
Tomorrow Dawn

The story starts from the city of Kinetan , a fantasy hierarchial city ,with two boys Tim and Kano attending their biggest cultural fest DRAGON FEAST ,following through a tragic chain of events which changes their lives forever .

trikom_0439 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs


"Hey boy , are you awake ?!!

What a pain in ass , to babysit a boy of this age , it's frustrating ...."

Tim's head is quite blurry , he can' just recognize a bare blurry outline of a fune young lady .

"What happened to me ???""

Tim felt blank , what happened to him ?

A lot of happened in last few hours .

Tim can recall the that he and kano was in station.

What happened next ?

A strange man was following us ?

Oh ! I and Kan divided ?

So what happened after the stranger with tatto attacked me ?

Am I saved ? Are all of the passengers allright ?

What happened to Kano ??

Am I forgetting something special ? Something that I have to protect ?

Wheres the container ??? The porchment paper ?

The will of GOLDEN RING ??

It was supposed to be with me ? Where it is ? Where it fell ??? !!!

I can't bear it all , All I wanted was a normal happy life in a society that doesn't discriminate any .

The thing that I actually wanted was FREEDOM !!!!!! from this reality ....

!! Na...h.....

.....Na...a a ....a ...a a..a ....h!!!!.

There's so many question that made Tims head dizzy .Tim fall asleep again once .

The fine young lady was carrying Tim by using here flyer powers .Tim is still asleep .

May be the shock was too great for this little young boy .What should I do now?May be he will be asleep for another half and hour .

At this rate he will not be able to attend dragon feast .

What should I do now ?

I know it's his one of the wildest dreams to attend the dragon feast .

Should I carry him ?

Nah nah ,carrying that a teenage boy in the middle of that crowd filled dragon feast ??

Never .

Also I have to inform the Academy of Kensan tech and defense (KTD Academy) about this horrifying experience.

Something is being plotted to the city .

It was today my time when I was patrolling this area for regular security check for my third year service duty .

The tunnels generally are not supervised as a part of our agreement of service duty , but when patrolling that area , even a normal

B grade flyer can sense that huge amount of kensan energy being released in the tunnel .

When after calling backup ,I reached inside the tunnel ,the sight was terrifying enough to scare a fool grown man .

Several dead bodies are scattered in a compartment from where the kensan energy was released . Few are whipped till death ,few are stripped naked and fleshed upon by some carnivorous insects maybe ( provably work of a xenian ) and theres one tattoed kensan user dead at that site .

That tattoed one has quite a negative kensan aura surrounded by him .It's actually quite scary .

And then there's this boy was still breathing .

It's still unknown to all who beat up the gullie.

Gullie are evil kensan users ,some of them do several crimes like murders ,kidnapping ,in exchange of money.

Reshya picked up Tim immediately and performed basic healing chants .His body was severely injured .Theres several scars in his body and his body was quite cold .

Then suddenly ,Tim whispered in his sleeps ,

" DRAGON FEAST ,Kano is it dream ??

A dream ,huh ???

I want to enjoy DRAGIN FEAST with you Kano ,Iami .

Pls get me to the DRAGON FEAST .

I Have to unseal the GOLDEN RING for my friend Kan .....

With that ring he will live a decent life ,that's what I want ,

Also I want freedom !!!!!!

Beyond the walls of this city , this nation , this reality , I Want no one to disturb me ,I want to live in my own ways ,

I want to see everyone happy ....

Oh !!!! No .....why the dream is ending ,I want to live in this dream even if it's not my reality , I want to be in the fiction if my own written novel , because it's where the real freedom is .....

I don't want it to end .....no.....""" .

And Tim again sleep away . From this Reshya assumed that this boy named TIM wanted to attend DRAGON FEAST at any cost .

Also the boy is a commoner . Leaving him in such a public space unconscious will be inhumane .

So Reshya initially decided to carry Tim to the DRAGIN FEAST .After all she will also attend DRAGON FEAST sooner or later .

"Hey ,wake up already ,you are quite heavy "

Reshya was rushing quite fast . She slowed a little bit down .She have to hurry and fix this mess ...

[Few kilometres away from where Reshya and Tim was ] :

It's cloud .huh...

A cloudy weather in the day of DRAGON FEAST is considered for a UNLUCKY YEAR .

Iami just crossed the 3rd circle .

Today's Keit marks is quite full and have a lot more traffic with respect to the usual day .

Maybe Tim and Kano also caught up with some flyer in the 6the circle .

They must hurry ,should I call them ?

Nah ; it will just slow them .

What ever, I will call them once reached Haenkang .

Uh!!! It's already 2:30 .I gotta hurry ,also I don't know which keit mark the flyer will take ,if it's the higher priority A1 path ,Kano and Tim will past me in few minutes .

I should hurry ....hurry .....it may rain now , pls don't rain , ...not an unlucky year again...

[ At a unspecified place ] :

"So looks like ,many contiquists

[ a group of individuals which hunts various magic related items , specially of the legendary Kenusura age ] kept an eye on that Golden Ring , is not it Ikazuki ".

"Yeah the 7/6 TUNNEL incident proved that master ".

"They directly striked even before they reached the DRAGON FEAST , so we now have to wait for them to again show up ,

Also we now don't know the current information of the ****** ,looks like after all it's has its own will . How many times we even other contiquists tried to capture these ******s , they all failed . Even it looks like it avoids us ..."

[ A lone time before the present day ]

[ A special restricted bookstore under the supervision of KTD Academy ,

[date and time unspecified ]

{A old person whispering to the shopkeeper }

" So ,I am searching for a pretty old book , a book finely covered with leather , named

*** ******* - ** "

"Do you have it ? "

"You!!!!!!!!!!Are you crazy ,old man ? It's a taboo to even whisper those words , ....

Nah !!!

I dont want to cursed. ....it's a book consisting of banned ,restricted , deleted history of that kensan techniques which himself the devil fear before using it ....

I am going to call Kinetan forces ....

I don't want to involved !!

""Just listen me ,once ,you please ..."

"Stop ,you cursed old man ...."

" Hello it's KTD academy bookstore , there's one person searching for "that book " .....

Yes... he is here ... , right before me ...

Yeah come fast quickly ...."

That day ,the old man was took to the justice and punishment centre of Kinetan city ,the place even the most brutal criminals fears due to the sheer violence and brutality of the torture happens in that place . But they really never knew about the old mans identity .

Fate only know what will happen to that old man .

But the what happens next will be passed down to the forever history of Kinetan and even the world that we live in .

------------------ X. X. -------------------