that could better help her create a plan to combat them was…

"What are they?" 

Just like that, theories of what the creatures were formulated in her head, instead of a plan.

One of which was that they were zombies, as they had no blood and were immune to puncture wounds. However she quickly shot that theory down because while zombies were immune to puncture wounds, their movements and execution speed could not match these creatures. Who were as fast as her at the moment. 

And worst yet, zombies had shadows. These creatures did not, however this was the only explanation she had that made logical sense as to why she could not jump into their shadows.

But while she was formulating these theories on what they were. The creatures in question were not sitting idling waiting for her to come to a conclusion. They started their second assault as they did the same exact attack they did the first time. 

Which grabbed Red Oni's attention and prepared her for the attack. However this time as they rushed to her the one in the middle disappeared, and reappeared behind her. 

Surprising Red Oni and giving it ample time to claw at her back. To which it did and with the same momentum also pushed her forward into the incoming creatures.

"You got to be kidding me. "


In a room filled with books from all parts of the world, there sat a man with a geo-politics book in front him as well as a candle to ensure said book as visible. The man was currently trying to understand the history of each vassal under the Von Moore family, and what position he played in all of it.

[...House Von Owen, one of the oldest vassals under the Von Moore family who are known for their military might and steadfast loyalty that…] And as Guide was reading to him, Guide interrupted himself. 

[Apologies for interrupting your reading time, Your Majesty. But we have a problem.] 

"What is it?" Arno asked without skipping a beat. Because while he was listening to the book, he was also very anxious about the current operation he was spearheading

One that was essentially crucial to his future developments in the Southern Frontier city and maybe even the whole barony, which is why he did not wish to delegate it to Black Oni.

[ Currently Red Oni is facing an unknown creature, which has resulted in her sustaining multiple injuries.]

"Then tell her to abort the mission." Arno said, as he would rather have his subordinates fail the mission than lose their lives. They could fight for another day. He had no idea if he would be able to create another Red Oni, a normal ninja could be arranged in the later future. But Hanzo's Shadows were very expensive.

[ I have already instructed her, however the beasts are making it hard for her to escape as they have the ability to teleport to her location everytime she evades them.] Guide said, causing Arno to be shocked at this revelations and also understand how dire the situation really was.

"Has she awakened her Body?" Arno asked, trying to have a more in depth of understanding.

[ No Your Majesty, she fears it would be a waste of stamina as the creatures are very accurate in guessing her location while also matching her speed.] Guide said, causing Arno to subconsciously scratch his head as he paused for a minute, thinking of a way out.

"Can Black Oni or Green Oni get there in time?" Anro asked, willing to put the operation on pause, if it meant getting Red Oni back. 

[ No Your Majesty, by the time they get there she would have been…] Guide did not finish his sentence for Arno sake. Which was the right call, because Arno immediately understood what Guide wanted to say.

" Okay, Okay, I understand…uhmm…" He said as he began think of a new strategy. 

"... Black Oni." when he said that, a figure in full-black including its mask that depicted a demon with a happy expression on its face materialised from his shadow.

"Kage." He kneeled down.

"Red Oni is in trouble, so I need you to cooperate with Guide to find a book describing the creature she is facing. Maybe that will give her a better chance of surviving." Arno said, without forgetting to not show the current turmoil in his heart. But it was too late for that as Black Oni heard and saw his whole conversation with Guide from his shadow. Even if he only heard and saw his master's side of the conversation.

"Hai." He said as he quickly disappeared from where he knelt.

"Now…what do we do about her wounds?" Arno asked himself, only for Guide to announce.

[ As long as you spawn in the Uesugi Clan you should not be worried about her injuries, Your Majesty. They will take care of her.] 


"You know…what?...I finally know what you'll are." A raspy chuckle could be heard from a figure in full-black with the only exception being its mask that depicted a red demon with a sad expression on its face.

Her outfit, untidy and torn up, revealed the wounds that decorated her body. These wounds did not cut too deep to cause major blood loss, courtesy to her training. But too many of them would definitely be lethal. 

"It all makes sense now,...you'll are…shinigamis!!!" Red Oni said, breathing heavily with kunai in hand as she got surrounded by the three creatures that seemed ready to pounce. 

"At least I died having seen a shinigami." She tried to console herself as she feared that her next words would be her final ones on this earth. " Sorry for letting you down Ka-"

[ As much as it pains me to interrupt your final moments. Your mission is not over nin.] Guide interrupted her before she could finish her sentences.

"Oh you…are back…milord. For a minute…I thought you…left me because I failed my assignment." As hard as it was for Red Oni, she chuckled once again, happy that Guide was still watching over her. 

[ And get scolded by his Majesty? No thank you, there are quicker forms of self-torture ma'am.] Guide quipped, to which Red Oni laughed and said.

"You have a point, milord." As she then looked at the creatures that were still surrounding her. " Do you have… any ideas on how to fight… shinigami, milord?...Because I just ran out." 

[ Sorry to burst your bubble ma'am, but you do not have the ability to see shinigami.] 

"Wait what?, then… what are these creatures?" Red Oni's confusion could be heard from her masks. As she was certain that these creatures were shinigami, and of course she has never seen a shinigami in real life but she was a few days old. She has not seen a lot of things. 

[ That ma'am is a burundi lion, solitary creatures that use illusionary clones to hunt their prey while their real body hides at a safe distance.] Guide explained to Red Oni. Who got out of her fighting stance as she looked at the creatures while thinking.

"So this whole time I have been fighting an illusion?" Red Oni thought to herself as the fresh smell of her own blood was evidence enough to say this was not an illusion. But why would Lord Guide lie when his assignment is to support the success of the Kage's Operation? What is going on? Could Lord Guide be-

[ First His Majesty, and now you. So this is what discrimination feels like.] Guide broke her train of thought with his statement.

Panicked, Red Oni tried to blurt out an apology, but was cut off by Guide.

[No need for that, I only jest. And to explain as to why the illusion felt so real, that is because they are.] 

"Then…" A scary thought took hold of Red Oni's mind. If this was true then the potential of such an ability being converted into a technique was endless and would definitely be helpful for all members of the Hanzo's Shadows if it were to be replicated and mastered by them.

[Yes.] And that exact scary thought was only confirmed to be possible by Guide with one word.

" Permission to capture this creature, milord." Red Oni asked, not wanting to waste any more time with the 'fakes' in front of her. And help herself to a boon of a lifetime.

[ I had already gotten Kage's permission the second we found out the true nature of this creature.] Guide answered, and with that she got the green light she needed. 

"Thank you, milord." She said, as she then calmed her mind and breathing to focus on one task, capture the creature and destroy all evidence that she was there.

"Hope you make this interesting beast." Red Oni would have sounded arrogant to most people at this moment, however they would be confusing arrogance with confidence.

As Red Oni held out her left hand and made it seem like she was holding a deck of cards. Which put a strain on her left arm, but she ignored it as she let out a strong sigh and said, " Release…"

Her eyes began to glow bronze, as a dozen translucent bronze shuriken appeared in her left hand. Emitting a strong pressure. However she was not done as she continued to say, "...Body."

Then an invisible set of shinobi samurai armour appeared on every part of her body. From her arms to her legs and even her head was protected by this armour. 

"Okay, now where are you?" Red Oni muttered as she began to look for potential locations on where the creature may be hiding. All had to be in elevated locations where the main body can keep an eye on her and also give accurate instructions to its clones. 

Elevated, mostly because this stretch of the canyon had no caves or small pockets to hide. She found that out when she was facing these creatures, hoping to limit them to only attacking her from one direction. Thankfully in the process of looking for these caves she knew only two places where the burundi lion could possibly be.

"Okay let's do this." She said to herself and then immediately started doing ninja hand signs with her right hand and said, " Yang release : Blinding light." 

As a blinding light took over the battlefield, causing the burundi clones and their main body to lose sight of their enemy. Who was now moving at speeds that could rival a sports car, looking for the burundi main body.

She was capable of these speeds because of her innate bronze knight ability: Body. Which was unlike the innate black knight ability: Release, which creates a weapon most suited for the owner, the Body ability creates an invisible armour around the knight and protects them while giving them a boost to their strength, speed and of course durability. 

It's thanks to this armour that Red was moving at such speeds. The only downside of Release and Body was the toll it took on the knight's stamina. Which if used for too long could cause mental and physical fatigue. And if longer than that, death.

However none of this crossed Red Oni's mind as all she could think about was the capture of that beast, and her eventual escape before anybody could notice she was there.

"Where are you?" As she ran to the first location, which was on the very top of the plateau on the east of where she was having her fight. 

When she got there, she stayed very quiet. Hoping the beast would make some noise and give away its location…

But nothing 

The plateau stayed silent no matter how long she waited, until she felt something behind her. Causing Red Oni to move out of the way, however her reaction time was off and a clone clawed her right arm.

"Damn it!!" Thankfully there was no damage to the arm, but the embarrassment of a beast having sneaked past a Hanzo's Shadows' senses felt like a thousand needles to the heart. 

"Why did I request a capture order, I should have just asked to kill this thing." Red Oni, despite wanting with all her heart to kill the burundi lion, begrudgingly refocused herself on trying to distract the three clones that had appeared. 

As she threw three shurikens into the heads of all the clones, which pushed them back. And gave Red Oni a reason to celebrate. But she could not do that because while yes they were pushed back, that did not mean they were affected by the weapons.

As they immediately found their footing after the attack, with shuriken still in their heads. Unfazed and completely focused on her, what annoyed Red Oni was that they had been like this since the start of the battle.

"Maybe I could use that to my advantage." A new idea bore fruit in her mind, as she jump in the air and started throwing shurikens with incredible force at both evaluated locations. 


The clones began to hiss at her from the ground, waiting for her to land on so they could rip her into shreds. Which caused Red Oni to smirk under mask, as she proved her theory to be correct. However what she did not expect was, a lion to suddenly appear on top of her. 

"This is going to hurt." 

The lion then fell on Red Oni and clanged its teeth into her shoulder. With It only able to ding into her armour as it wiggled and nawled, trying to tear apart her skin but to no avail. However just because it was not tearing skin, does not mean its bite was not painful. 

And to make matters worse Red Oni was falling faster than she intended to thanks to the extra weight on her person. Uncoincidentally she was heading straight for the two lions.

"'I'm confident in my abilities' I said, 'Frontier animals can't compare to a Hanzo's Shadow ' I said." She sighed as she materialised two shuriken in each hand and then positioned herself to have the lion break her fall, "I should have just kept my mouth shut."


Red Oni 👹: Be vewy vewy quiet, am hunting wions 

Guide : Do you mean lions ma'am?

Red Oni 👹: No wions!!!

Guide : Very good ma'am, I will inform his Majesty.

Red Oni 👹: Good, good now weave ow ewse you gonna scawe away de wions.

Guide : Yes ma'am

Total War: Shogun in another world/