
46. Home is where ...? (Cameron Mitchell)

Ziva, Tim, and Abby were gossiping about their favourite source - Tony. There was something going on with Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo and he wasn’t telling anyone.

“He is not seeing someone.” Tim was so sure.

Abby pouted. “Why not? I mean he is certainly hot enough.”

Ziva rolled her eyes. “Yes Abby he is, but looks aren't everything. He dates indiscriminately.”Abby smirked. “Oh yeah. So tell me ... when was the last time you heard him mention a date?”

There was a silent awkward pause as they thought about what the Forensic scientist had asked them. The answer was not in a damn long time, in fact, not since he’d come back from his time afloat.

“He is seeing someone!” Tim and Ziva said at the same time in shock. It didn’t reflect well on their investigative ability that they hadn’t noticed.

Ziva frowned. “Why wouldn’t he say something?” She had assumed that their friendship had cooled since she was dating Michael and Tony was jealous.

Abby shrugged looking sad. “I don’t know but I am going to find out.”


Tony was enjoying his lunch break down in autopsy - not where one might think to partake in food but it worked for Tony and Jimmy.  “So when is deployment over?”

Tony shrugged. “He has leave in three months but the fun times are when he can surprise me at the apartment.”Jimmy had met Cameron one evening and found he liked the Colonel immensely - mainly because of how well he treated his friend. “How does he manage to do that?”

Tony shrugged. “He is a Colonel in the Air-Force and I am smart enough not to ask. It helps that we both understand things like security clearance.”


Jimmy smirked. “Well, I suppose there is that.”Tony bit his lip. “He did message me the other day. It seems he is getting a weekend off and I really want to see him undisturbed.”Jimmy could translate that well enough, Tony wanted to see Cameron but not have NCIS interfere.  “So stay at a swanky hotel and enjoy your weekend. It is not like you have to hide if you don’t want to.”

Tony let out a shaky breath because he did know this. Still, it was significantly harder to let himself believe it. “I know and it helps to know that we’re both armed and can handle ourselves.”Jimmy giggled. “Sorry I was just imagining the shock of a homophobe picking a fight with you.”Tony snorted. “I think Cam’ and I would rock, paper, scissor it.”Jimmy smiled softly because he was so glad that his friend had someone like he had Breena. “You know what you have to do.”“What - ask Vance for the time off as my team is not on call?” Tony said, knowing that was exactly what he had to do.

Jimmy nodded, “Yes if you want the time off without the team knowing why.”“Am I wrong not telling them?” Tony asked feeling a little guilty.

“Nope because good friends would have asked you what is going on in your life. Has that happened?”

Tony shook his head because there were times he was wondering why Gibbs had wanted him back in Washington. “No, and I hear ya autopsy gremlin. Vance will grant the time off as it will give him a one-up on Gibbs.”“Exactly.”


Tony knocked the door. “Director do you have a minute?”Vance’s head shot up at the question, the politeness of the request and who it was - made him suspicious. “What can I do for you Agent DiNozzo?”The man was far calmer than his usual persona. “Well sir, I would like two days leave if possible this weekend.”“You are not on-call.” Vance reminded him wondering why if that was the case the SFA would want to waste his holiday time.

Tony nodded acknowledging this point. “That is true sir but we are the MCRT and I know if there is a hot case it doesn’t matter whether we are on rotation or not.”“Why?”


Tony had a small smile. “My partner has leave from the Air-Force and as it could be six months before I see him again, I am really hoping I can guarantee my time off.”

“I wasn’t aware you were in a relationship DiNozzo.”Tony shrugged playing it off as not a big deal. “I work long and hard to let people see what I want them to sir. It is easier to work if you’re underestimated.”

Tony could see the dawning realisation in Vance’s eyes - it annoyed him that he’d had to spell it out to his boss. Sometimes though, better to speak up than be frustrated through misplaced pride - Okay, so Tony had listened to Cam’s advice.


Vance studied him for a moment then responded. “I don’t need a clown, I want to see a seasoned professional DiNozzo, so lose the act in the office.”

DiNozzo smirked. “And if the team can’t handle the switch?”Vance stared at him stonily. “Is that likely to be a problem?”“The way Gibbs is running the team, yes.” Tony said not bothering to hide his assessment. He didn’t really care one way or another. He was looking at his options and those offers from the other agencies were looking all the more attractive.

“I see.” Vance was debating something internally, that much was obvious. “Well, you let me worry about the team. Your career has stalled and that won’t be allowed to continue.”Tony frowned because he’d been expecting a hard time for having a male lover, not a pep-talk. “Sir?”

Vance smirked. “You see, I can admit to getting it wrong. When you were sent afloat, SecNav ordered I read your full file. I was waiting for a chance to talk to you about dropping the masks.”


Tony smiled and this time it was genuine. “You know what? It will be my pleasure.”

This day was turning out to be full of surprises. He walked down to the bullpen with a spring in his step. McGee scowled at him. “Why were you with Vance?”Tony smirked. “Sorry McNosey, you don’t have the security clearance.”


“We all have the same high-security clearance so that is not an excuse.” Ziva sniffed.


“That’s right.” Tim nodded.

Tony actually snorted because he didn’t realise the junior agent was so clueless. “Actually McNonsense no we don’t. Ziva’s is limited on the grounds that she is not an American Agent”  Tony took a deep breath and reined in what he truly wanted to say on the matter. He was of the opinion that the Mossad Agent shouldn’t be on the MCRT but knew he would be ignored on the matter.

“But you and I have the same clearance don’t we?” McGee asked no longer so snotty about it, he was curious.


Tony shook his head. “Nope, you see all the times I get loaned out to play with others in the alphabet soup means my clearance for various agencies has to be quite high. I have no idea if Gibbs or I have the highest and I know better than to ask.”


Tim flushed and looked back at his computer screen and Ziva had also gone very quiet. Tony was guessing it was because she didn’t want to draw attention to the fact he’d mentioned. It didn’t matter too much as it had done what he wanted - deflected attention from him. He would take the quiet day and work through the paperwork being SFA generated.

Later that day, Tony packed up having completed his work, “Bye McLate and Ziva. I shall see you on Monday.”

“There is paperwork to complete Tony, you can’t just leave.” Tim said with glee.

Tony smirked back. “Yes, there is and boys and girls you better not leave until it is in Gibbs’ inbox. Alas, mine already is ... Have a good weekend ... whenever it starts.”

It was only when he left that they cursed. “We meant to quiz him about his significant other.”



Cameron kind of wished he could use the beaming technology but it would look suspicious to his lover. His transport touched down and he went through security - it didn’t take too long thanks to the military getting first call.

As he walked through the last door, he was greeted by the most perfect sight - Tony in black jeans and a white shirt. Ever since Cameron had mentioned it was one of his favourite looks - Tony always greeted wearing a similar outfit.

“Hey soldier, going my way.” Tony greeted with a sly grin.

“Pilot, how many times! I know you work with the Navy but you can’t forget that easy.” Cameron said, exasperated enough that his accent thickened. Okay, so maybe that was a deliberate ploy on his part to see Tony shiver.

“You’re mine, that is all I need to know ... Let’s get out of here, I got us a hotel room.”Cam was surprised by that. “Why the change of location?”“Nosey teammates who have no right to ask questions, don’t worry Jimmy will join us for lunch.” Tony responded and that was that. The couple walked out of the airport to Tony’s car and sped away to their room for the weekend. Tony was being selfish, he didn’t want to share Cameron with anyone.



Every time Tony and Cameron were together it was like their first time again, and Tony hoped they never lost that magic. “Damn, I have missed you.”Cameron chuckled. “Me too, darlin’.”


If anyone ever dared call Tony darlin’ or any other variation of a nickname he would shoot them but not Cameron. “So how long do we have?”


Cameron chuckled. “Well, I have a meeting or two with General O’Neill on Monday but I am all yours until then.”

That sounded perfect to Tony. “Let’s watch some tv whilst we get a second wind.”Cameron didn’t think it would take that long but he would never deny himself a chance to cuddle with Tony. The sport was a rerun but a football match that they’d both missed due to work commitments. “You don't know who won the pro-bowl?”


Tony shrugged and settled into watch the show, even if there was a more than welcome distraction from Cameron’s welcome wandering hands. Then their screen cut off ... they looked to each other.


The screen flashed breaking news.

They were both tense wondering just what could cut through the regular programming and it wasn’t one channel - it was all channels. “What the hell is going on?”The screen cut to San Francisco bay and Cameron swore. “Shit!”

Tony guessed Cameron had a clue but the city that appeared on the screen felt special. He touched the screen as something seemed to jolt inside him. “Home.” Then frowned, disconcerted as he knew what he’d just said but didn’t recognise the word he’d spoken.

However, Cameron identified the word from his conversations with Daniel Jackson. What he was a little confused about was why his lover, Tony, knew the Ancient word for home.

Tony was scared and hated feeling vulnerable. “What is happening to me?”Cameron hugged him close. “I have no idea but you bet your ass we will find out. Together.”It was a whole new world and they were both in for a few surprises, none more than Tony but it was okay with Cameron by his side.