
48. Making lemonade out of lemons (William Cooper-R...

William Cooper’s life was going as well as it could for a CIA operative. Okay, so he had the ex-wife and kids cliche but his second relationship was working out far better for him. He was introduced to Anthony DiNozzo whilst on a mission. It turned out that Tony was on the same mission for SecNav because no one in the upper echelons of power seemed to communicate.

Cooper had walked into what should have been a simple meeting with a terrorist only to find a new player on the scene. He’d not been planned for and threw his whole plan into doubt. His earpiece started to spit curses left, right and centre. William knew what that meant - this was a fellow undercover agent, just from another one of the Alphabet Agencies.

“So who are you? I don’t need no more new friends.”This situation just got even more dangerous and all because his handler couldn't do his fucking job. He was going to kick someone’s ass when he fought his way free. That was for damn sure.

Before he could answer the other UC Agent sauntered over and there was an exaggerated sway to his hips. If William didn’t know better he would think the guy was trying to seduce him. Now, William was divorced, not dead, and he noticed a gorgeous person but now was not the time. When he finally reached William he had a scowl on his face. “I’m sorry, Connor, but my lover is a jealous fucking sod who thinks he can barge into my life.”Okay ... so this was not his usual out when an operation went bad but he would take it. The guy was hot, and cool under pressure so there were two of Will’s favourite kinks right there. If they ended up shooting their way out of here also, then they were unlikely to make it further than a wall.If William was supposed to be a jealous lover, he could play that angle. He pulled the guy’s arm so that they were flush against each other. For the others it would look like passion mixed up with possessiveness - in reality, it was a cover to easily pull weapons. “Well, what the fuck am I supposed to think? You got a secretive phone call, you walk out and just say you’re meeting a friend? You don’t dress in your tight ass jeans to meet a friend!”

Tony rolled his eyes and pulled away reluctantly. “You are a fantastic bodyguard and you are absolutely dynamite in the sack but if you try this possessive routine again, I will shoot you in the dick!”

William wanted to snort at the way most of the men in the room covered their crown jewels. “Sorry, but you don’t meet armed friends without me, that was our agreement. It was non-negotiable.”

The terrorist, Connor Townend, was torn between obvious amusement and annoyance at the way their meeting had derailed. “I don’t know whether I should congratulate you for a concerned lover who shares your business ... or recommend couples counselling.”

Tony shrugged but now as he turned around, he had the handsome CIA agent close enough that there was a confident hand resting in his jeans back pocket. “We’ll work it out. Now let’s talk toys. What are you in the market for? How many and when do you want them for?”

Townend replied. “I want four pure virgin blank passports and four suitcases that can withstand airport security scans. “

Tony shrugged as it wasn’t a big deal and he figured that could not be the whole order. After all, you don’t meet a weapons dealer of Tony’s legendary status unless you wanted some serious hardware. “Okay, fine, I’m still not sure why we’re here though, you’re wasting our time.”

Connor shook his head. “No, I am not done. I want four SOCOM MK 13 rifles and they will need some modifications. I want the very best toy so they will need Nightforce NXS scopes, Harris bipod, MIRS night vision rail, Knight’s Armament M110 suppressor as modifications.”

They didn’t need to be the best detectives to know what this order amounted to - a sleeper cell about to go live in their country. Worse, the weapons picked were long-range terror weapons where they could strike anyone in the day in the middle of a busy block and it would cause fear to spread rapidly.

Will was impressed with the way the agent didn’t blink at the shopping list. He played it off. “Nice, I prefer the Remington 700. Is there a rush on the job as that will cost ya.”

“Friday at the latest.” Connor said in a gruff voice.

Perfect - they had three days to figure out the members of the sleeper cell.

Tony smiled like he didn’t have a care in the world even if it was far away from the truth. “Santa always delivers. I’ll text you a place to meet.”Connor growled. “That is not how this works.”Will stepped an inch closer not liking the way the terrorist was looking so twitchy. The other agent was in a class of his own though. He just laughed in the guy’s face but it was the type of laugh that sent good shivers down your spine.

Tony smirked. “Now, let’s make one thing clear. You need the goods and I will deliver them but I am not sloppy, nor am I careless. You’ve seen how upset my lover gets when he thinks I don’t play it safe. So I am not going to get pinched with hot merchandise. It will be yours in a place that I have scoped out to make sure there are no bugs in place ... or people who are interfering with my business interests.”

Will added with a smirk. “They don’t interfere for long.”Tony added with a sly grin. “My honey is so good to me. Now like I said previously, we will be in touch with your goods. You continue to yank me around I will put the cost up.”


“Excellent and we will be off. Ciao for now.” 

Tony smiled and damn, Will really hoped the agent wasn’t just acting - it had been a long time. He and Michelle had divorced because of the job nearly eighteen months ago ... and because of the job, he hadn’t had any time to even think about sex.

Will knew they’d taken separate cars but this operation had just merged. He was not too unhappy as the guy was incredibly competent. They had to assume they were under surveillance and whilst his new lover had just kept the terrorist Connor Townend under a spell - for lack of a better way to describe it -  he knew that would not last and he would be more likely to explode. “Meet at the Ritz, room 511.”Tony nodded and threw himself into his Mustang. “Sure thing, Darlin.”


Cooper trusted that the Agent was where he said. He’d seen the tail and hadn’t shaken him off immediately - they were no doubt meant to confirm their story to Townend. He would let his lover contact Townend and drive the price up for the inconvenience of voyeurs but it would reinforce their story.

Sure enough, he was waiting for him in the parking lot. Will took the initiative and once again he slotted his hand in the guy’s back pocket.

Hot guy smirked. “You’re enjoying this aren’t you?”“Of course not, dear .” Will replied aiming for earnest but his smirk ruined the effect. “We have flies and I know where the room is.”

Tony sighed. “Oh I know, and I never said I minded the hand. It’s just leaving the promise hanging there, you should know it’s not nice to tease a guy.

Will chuckled as he squeezed the pert ass with such an invitation. “I don’t tease. I am thorough in all the missions I complete.”

Tony sighed and fluttered his eyelashes having clocked the surveillance also. “I will hold you to that once we get home.” 

They got back to ‘their’ hotel room and collapsed against their door, allowing themselves a second to relax and just be them. Then the hard work would begin, they would be demanding that their legends be interweaved together, or at least giving them a hard time.

Will held his hand out. “William Cooper, CIA. Right now, I am William Levy.”

Tony grinned shaking his hand. “Anthony DiNozzo, NCIS. Right now, I am Antonio DeFranco.”

Will smirked. “So let’s talk back-stories.”Tony pulled him to the bed. “Yep, and we got to work on the intimacy thing. We need it to look instinctive although, I would say for no preparation we did fantastic work today.”Will chuckled. “I will ream out my people and you can do the same but not before we know what we need them to fix.”

They were now facing each other on the bed, dipping so they were almost touching other. So ‘Tonio. Where did we meet?”Tony tipped his head to the side. “Your legend - is it a rogue Marine?”

“Yeah, go with what you know. Plus, I could use my own record and just muddied the waters around the exit.”

Tony chuckled and added. “Funny, I did something similar but mine was going native when I realised my boss was crooked. The only difference was in real life I became an NCIS agent, not a criminal.”

Tony knew how and when to say they crossed paths. “Well, how about you were part of the trafficking ring? We hit it off and disappeared together.”

Cooper shrugged as he couldn't think of a better answer. It didn’t matter what they said as long as they agreed. “So we made a joint venture mixing business and pleasure.”“That is DeFranco’s style.” Tony answered leaning a little closer. “How about William Levy’s?” 

Cooper quirked an eyebrow and leaned in closer. Close enough that he now could feel Tony’s breath against his own lips. “Levy is known to take whatever he wants and always has the most beautiful and finest things in life. Like you, for example.”Tony closed the space between and the moans they generated were loud enough that Townend’s lackey went back complaining about what he couldn’t unhear.

Tony broke away from his new friend (hopefully more) and peeled away, rock hard and wanting what they just did not to be pretending for the sake of a case. One look at Cooper let Tony know that he wasn’t alone in that respect. Tony was brave enough to go after what he wanted. “Damn. If that is a trailer, I’m ready for the main event.”

Cooper chuckled, still hovering over the agent and let a little bit of Texas slip into his voice. “Darlin’ we catch this terrorist and I will treat you to the main event that will leave you wanting more.”

“Promises, promises.”

Only it was true and Tony and Cooper had unknowingly set themselves up as a two-man specialist troubleshooter team that split their time between NCIS and CIA. The trouble for their superiors, Tony and Will were no one's fool. Any weakness the one agent had, the other picked up the mantle on. So when the CIA director demanded the couple for an op to take down retired analyst Frank Moses - it didn’t end well for the Director.