
30. Dig a Little Deeper (Mycroft Holmes)

Tony did indeed have the mother of all secrets.  He was married, not that anyone would believe him with the way he generally acted.  It was all done as a part of a very carefully controlled act to throw off suspicion.  The last thing he wanted was to make his husband’s life any more difficult than it had to be - he was the power behind England.  

You see, in Mycroft’s case - he wasn’t exaggerating.  He didn’t want the flashy office, he wanted the real power to make a difference.  As a result, you tended to gain enemies, which is why neither of them professionally identified as being married.  There was no reason to hand to your enemies gift-wrapped leverage against you on a plate after all.  

Mycroft had for many years put off romantic entanglements, worried about getting too close to someone.  Tony had crashed into his life rescuing mumsy and shooting his way out of a hostage situation.  Mycroft had been even more impressed when he investigated the man and found that only six months earlier, Tony had suffered a pro-footballer career ending injury and in between torturous rehab sessions to ensure his ability to walk again, Tony had made great strides toward completing his masters.

Still, the whirlwind romance had continued when Mycroft’s enemies made the mistake of kidnapping Tony and Sherrinford.   By the time Mycroft had tracked them down with Sherlock, they had found a sea of bodies with Tony standing guard over Q (god help you if you call him Sherrinford) who was promising unholy electronic revenge.

Sherlock had looked at the bodies with a feral grin.  “I like this one Mycroft don’t lose him.”

“I don’t intend to.”


He hadn’t lost Tony but with enemies circling close, Tony had headed over to America to work. It wasn’t difficult for him as he was born an American.  The only trouble was the difficulty had taken a lot longer to sort out than anyone anticipated and Tony’s mask was starting to slip.  He missed his husband and their crazy family - and stolen moments were no longer helping him to maintain his focus.

He heard Q’s voice first and grinned.  “Good god man, you said you were making Anthony safe, not forcing him to work in the sticks.”

Tony had to smile behind his coffee, he really did love his brother-in-law but he could be a fussy man if his world order was disturbed.  

Mycroft rolled his eyes. “This is hardly the sticks little brother, it may not be MI6 but this isn’t a backward agency.”


Tony was going to find his brother-in-law the best scotch for Christmas, or better yet, wrap his Agent, James, in a bow and lock them in a room with a bed, lots of lube and plenty of condoms.  

Vance stepped onto the work floor.  “Mr. Holmes, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”Tony figured Christmas had come early this year because there was no way that Sherlock was going to behave.  Mycroft wouldn’t have brought him unless he wanted Sherlock to be rude. He decided to simply enjoy the upcoming show, he just wished he had a beer and some popcorn.  “This is not the one, too simplistic. He likes to take things at face value Mycroft.”Tony didn’t bother to bite back a curse. “Damn it, is it over or has someone blown the cover?”

Mycroft smirked.  “Oh, you most certainly can come home, besides I think little brother would hack America if I didn’t take you back with us.”


Vance growled, toothpick twitching at the side of his mouth.  “What do you mean I accept things at face value?”Sherlock smirked.  “I don’t think I used overly complicated language did I?”“No brother, but no one likes it when their shortcomings are announced,”   Mycroft explained.

Sherlock rolled his eyes.  “So who went digging in your personnel file in the layers they were not supposed to?”He posed it as a question but Sherlock was looking for the person’s reactions to give him away.  It was a favourite trick of his and one Tony had used to great effect himself.   Low and behold, someone gave themselves away.“You work with terrible snoops Anthony.” Sherlock deduced.

Tony snorted. “Yeah, and it has taken them too long to figure out I am not the character I play.  Oh well, too sad that they won’t get the answers they wanted.”McGee pouted. “How do you know that I didn’t hack the answers I wanted?”Tony shook his head in disbelief as he’d just admitted to breaking the rules - not that Tim thought that far ahead.  “You went up against Little Brother and he is the reason you cannot hack MI6 either.”

Sherrinford look was one of pure disdain. “You thought you could out hack me? That is precious.”


Tony was a professional so he wouldn’t laugh but both he and Mycroft had mirth in their eyes.  Vance was pinching his nose trying not to lose his cool as that would not do well for his reputation - what he also needed to do was get them away from general hearing range.  This show had quickly become way more important than any type of work they were supposed to be doing.  


“Let’s take this to the meeting room.”


It was interesting how people sat around the circular table. Gibbs sat to the side of McGee, Ziva and Vance and Tony sat with the Holmes.  Tony was clearly drawing his line in the sand and it wasn’t on the side of NCIS.


Somewhere between the bullpen and the meeting room, a thick gold band had appeared on Tony’s finger.  There was only one connotation anyone could assume from a thick gold band on wedding finger.

Ziva said it first. “YOU’RE MARRIED!”

Tony grinned. “For ten years,” it turns out the truth was quite refreshing.  

Ziva shook her head. “No, I would have known when I ...”

There was no love lost between the British Government and the David family.  So Mycroft decided to add his two cents into the speech. “When you profiled the team for Ari to breakdown?”She flushed at the reminder as she had worked hard to be accepted and hated when anyone dared to remind the team.  “Your husband is a pig who flirts and dates indiscriminately.”

Sherlock smirked at her.  “It is like you always say Myc’ they pick for brawn over brains in Mossad.”Mycroft sat back and just looked at Ziva but she felt hunted and petty and she hated it.  Her world view was crashing down around her ears and she wasn’t too sure why.  “My dear, don’t put your petty insecurities into our relationship, we have been a partnership for over fifteen years and you think that you can trivialise what we have?”

Tony grinned crooked and in love.  “No matter what any of them think I don’t care.  I played the role like you asked to stay safe but I am done playing!”


Mycroft squeezed his hand. “And I am done sharing ... It is time to go home.”Tony nodded and looked back at the Director.  “Director Vance, I quit.  I would ask that in lieu of time or back pay. We can agree that my contract ends here and now.”


Vance had many questions but he wasn’t stupid enough to pit himself against the Holmes family. “That would be agreeable.”McGee wasn’t thinking. “What? That’s it?”Gibbs shook his head. “Yes that is it. Why do you think you have a right to hack your team mates records and know their private life?”

McGee flushed because there was no moral high ground here and he was smart enough to know he was on dicey ground here. “Guess not.”Gibbs growled.  “You try that shit on me again McGee and I will beat your ass so bad that Vance won’t have to worry about firing you.”

Jethro looked at Tony and knew he needed to get this right.  He had his rules and the big one was you don’t waste good.  “Stay in touch.”“We’ll visit you, Jethro.” Tony promised, the implication being that they wouldn’t be doing the same for the others.

“Good.”He didn’t say anything else as this was not the forum and he wouldn’t let it become one.  The Holmes and Tony left to clear out his desk but none of the tension in the room disappeared.


Vance whirled around. “Did you know?”“That he was married no. I never needed to know as it didn’t affect his ability to do his job.  I made no secret that I thought he was the best young agent I worked with.”

It didn’t matter now though and somehow that annoyed Vance more. Damn it, there went his last toothpick of the day and he still had five hours.