
2. So Glad (Harmon Rabb)

So Glad (Harmon Rabb)

Harmon Rabb was wondering why he had ever accepted the promotion to JAG (it seemed like a good idea at the time).  A phone call broke his concentration but he welcomed the distraction especially seeing the caller ID.  It was okay, it was only paperwork. “Why hello sexy?” “I hope you don’t greet the phone like that normally?” Rabb snorted at his husband's question. “No Luv, we already established that I don’t share.”

“So, I spoke to Mac today and she likes me enough to get me a warrant.”

Ah, so Tony knew the gossip would have no doubt reached his ears and wanted to make sure he was okay.  Rabb didn’t blink. He knew Tony was a flirt but that was okay because he always came home to him.  Tony's team had no clue and that made Harmon a little sad because they were supposed to be the top investigators and yet Tony had pulled the wool over their eyes for years.  

Rabb smirked because he knew that his husband was a charming man.  “Yes, I heard.  It’s nice to know your new conquest is my best friend.”Tony stopped and nearly choked at just the thought. Jesus, they thought he’d hit on Mac. He wasn’t that brave. Tony knew Mac was no doubt laughing about it or adding fuel to ridiculous rumours.  She had no doubt teased Harmon about it, saying how Tony would run away with her.  “Now, you know that is not true.”Harmon snickered, “Did I break you?”“No, Mona you didn’t,” Tony reassured him.  Ah, so this week he was Mona.

Rabb had to laugh at that one.  “So I am Mona today?” 

“Yeah, I can’t wait for you to show me everything you want to do to me.”Wow.  Harmon knew Tony was a good undercover agent.  He was showing off his skills. His husband was talking to him in the middle of an office full of investigators.  All whilst maintaining the reputation of being the ultimate ladies man.  It was quite funny, Rabb hoped he was there when the secret was finally let out of the bag.

This was their fifth anniversary and Harmon wanted to celebrate.  He could have a little bit of fun.  “You know I have so many plans...  I am going to strip you out of your clothes ever so slowly.  I want the tension to build. I will kiss every inch of you and bite every mole I can find.”Tony’s breathing hitched. You would have to be listening closely to know it.  “Yeah?”“Oh yeah, I am going to, oh, so, slowly rim you and when I think you are ready ... I will split you wide open.  I will then make the most exquisite love to you I can.”***

Tony was so glad he was sitting at his desk.  It would give him a chance to calm his body.  He had an incentive to finish this case.  There was no way he wanted to miss his husband and their anniversary.

If anyone had watched Tony in that moment they would have seen him touch a set of dog-tags.  The wedding ring was attached to the chain as well.   He would always have it on his body in order to keep Harmon close.  It would have been around his neck but the shirt would have shown it today.

He was never so glad Gibbs arrested the wrong man all those years ago.


Now with a bonus sequel short - Home for Good