

Radva's life begins in tragedy. As a baby, she miraculously survives an accident that claims her parents, thanks to the timely intervention of Adam, an 18-year-old fisherman. Adam, who has had his own share of hardships and struggles, decides to raise Radva as his own in their small, isolated village. He names her Radva, meaning "Harder Mountain," symbolizing strength and resilience. Over the years, Adam transforms from a reckless youth into a responsible guardian, driven by his deep love and commitment to Radva. He protects her fiercely, shaping her upbringing with care and devotion. However, as Radva grows into a beautiful and intelligent young woman, her curiosity about the world beyond their village intensifies. She dreams of exploring the city and experiencing life outside the confines of her sheltered existence. On her 18th birthday, despite Adam's fears and protective nature, Radva decides to leave the village to chase her dreams. She sneaks away to the city, leaving Adam heartbroken and anxious. In the bustling urban environment, Radva meets Elias, a charming and worldly young man who helps her navigate the complexities of city life. Their bond grows, and Radva is torn between her newfound freedom and her lingering connection to Adam. Adam, realizing his profound love for Radva, sets out to find her, determined to bring her back. He struggles with his feelings, torn between seeing Radva as his daughter and acknowledging his deeper, romantic love for her. Meanwhile, Radva enjoys the excitement of city life but often feels a pang of homesickness and confusion about her true desires. Elias, sensing Radva's inner turmoil, steps back from their budding relationship. He encourages her to confront her feelings for Adam and understand what truly makes her happy. This act of selflessness helps Radva realize the depth of her bond with Adam and her need to reconcile her dreams with her past. Adam and Radva eventually reunite in the city, leading to an emotional confrontation where they both confess their love for each other. They decide to marry and start a new chapter in their lives, combining Radva's desire for education and exploration with their deep, enduring love. The couple returns to their village after Radva completes her higher studies. They build a life filled with love, respect, and mutual growth. Adam overcomes his fears and becomes more supportive of Radva's independence, while Radva brings her knowledge and experiences back to improve their community. "Too Far to Be Close" is a heartfelt tale of love, resilience, and the transformative power of personal growth. It explores the complexities of relationships, the journey of self-discovery, and the ultimate realization that true love can bridge even the widest gaps, bringing two souls closer than ever.

Marwa_Tahir · Sports, voyage et activités
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10 Chs


Radva and Elias, battered and exhausted, finally reached a small clearing. They paused to catch their breath, the danger of the forest still lurking in their minds. Just as they were about to move on, they heard a familiar voice calling out.

"Radva! Radva!"

Radva's heart skipped a beat. "Adam?" she called back, her voice filled with a mix of relief and confusion.

Moments later, Adam emerged from the trees, his face a mask of worry and determination. When he saw Radva, his expression softened, and he rushed to her, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"Thank God you're safe," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. He then turned to Elias, nodding gratefully. "Thank you for helping her."

Elias nodded back. "We managed together."

Adam looked at Radva, his eyes filled with a mixture of relief, love, and unspoken words. "Radva, I... I need to talk to you," he said, his voice trembling. "I need to explain why I've kept you so sheltered."

Radva nodded, sensing the gravity of his words. "I want to hear everything, Adam. But first, let's get out of this forest."

Adam agreed, and the three of them set off together, supporting each other through the final stretch of their journey out of the dark woods. With every step, Adam felt the weight of his feelings and fears lifting, replaced by a determination to be honest and open with Radva.

As the first light of dawn bathed the clearing, Adam took a deep breath, ready to reveal his feelings. "Radva," he began, his voice trembling slightly, "there's something I need to tell you about my feelings for you, and why I've been so protective."

Radva's eyes met his, filled with curiosity and a hint of trepidation. "What is it, Adam?" she asked softly.

Before Adam could continue, Elias, observing the nervousness in Adam's demeanor and sensing the gravity of the moment, decided to intervene. He winced dramatically, clutching his side. "Ah, Radva," he groaned, "I think my injuries are worse than I thought."

Radva's attention immediately shifted to Elias. "Elias! Let me see," she said, rushing to his side.

Elias sat down on a nearby rock, grimacing as he moved. "I must have twisted something when I helped you out of that pit. The pain's just catching up to me now."

Adam clenched his jaw, frustration and gratitude mingling in his chest. He knew Elias was diverting Radva's attention on purpose, but he also recognized the need to take care of their injuries.

"Let me check," Radva said, kneeling beside Elias. She gently examined his side, her worry evident. "We need to find a place where you can rest properly."

Elias nodded, his expression grateful but pained. "I can manage for now. I didn't want to interrupt, but I didn't realize how much it was hurting until just now."

Adam took a deep breath, calming himself. "He's right, Radva. We need to get him somewhere safe. Let's focus on finding shelter and tending to our injuries. We can talk later."

Radva looked between the two men, her concern for Elias overriding her curiosity for the moment. "Alright, let's move. There's a small cabin not far from here. We can rest there and take care of Elias's injuries."

They set off together, supporting Elias as they walked. Adam's mind was still racing, filled with thoughts he needed to share with Radva, but he knew now wasn't the right time. For now, their priority was safety and healing.

As they reached the small cabin, Radva helped Elias inside, settling him on a makeshift bed. She carefully tended to his wounds, using what little supplies they had.

Adam watched quietly, his heart heavy with unspoken words. He knew he had to find the right moment to talk to Radva, to explain everything. But for now, he was grateful for Elias's intervention. It had given him time to gather his thoughts and plan how to approach the delicate conversation that awaited them.

In the quiet of the cabin, as the sun rose higher, Adam resolved to wait for the right moment. He would tell Radva the truth, but only when the time was right and when she was ready to hear it. Until then, he would be there for her, supporting her just as he always had.

far from their home, and it was clear that returning immediately was impossible. As they settled down, Radva tended to Elias's injuries while Adam paced, trying to figure out their next steps.

"We can't stay here indefinitely," Adam said, his frustration evident. "But it's too dangerous to try and go back right now."

Radva nodded, her brow furrowed in thought. "We need a plan. We can't just wander without a destination."

Elias, sensing the tension and wanting to contribute, spoke up. "I have an idea," he said, wincing slightly as he adjusted his position. "Why don't you two travel with me to the city? It's not too far from here. We can stay there for a few days, and then I'll help you book transportation back to your home."

Adam's eyes narrowed, his irritation showing. He didn't like how Elias was inserting himself into their plans, but he also couldn't deny that Elias's suggestion made sense.

Radva looked at Adam, seeking his opinion. "What do you think, Adam? It might be the safest option for now."

Adam sighed, his gaze shifting between Radva and Elias. "Fine," he said reluctantly. "We'll go to the city with you. But only for a few days. We need to get back home as soon as possible."

Elias nodded, trying to hide a smirk. "Great. We can leave tomorrow morning. It's a bit of a trek, but we'll manage."

Adam sat down, feeling a mix of relief and annoyance. "Alright. Let's rest and gather our strength. We'll need it for the journey."

The next morning, they set out early. The path to the city was long and arduous, but they moved steadily, helping each other over obstacles and through rough terrain. Despite the tension between Adam and Elias, they managed to work together for the sake of their shared goal.

As they walked, Elias tried to make conversation, but Adam remained mostly silent, his mind occupied with worry and the need to protect Radva. Radva, sensing the strain, did her best to keep the peace, engaging with Elias while also reassuring Adam with her presence.

After a long day of travel, they finally reached the outskirts of the city. The sight of buildings and bustling streets was a stark contrast to the quiet forest they had left behind. Radva's eyes widened with wonder, taking in the sights and sounds of the city for the first time.

"We'll find a place to stay," Elias said, leading the way. "I know a decent inn where we can rest."

Adam followed, his eyes never leaving Radva. He could see the excitement in her face, and it both warmed and worried him. He knew this was what she had always wanted—to see the world beyond their home. But the thought of losing her to this new world filled him with fear.

At the inn, they settled into their rooms. Elias made arrangements for their stay and promised to help them book transportation back home in a few days. Adam thanked him, though the words felt heavy on his tongue.

That evening, as they sat together in the common room of the inn, Adam finally found a moment alone with Radva. "Radva," he began, his voice soft but urgent.