
14. Interesting: Good or bad? (Dr House)

Interesting: Good or bad?


Tony hated hospitals with a passion.  They sucked.   It is just after you survive the pneumonic plague ... You never want to see another one, ever again.  It wasn’t rational but Tony feared he would go into a hospital one day, and never come out alive.  In his nightmares, he could still see the blue lights from his treatment.

Which is why he wanted to kill Gibbs all over again for his little stunt. Going to a bust with no backup was stupid.  Gibbs would have had his ass if he tried. Tony wouldn't dare to think what would have happened if he had taken a girl with him.  Gibbs had done both and almost got himself and the witness killed.  Tony hadn't thought, he'd reacted seeing Gibbs land in the water. He’d shot the bad guys and dived in after the boss’.  The difficult part was the consequence of his act. River's are cold and his lungs never reacted well to the cold anymore.

“You dived into a river?”  The doctor asked in outrage.

Tony looked up and took in the doctor’s appearance.  Tony, sized him up in that first moment.  He couldn't help it, it was the cop in him. Tony was amused, the guy must be a brilliant maverick. It was the only way his appearance and behaviour would be tolerated.  Tony would know, he’d used it to his own advantage more than once.  It was a perfect technique to be underestimated.  Tony shrugged, “My boss was stupid enough to reverse his car into it.”

“So you rescued him? Sounds like he should suffer for his stupidity, not you.” The Doctor's incredulous tone made Tony think he didn't agree with his actions.  It made him kind of like the doctor more.  As he struggled to breathe, he wondered if he would regret his actions.

Tony huffed, “It was the pretty blonde witness I was worried about. I would have looked bad rescuing her and not him.”

Now that got the doctor’s attention.  Tony wondered just what it would be like to have his whole attention.  Still, Tony was getting ahead of himself.  He remembered he was supposed to be a ladies man.  Plus, there was the whole struggling to breathe.  It put a dampener on any type of extra-curricular activity.

Tony watched as the doc read his notes.  He would be able to tell him when he reached the good part.  He saw a brief flicker of surprise, and then the sarcasm flowed, “Nice. So did my underlings screw up or is your medical history accurate?”

Tony laughed at the blunt question even as he heard the other doctor hiss in horror.  It was a mistake as it caused Tony to have a coughing fit.  As much as hated it, he took another deep breath of oxygen from the mask.  He was stubborn, not stupid.  “Too real. Hence, why I am here getting checked out.”

An underling hissed, “Empathy, House.”

Tony snorted, “Relax, Dr Cameron. I had the plague I got over it ... Mostly.”

It wasn't even close to the truth. What he wasn't going to do was spill his guts to a stranger even if they were a medical professional.  His Doctor used sarcasm as his shield to keep out the world, he used jokes and humour.

She frowned at Tony's response.  She would have expected something a little less flippant.  Still, it was not her life.  She was just asked by the Dean to try and limit House’s craziness. It was a job that was with too little pay.  “I give up.”

House watched his duckling storm out and he frowned, “You got her to storm out.”

Tony saw the pout on the Doc’s face and had to snort.  Snorting was about all his energy levels could take. “She expects you to be an ass. Me, I’m the nice patient.”

House sized up his patient, much like Tony had a few moments ago.  The Agent was handsome and he knew it.  There was more to him and House found himself wanting to peel back the layers.   He hoped the treatment cycle was short.  He was a dick but there were some rules even House wouldn’t breach. Bend, maybe but not break.  “That is a lie.  You hide all things behind your shield.”

Tony could have refuted him.  It would have been all too easy.  Yet, he was stuck in those blue eyes. So he answered back, “Just like you Doc.  I will do something about it when you do.”

House nodded to acknowledge the fair point.  He set about the treatment.  He liked Tony enough not to let his care be handled by one of his underlings.  He was far too cute to leave to Cameron and her ‘feelings’.  

A woman burst through the door, in shock.  Tony didn’t roll his eyes but it was a near thing.  She was looking at House in shock.  Tony decided to help the guy out. If it gave him the opportunity to mess with someone after his day. Well, no one could begrudge him.  “Is something wrong ma’am?”

“No, no. I just wanted to check-up on an unconfirmed report.” The Dean of Medicine said.

House didn’t bother to play nice. “Well, Mommy, Cameron may have snitched but I am behaving today.”

Tony was glad for the oxygen mask as it gave himself a moment to compose himself. She was wearing her Doctor’s coat so Tony could identify her as the boss lady. 

“Dr House has been exemplary in the care he has offered me.  I appreciate the lack of fawning or false sensitivity, Dr Cuddy.”


Cuddy wasn’t sure she was hearing this, “That is good to hear. Carry on.”

House waited until she left, “You are my favourite patient ever.”

Tony’s nebuliser treatment was over.  His lungs felt a thousand times stronger.  He knew he would have to use the set he had at home for lung therapy.  “I’m guessing you don’t say that ever.”

“You would be right,” House agreed as it was true.

Tony stood up, feeling bold and brave.  There was nothing like adrenaline-fuelled adventures.  “You know, I won’t be your patient for much longer.”

House smirked, “You have my number, Agent. If you choose to use it.”


Tony had a shit week. Gibbs seemed pissed at him, which was a nice way to show thanks for saving his ass. Tony didn’t care too much.  What was bothering him this week were a pair of piercing blue eyes.  It was all he could see when he closed his eyes.  It made his usual pick-up routine flat.  He didn’t want them and couldn’t pretend.

He was in his apartment flipping House’s card around and around.  He stopped overthinking it. There was no point in denying it.  He’d wanted to see the Doc again if their connection could be as explosive as it promised.  House was good as Tony was in knots over just a conversation.


The call connected with a brusque, “Yes.”

“Dr House?” 


Tony waited for a response.  He wasn’t disappointed, “Agent Sexy!”


Tony could hear the genuine delight in the phone call, which was good. It meant he wasn’t going to feign something wrong and are it medical.  The doctor asked him,


“What can I do for you?”


Tony had to bite back a moan at the images the comment made.  There were so many things House could do.  Tony decided to chase what he wanted.  “I was wondering was there a good restaurant around your place?”

House thought about it and teased, “What are you looking for?”

“Good food, good music, and you.”

Tony was trying a new approach, laying all his cards on the table.  He heard the chuckle, as House replied,


“I notice you didn’t ask me to be good.”


Tony wasn’t seen but his smile was blinding.  “You wouldn't be any fun if you were.”


House couldn’t help but be glad by the comment.  He hadn’t forgotten the sexy agent.  He just didn’t think the guy would be brave enough to act on his feelings.  House wouldn’t have held it against him as he worked with the Navy.  Still,  there was the other part of House that was glad to hear it.  


He could see the stares from his ducklings in horrified fascination at the idea of him on a date.  House didn't care, he just wanted to seal the deal on a date.  “For you, sure I think we can figure something out. When are you free?”

The distance was a good thing for both of them  Tony sensed.  “This Sunday, our team is due downtime.”

“Then get ya ass down to Princeton,”  House finished imperiously.

Tony chuckled, “Yes Doctor.”



Tony left his car at the hospital.  He picked up House in his best suit.  There was no reason why he couldn’t look good as he caused mischief.  He’d asked the reception for the directions towards House’s office.  

He opened the doors and all the ducklings turned around at once. Spooky.  Still, he was a Federal Agent and could withstand a few looks in his direction, “Is Greg in?”

“Agent Sexy you came!”

Tony saw the others brace for something.  They must have assumed he wouldn't take kindly to the greeting.  Tony just snickered, “Yeah, I am.  So shall we blow this popsicle stand?”

Grey picked his cane up, “You are way prettier than anything in this place.”

“I have a gun,”  Tony reminded him.

Greg stuck his hands out, “But I wanted the cuffs.”

Tony shook his head, knowing he could play this game. “Cuffs, are a punishment. If you want them it is not gonna work.”

Tony could hear as they left, “Oh god, now there are two of them.”

Tony had a feeling this was the start of something awesome.