
Too Broke For Afterlife

After dying from alcohol poisoning, 22 year old Parker Jones finds himself in the head quarters of Afterlife Ltd. - the company that takes the dead to Heaven or Hell. Although Parker is eligible for salvation, the cold-hearted and egocentric Gen Z-ler doesn't have enough karma to buy the mandatory travel pass. Parker is sent back to Earth as a ghost to earn the needed points. His mission? Become a likeable and helpful person with enough karma so he can finally go to Heaven. But one buggy app later and suddenly his soul gets trapped inside the defect robot "Isabella" - a revenge hungry milf with way too much ass and attitude. Holding Parker hostage, she goes on a mission to not only seduce the cute chanteuse but also track down and avenge the person who ruined her life. The two form an unlikely alliance but of course, peace doesn't last for long. Hell is rising, humanity is in danger and together with a seal fanatic, a paranoid tech freak and a red-headed badass, the duo has to save Earth from Satan himself. Sounds epic, right? Well, there is just one tiny problem. How do you kill something that is already dead? --------------------------------- Become a part of la familia: https://discord.gg/uvyHgS5bsZ Volume 1: Too Broke For Afterlife Volume 2: Too Hot For Hell Volume 3: Too High For Heaven Volume 4: Too Lit To Quit

Chuck45Single · Romance
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155 Chs

Girls Who Eat Pineapple


As I gained back consciousness, I felt how my hate had been growing exponentially.

How dare she? Who does this woman think she is? Trapping me inside her body, erasing my existence.

Isabella knows how to shut me down and she likes doing so with no remorse. But her manipulations don't seem to last for long.

I had awoken yesterday night, only to see Judy put on her bra, while Isabella was watching her.

So not only did that whore steal the girl I was planning to screw but I also came too late to at least watch?

I was raging, ready to tear up her insides but before I made myself noticeable, I sucked it up and changed my mind. I would stay on the low for now.

If Isabella didn't notice I was there and able to watch her every move, I could wait for the perfect moment to…I don't know what but it will definitely not be pleasant for her.

First I got to watch her take a shower. Although I only saw what she was seeing, I got a nice view of her body, glistening under the water.

As Jordan I would have gotten an erection right about now but he was as far away from me as my phone with which I could have entered the shop or called the Help Center. It was probably still lying in my room and I was hoping that no one would find it and discover the Afterlife app, especially the body category.

In the end someone might not understand what they are looking at and frame me for human trafficking.

After the shower and a short self care session featuring a well organized 80s playlist and some waxing (again, a nice view on private parts), Isabella had gone to bed and slept into the late morning. I would have liked to sleep as well just so I wouldn't have to wait for her to wake up again but that was of course not possible.

So instead I used the time to make up a plan to get out of this body and back onto Jordan's feet. I was praying that Isabella would show some form of empathy and play along but yeah, my hopes weren't that high.

Now sitting inside the beachside café, I finally have something to do again. Isabella is looking around, studying the other guests while playing with her freshly washed hair. I have seen the low cut summer dress she is wearing on a mannequin in one of the hotel boutiques before and again I'm wondering how she paid for it.

Although I would love nothing more than for this whore to get busted and driven to the next prison, I realize that if she gets caught before I could escape her body, I would be going with her and I'm sure you can't use phones in prison. My only ticket out would be lost forever.

"Hello beautiful." Isabella's eyes are now lying on Judy, who is walking over to her table and she gets up to kiss the young woman's cheek.

I feel the tension rising again. It's just not fair, Judy was supposed to be mine. I would have left Kira for her in the blink of an eye but instead she fell for this bimbo cougar who probably has more STDs than the bed sheets of a Russian motel.

"You look lovely as always. Did you sleep well? Had any nice dreams?" Judy blushes and tucks hair behind her ear. "I slept really well, actually. I haven't been this relaxed in ages."

I want to throw up.

Honestly, I've never understood lesbian sex. How can you orgasm without a penis? Sure, you could use toys but is that truly the same?

Did they use toys?

Oh god, I don't even want to think about it.

A waiter comes over to the table. I don't remember his name but I've definitely seen him before. I think this guy is gay so at least I won't have to endure any awkward flirting.

"May I take the orders of these beautiful ladies?"


"I'd like a large water and also a Mimosa. For food a fruit salad, the oatmeal and the American breakfast but without the sausage if that is possible."

"Of course, miss. And what can I get for you?" He smiles at Judy in the least appropriate way and I want to slap him.

"I'll take the cranberry lemonade and the blueberry pancakes for now. Thank you."

When the waiter is gone, Isabella grabs Judy's hands.

"What is your plan for today, baby?"

Judy doesn't seem to be used to cheesy pet names but she smiles at the older woman, looking straight into her eyes.

God, she really is pretty.

"Not much, there's a team meeting in the afternoon and of course another performance tonight. I was hoping I could maybe go to the beach and chill a bit. I have had barely any free time these last few days with settling in and stuff."

"That sounds good, you deserve a break." Isabella plays with Judy's fingers and I can only imagine the smile she is throwing at her.

"I mean…you can join if you want to. I wouldn't mind some company. Especially not yours."

Isabella tilts her head. "That sounds delightful."

They continue with that gooey cute chatter until the food arrives. When she sees Isabella's order, Judy's eyes widen. "As if you're going to eat all of that."

"Hey, I haven't eaten anything since the peanuts last night. I am starving!"

She tries a piece of strawberry and sighs in delight. "There's nothing better than fresh fruit to start your day."

"Is there pineapple too? I love that stuff."

Isabella forks up a yellow piece and holds it in front of Judy's mouth. Great, they are already feeding each other? When is the wedding?

Judy takes the fruit between her teeth, chews and swallows. "Yes, that's fresh. Most places usually offer freezer shit only."

"You want more?" She forks up another piece. "You know what they say about girls who eat pineapple." Half my vision goes black for a split second, telling me that she just winked at the girl.

Judy blushes but eats the piece anyway.

Honestly, I wish she would have elaborated on that a bit more because I surely do not know what is being said about girls who eat pineapple.

My last girlfriend didn't like them, too acidy. And I'm not a fruit person either. And also not a girl.

"Maybe I should eat more then." Are they flirting? I can't tell. Someone let me know!

Isabella extends her arm and strokes Judy's cheek.

"You are already delicious, baby."

I want to throw up.

That's enough. Now or never.

I take all my strength together and then throw my spirit against the inside of her stomach.

"I really…AH!" Isabella falls back into her chair, clutching her skin.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Judy looks concerned, she leans forward.

"Yeah, yeah. Just some stomach aches." I throw myself again and in response, Isabella mutters a "shit".

"Are you sure? This came out of nowhere." "Yeah, it happens sometimes. I'll just take a pill real quick. Don't run away."

Isabella grabs her handbag and rushes to the toilets. She throws the door shut and starts looking around. Once she is sure that all stalls are empty, she positions herself in front of one of the mirrors so I can see her expression clearly. She closes her eyes.

"01000001 01100011 01110100 01101001 01110110 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01110011 01110000 01100101 01100101 01100011 01101000"

Then she clears her throat.

"What do you want, you little shit?"

'Oh, not so high-class now, are you? Listen bitch, if there is anyone who has a right to be mad, it's me. How long are you going to keep me hostage in your ugly shell?'

"Ugly?" She laughs but it's not a breezy one. "If I was ugly, why did you buy me?"

'It was an accident, you prick. Let me f*cking out, okay?'

She rolls her eyes, then she slowly opens her handbag and pulls out a lipstick.


'Why? What is your f*cking problem? Why are you doing this? You psycho.'

Isabella calmly touches up her makeup. Then she points at the lipstick.

"See this? This is Tom Fjord. How many women do you know that pay 50 bucks for a single Tom Fjord lipstick?"

I sigh. 'This isn't the right time to brag with your money. What does this shit have to do with anything?'

I want to add 'The only Fjord I know has four wheels and stands in my dad's garage' but I don't feel like joking and doubt she would have understood anyway with her tiny pebble brain.

She probably drives a Ferraro anyway.

"Look, I am an ambitious business woman. I work 6 days a week and have probably worked overtime so much that if added all together, I could retire in 10 years. But I can't deny that I was a very fortunate child. My father is the founder of a pretty big marketing company so everything I asked for I got, may it be clothes or my first cabrio at 16. You remember that I am the victim of a murder attempt?"

I don't respond. I'm too busy trying to make sense of this story of hers.

"But instead of dying peacefully I'm now stuck on earth as a robot, having to see how my body gets abused as a mass product, available to any underfucked creep that doesn't even have enough karma to go to heaven. A creep like you. Do you think that's fair?"

'I'm sorry but I really don't understand anything of what you're saying. Are you high?'

Isabella sighs, she looks annoyed.

"I don't feel like explaining it all to you. But let me tell you that I know more about Afterlife than you can imagine and I'm going to make those psychos pay for what they did to me. And for that, I need a body. My body. And maybe, you'll be helpful so if you don't mind, I would like to keep you a bit longer."

'Excuse me, missy but I DO mind!'

Isabella shrugs her shoulders. "That's life."

'I'm dead. And you should be too.'

She smiles at her reflection in the mirror and runs her fingers through her locks.

"Try me, bitch. You can't kill me"

Neither of us had noticed how the door got opened and now there is an elderly lady staring at Isabella, who is talking to herself in the mirror.

Isabella quickly turns around to her, laughing awkwardly. "Kill my good mood is what I meant!"

She keeps laughing but the weirded out lady just shakes her head and leaves again, apparently rather keeping in her piss than staying around this crazy woman for longer than needed.

When the door falls shut, Isabella turns back around but before she can start talking, I step in.

'Look, I don't get your little story but what I do get is that you won't let me leave. So how about instead of fighting each other, we work together? You help me with some stuff and I'll help you with…whatever your problem is. And then you let me go.'

Isabella doesn't seem impressed. She snorts. "I don't need your help, little boy. I've got more skills than you think."

God, what a pretentious f*ck. I wonder what her world looks like with her head so far up her own ass.

Isabella sighs again. "But I'm not a monster. And you do get annoying sometimes. So sure, I accept your proposal. Let us try working together, one hand washes the other, bla bla."

'F*ck, thank you! I really-'

"But don't forget who is in control here. This is my body, okay? I'm going to enjoy my brunch now and come back to you later so we can make plans."


But Isabella has already closed her eyes.

"01000100 01100101 01100001 01100011 01110100 01101001 01110110 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01110011 01110000 01100101 01100101 01100011 01101000"

My voice is gone.

So I've really teamed up with a self-centered whore? Huh.

This is going to be tough.