
4. Are you going my way? (Steve McGarrett)

(A/N: Timeline for both shows is post, Agent Afloat / Somalia and S1 H50. Also, be warned, this does not reflect kindly on Gibbs. )

“Are you going my way ...” (Steve McGarrett)



Tony finished the last bit of paperwork with a flourish.  “I am out of here and on my way to Hawaii.”

Ziva frowned but couldn't help adding with vicious glee. “You are taking a holiday alone?”

Ah, so barbs are out nice and early.  You would think with all he had done in helping her get back from Somalia, she would have warmed to him.  She hadn’t and Tony didn’t care, which was somehow worse. It was crazy.

He was glad to take his holiday time and get the hell out of dodge.  He kept getting funny looks, he was adept at diverting attention.  “Well, I won’t be lonely for too long.”

McGee rolled his eyes, “And there is the lovable leech we have come to know.”

Tony’s eyes hardened for just a second.  No-one apart from Gibbs noticed. What was wrong with that comment? Tony traded on the reputation. Tony shouldn’t be mad if someone called him on it.  There was something wrong but Gibbs couldn't remember what.

He watched his SFA closely, he was happy, full of excited energy.  He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen that look on Tony's face.

“Gibbs, can I go check in with Ducky? He wants to make sure I am okay for Hawaii.”

Gibbs raised an eyebrow, “Not if in your slacking I have paperwork outstanding.”

Tony rolled his eyes and there was that look again.  Still, Tony was respectful as he answered his boss. “Well, you will find all reports closed out and the monthly SFA paperwork was done. Plus, there is an extra coffee to sweeten the deal.”

Gibbs sighed, “Get out of here DiNozzo.”

Tony couldn't move fast enough. It was odd.



Gibbs had been unable to shake the feeling so he followed Tony down to autopsy.  He could hear the conversation and he knew it was private.  A good man would have turned around but he stayed.  He needed some questions answered about Tony and this seemed to be the only way it would happen.


“How are you doing my boy?” Ducky asked, with paternal affection.

Tony had a wistful sigh, “He doesn’t remember me.  He got me back from the boat because it was expected ... not because he remembers our love.”

Ducky patted Tony’s slumped shoulders. “I know how much dealing with everything after the explosion tore at you.”

Tony chuckled but it was void of any warmth.  “He promised to stay with me forever. I let him keep us secret. Do you know when I went around to his house I found all my stuff destroyed?”


Anyone who had seen Gibbs in that moment would have been shaken. There was no aggressive second B is for bastard agent. He was pale and shaken.  He remembered coming home and having a meltdown. He’d destroyed a whole bunch of items but he thought they were relics of the person he’d loved so they had to belong to Shannon.  Shannon had been all he could think about after the fire. Could they have been Tony’s?

Ducky sighed as there was just no easy answer.  He did care for Anthony like one of his own.  He knew why Gibbs had done it and it was not what Tony thought. Still, with Tony’s insecurities from early traumas like his father and Wendy,  Tony could only see the bleak picture of Gibbs having never loved him at all and leaving him just like all the rest.

The medical examiner  tried to lighten Tony’s mood.  “You managed to find someone who cares a great deal for you on the Seahawk.”

Tony laughed, “Oh, he is a big bad navy seal. It's cute, he is wrapped around his best friend’s six-year-old daughter.”

Tony had had a crap case.  He’d got home tired and wary and the photo Steve had sent him had made his day.  There was his big bad boyfriend dressed for a girls princess party.


Ducky chuckled, “So why are you talking to an old man when you could be getting on a plane to see your young man?”

Tony laughed, “I'm gone.”

Gibbs had waited. He had too much on his mind to protest what was happening.  His mind was whirling.

“Come out Jethro.”


Jethro slunk out of the shadow’s, much like a kicked puppy.  “Why did no one tell me?”


Ducky frowned, “At what part? When you demoted him and threw  his things on his desk.  Maybe when you laid into him due to an unsanctioned operation made by your ex. After all, she used the fact he was still grieving the loss of your relationship.”


Gibbs hadn’t seen his actions like that.  It wasn't that bad. “Didn’t I have a right to know?”


Ducky snorted, “He thought you would take his head off. You appeared to hate him, or, at least that is what he thought.  He grieved your ‘something’ relationship for too long as it was Jethro.”

“But he has moved on.”


Ducky rolled his eyes, “Was he supposed to wait for you to pull your head out of his ass?”


There was no good answer.



Eight hours later, Tony was standing in the palace, where 5-0 operated out of.  He was leaning attractively against the wall (Kono’s words.)


Danny was unwilling to let the stranger go uncontested, no matter how cute he may be. “Can we help you?”


“You’re not my sailor?” The handsome man pouted.


Danny raised an eyebrow because he could be talking about Steve.  “No, I am not. What I am is Detective Danny Williams and you still haven’t introduced yourself."

He was quite the spitfire, just like Steve described.  “I am kosher.”  He reached into his pocket of his light cargo pants.  “I’m Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo.”


Danny frowned, “You’re Steve’s, Tony?”


Tony smirked, “Yeah, I am.”

That was all the cop needed to hear. “Rambo! Your Agent is here.”


Steve came out of his office.  His face severe, about to rant at Danno for his army quip,  he knows how much it bugs him. No respect.  All those thoughts disappeared the minute he saw Tony, he no longer had to worry about DADT. His smile couldn't get any bigger as he hugged his boyfriend, “Tony, you’re here.”

Tony nodded, suddenly a little shy.  This was Steve’s family and he wanted them to like him.  “Going my way Sailor?”

“Oh yeah,” Steve said, his voice dropping an octave.

Kono wanted to fan herself. The sexual tension was thick in the air and if it got any hotter the sprinklers would activate.  This was fantasy material right here. She was polite, “I am Kono, this is my cousin, Chin-Ho. How long are you here for?”


Tony smiled and it was radiant. “That is up to sailor here. He has a week to convince me that I should stay.”

This is now an expanded story where you can see how it all began and what happens after - here