
chapter 20

Remember when we were babies and Chuckie used to think Taffy was sexy?" Phil said, as he drunk from a can of Reptar Beer for the Under Thirteens.

"Yeah, I remember that," Tommy said, as he drunk from a can too.

"Hey," Chuckie frowned, "that didn't happen! I never ever said that!"

"Oh, don't try to pretend you didn't say that, Chuckie!" Lil said. "We all heard you!"

Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil and Kimi were sitting in Tommy's living room, drinking beer. Stu and Didi had gone out to a party with Chaz and Kira, leaving Grandpa alone with the kids. Of course, Grandpa had fallen asleep. Well, he had been screwing Lulu for two hours straight. That would be enough to make any man tired.

"You guys," Kimi said, in a concerned tone, "leave him alone. If Chuckie said he didn't say that about Taffy, then he didn't say it."

"Oh, but he did," Phil said.

"No I didn't!" Chuckie yelled, angrily. "That does it, I'm going home."

"You can't go home, Chuckie," Tommy said. "Your mom and dad have gone to a party with my parents. You're s'posed to stay here until they come to pick you and Kimi up when it's over."

"Well I'll go and wait on the front lawn and you tell 'em I'll be waiting for 'em there," Chuckie said, getting up, "'cause I'm not staying here listening to you guys saying that stuff about me."

"All right, all right, if it's that big a deal we'll stop," Phil said. "Geez, can't you take a little joke?"

"A joke's something that's supposed to be funny, Phil," Chuckie said. "And from where I'm standing, that wasn't!"

"Okay, okay, geez!" Phil said.

"Come on, Chuckie," Tommy said. "Stay?"

"Well..." Chuckie sat back down with his friends. "Okay, but no more talk about me and Taffy. It was just a silly crush, okay."

"Ah ha!" Phil said. "So you did say that! I didn't imagine it in one of my sick sexual fantasies!"

"Shut up, Phil," Kimi said.

Tommy's brother Dil then entered the room, screaming. This alerted the other Rugrats.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!" Dil screamed.

"Dil, what's wrong!?" Tommy said, getting up.

"Tommy, I was just in my room minding my own business, when aliens came in and tried to abduct me and probe my ass!" Dil said.

"Oh, grow up, Dil!" Lil said. "You always think aliens are trying to abduct you. It's so old now."

"But they did try to abduct me!" Dil said, almost hysterical. "They... They were green and slimey and scary and they had ray guns, and..."

"Dil, Dil, are you sure you didn't just dream it?" Tommy said.

"If I dreamed it I wouldn't be running around screaming like a fucking retard, would I, T!?" Dil paused. "Oh my God. Did I just... curse?"

"Yeah," Tommy said.

"Oh, shit!" Dil said. "Fuck, I did it again! Shit!"

"You're lucky Mom and Dad aren't home, or you'd be in big trouble, Dil," Tommy said.

"Shit, you're right." Dil looked at his brother with a worried expression." You won't rat on me to Mom and Dad for cursing, will you, Tommy?"

"Not if you don't tell 'em you caught me masturbating over a picture of Angelica last night," Tommy said.

"It's a deal!" Dil said, before he retired to his room.

Tommy looked over at his friends, who were all staring at him in disgust for some reason.


"Angelica...?" Phil eventually said.

"Look, I know she's my cousin and all, but damn, she's hot."

"I'll never look at you in the same way again, Tommy," Phil said, as he lowered his head. "Then again, I'll probably be able to forget all about this awkward situation with a little more beer."

"Sure, there's plenty of Reptar Beer for Under Thirteens left." Tommy threw Phil another beer. "Anyone else want another? Chuckie?"

"I don't think that's such a good idea, Tommy," Chuckie said. "Drinking beer is something only the over 21s should do."

The other Rugrats stared at him.

"Oh, wait, that sounded like something the old me might have said," Chuckie said. "Sure, I'll have a beer."

A few hours later, the Rugrats were quite drunk. Chuckie turned to his best friend Tommy.


"Yeah, Chuck?"

"Have you... ever noticed that Kimi looks... kinda hot?"

"Yeah, she's a ba-" Tommy paused. "Did you just say Kimi looks kinda hot?"


"Chuckie!" Tommy said. "You're... You're her brother!"


"But... But you just said..." Tommy looked down at the floor. "Geez, I really hope that was just the booze talking."

"Y'know, sometimes I like to spy on Kimi while she's in the shower and... play with myself," Chuckie said, drunk.

"Chuckie, I suggest you take a lie down," Tommy said. "And then, make a solemn promise to never consume alcohol again."


"I'm sorry, Chuckie, but you just said your sister was hot."

"Yeah, but it's not like she's my real sister," Chuckie said. "She's not blood related. She's just the daughter of my dad's wife."

"Yeah, but that makes her your step-sister. It's still wrong for you to have those kinds of feelings for her."

"What are you talking about, feelings?" Chuckie said. "As far as my feelings for Kimi go, I still love her as a sister. But I'd still like to have sex with her."

"Chuckie, you... you're freaking me out!"

"I'm gonna ask her to have sex with me!" Chuckie said, bravely.

"Chuckie, no!" Tommy said.

"Kimi?" Chuckie said, firmly.

"Yeah?" Kimi said, turning away from Lil.

"Will you go to bed with me?"

Tommy, Phil, Lil and Kimi stared at Chuckie, shocked. Kimi couldn't believe what her brother had just said.

"Chuckie..." Kimi struggled to get the words out. "What did you just say?"

"I said I wanna have sex with you, Kimi. I wanna put my weiner into your sweet tight-"

"All right, that's enough, Chuckie!" Lil said, angrily. "Tommy, I think he's had way too much to drink."

"Yeah, come on, Chuckie," Tommy said, helping Chuckie to his feet. "Let's sober you up."

"No!" Chuckie threw Tommy's arms off him. "I want you, Kimi."

"What!?" Kimi said.

"You don't know what it's been like for me these past few years, Kimi," Chuckie said. "Growing up, developing these sexual urges towards you. Wanting to get close you, spying on you while you're getting dressed and whacking off."

"You did what!?" Kimi said.

"Oh, boy..." Phil said.

"Come on," Chuckie said, grabbing Kimi's arm. "I'm taking you upstairs and giving you a good bonking! Tommy, can we use your parents room?"

"Well, I guess if you..." Tommy begun.

"Chuckie, what's gotten into you!?" Kimi said, horrified as she tried to escape Chuckie's grasp.

"Fine, if you won't have sex with me upstairs, then we'll just do it here!"

Chuckie ripped Kimi's T-Shirt, exposing her bra.

"Hello, Momma!" Phil said.

"Chuckie!" Kimi said.

"Tommy, make him stop!" Lil said.

"All right, Chuckie, that's enough," Tommy said, trying to pull Chuckie away. "If you don't stop harassing Kimi this instant, I'll set Spike on you."

"You do that and I'll kick Spike's fat ass!" Chuckie said, before pulling out a knife. "Nobody move! I'm calling the shots here!"

The Rugrats gasped. Chuckie ripped off Kimi's skirt.

"Ah!" Kimi said.

Chuckie forced Kimi back onto the couch and pulled down his own pants. He prepared to rape his little sister.

"I've been waiting a long time for this, Kimi!" Chuckie said.

"Chuckie, please!" Kimi pleaded with her brother.

Chuckie advanced onto Kimi. But before he could act, the ceiling collapsed, sending Dil falling to the floor.

"What the hell...?" Tommy said.

An alien spaceship had crash landed through Tommy's roof. Dil had been right about the aliens all along.

"I told ya!" Dil said, as he climbed to his feet and hid behind his brother. "Protect me from the aliens, big brother! Even though probing may be beneficial to them, it sounds really painful to me!"

An alien race, similar to the alien that was in Tommy's garage from that episode when they were babies which I can't remember the name of, appear in the living room.

"Oh my God!" Tommy said.

"Earthlings, do not be alarmed," one of the aliens said. "We come in peace."

"Yeah, and I come in about five seconds if my raping of Kimi goes according to plan," Chuckie said. "Now get lost."

"We merely need to probe an earthling to prepare for our immenint invasion of Earth," the alien said. He turned to Chuckie. "Uh, you."

"Me?" Chuckie said. "But... But I was just about to rape Ki-"

"Come." The aliens led Chuckie to their ship.

"What!? No! Nooo!" Chuckie screamed, as the aliens led him off.

"Man, what a crazy evening," Phil said. "And I can't help but blame alcohol."

"Yeah, alcohol sucks," Tommy said. "I'm never drinking again."

"Me neither!" Dil said.

"You didn't even drink in the first place, Dil!" Tommy said

tommy went over to kimi and said are you alright she said no i have no clothes to wear and tommy said stay here i well be back and went to get a pair of pajamas for her than went downstairs and gave them to her than tommy said do you wont me to sing our song to you kimi shuck her head yes Tommy got out his acoustic guitar and started playing "Hero of the day" by Metallica. kimi layed her head on Tommy's lap as he song to her

"Mama they try and break me..."

"The window burns to light the way back home.

A light that warms no matter where they've gone."

"They're off to find the hero of the day.

But what if they should fall by someone's wicked way?"

"Still the window burns,

Time so slowly turns,

And someone there is sighing.

Keepers of the flames,

Do ya feel your name?

Can't you hear your babies crying?"

"Mama they try and break me…

Still they try and break me…"

"Excuse me while I tend to how I feel."

"These things return to me that still seem real."

"Now deservingly this easy chair.

But the rocking stopped by wheels of despair."

Don't want your aid,

But the fist I've made,

For years can't hold or feel"

No, I'm not all me,

So please excuse me,

While I tend to how I feel"

"But now the dreams and waking screams

That never last the night.

So build the wall, behind the crawl

And hide until it's light.

So can you hear your babies crying now?"

"Still the window burns,

Time so slowly turns,

And someone there is sighing.

Keepers of the flames,

Do ya feel your name?

Can't you hear your babies crying?"

"Mama they tried to break me…"

she was sleeping wene he finished the song the parents came in and saw the way kimi was tommy said Chuckie tryed to rape her but Aliens took him away than i gave her the clothes she is wearing because hers were cut off by Chuckie o here he comes now chaz and kira said they disowned him and they wont him out of the house tomorrow unless you say sorry to kimi for trying to rape her she woke up and he said sorry for trying to rape her she said it was fine as long as you don't try it again she saked her parents if she could stay here for 2months because i still don't feel safe around Chuckie with out my potector than hugged tommy than said in the day time i well come to see you but at nights i well stay here than after the 2 months if i feel safe around Chuckie i well come home but if not i well stay here until I do they all said ok you can than took Chuckie home kimi fell asleep again so tommy took her to his room and layed her on the bead than sat on the edge of the bead and worked on a new song kimi woke up and said what are you doing he said writing a song she said can I hear it he said yes and played it went like this

You find so many people are squinny

But you, you are mostly funny

I like the way you dance.


I like the way you cry.

You do it like imply.

I like the way you sleep.

You do it like felipe.

You find so many people are hind

But you, you are mostly kind

I love the way you wear your hair,

Spreading your style everywhere.

You're like a style fountain.

Enough zazz for a whole mountain.

You find so many people are tart

But you, you are mostly smart

You're the perfect girl.

Leaving me in such a whirl.

You find so many people are horrible

But you, you are mostly adorable

Funny, kind and loving,

Smart and adorable too,

Are the qualities of you

You find so many people are squinny

But you, you are mostly funny

than kimi said how is the song for tommy said you she kissed him then they went to bead in the morning he made breakfast burgers for everyone they all smiled something Cooking and he said three breakfast burgers are ready snd gave his mom and dad and brother the breakfast burgers than gave kimi one than they all eat them kimi said she was going to take a shower and did tommy said he was going to the stor for somethings and told dil to watch after kimi he did he got the stuff than went home she was sitting on the bead waiting for him he said i have a job to do tonight and it is to look after 2 kids and you can come with me if you wont it is a town away from here i meat them at the stor she said ok i well go with you what time 6:00 than they went to kimis house and she said tommy wrote a song for me and he played it

You find so many people are squinny

But you, you are mostly funny

I like the way you dance.


I like the way you cry.

You do it like imply.

I like the way you sleep.

You do it like felipe.

You find so many people are hind

But you, you are mostly kind

I love the way you wear your hair,

Spreading your style everywhere.

You're like a style fountain.

Enough zazz for a whole mountain.

You find so many people are tart

But you, you are mostly smart

You're the perfect girl.

Leaving me in such a whirl.

You find so many people are horrible

But you, you are mostly adorable

Funny, kind and loving,

Smart and adorable too,

Are the qualities of you

You find so many people are squinny

But you, you are mostly funny and i well never let anyone hurt you again

they said nice song it was 5:30 so they left to go babysitt

they got there the watched them until it was 8:30 than put them to bead their parents got home and said did you have any trouble with them tommy said no they gave him 100$ than they went home he gave kimi half of the money