
All Worth the V-Points

Nick stood in front of the bathroom mirror and dabbed a ball of cotton wool on the cut at the left corner of his lip.

"Tsk," he hissed. When applied to an open wound or injury, methylated spirit always had that stinging effect.

Topless, Nick stared at his reflection in the mirror.

He still had a slim, rectangular face with a slightly weak chin, and his dark brown hair was now a buzz cut. The dark sacs beneath his eyes had become less prominent due to the v-points he had invested so far in Looks, and the slight acne on his forehead and cheeks was nowhere to be found. 

His chest, arms, abdomen, and thighs, visible in the mirror, were defined despite his ever-present skinniness and bony frame. They looked as though they had been hardened through rigorous workouts, with the essential aspect of eating regularly and adding calories entirely foregone in the process. This was what investing in Strength did to his body.