
Chapter 38: Breaking Point

"EXCLUSIVE! Blaze Reynolds Talks About His Newest Single.

Blaze Reynolds is primed to release his latest single this Friday and he stopped by Page Nine to give us the scoop beforehand.

While he's new to the scene, he's worked in the music industry for a few years as a songwriter for some pretty big stars. Reynolds says that this experience has proved invaluable as he pursues a career in front of the microphone.

"Writing songs for other people is much easier than writing your own," he says. "Performing my own music makes me feel vulnerable, like I'm sharing a piece of myself with my fans."

Despite his feelings, there are a lot of fans who want a piece of Blaze Reynolds! He's only released a few singles and featured on popular tracks but fans are already demanding a tour.

"I did not expect it," Reynolds says with a chuckle when asked about his current success. "I'm going to make the most of my fifteen minutes while I have them."