
Tome of Change: All things have a path to the Heavens

Sophia, finishing her high school curriculum, went to her awaking ceremony as all 18 year olds may do. To contract her first beast and awaken her innate talent and secure her path to the sweet life. "Fear death? I already died once!" [Awakening.... Talent received. Travel Tome F rank] "Travel tome? A book that is always with me with finite pages to write in? Something that can be replaced by an item created at the dawn of the beast era? That's better then nothing I guess?" [Travel Tome F : A book that the host may summon at any time. Contains host status and s̴̭̋t̷̙͠a̴̻̅t̸̫̊u̸̓͜š̸̡ of contracted beasts. E̵͖̒ŕ̴̝r̴̟͝o̵̠͐r̴̩͆ E̵͖̒ŕ̴̝r̴̟͝o̵̠͐r̴̩͆ E̵͖̒ŕ̴̝r̴̟͝o̵̠͐r̴̩͆ ] [Trait modified.... Travel Tome F (Can Grow) : A book that the host may summon at any time. Contains host status and status of contracted beasts along with minor information.] "?!? They say bugs are features right?" ------ Upload schedule will be as follows a new chapter Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday with the possibility of more if I end up writing more that week! Image is not mine. If it belongs to you and you don't want it used feel free to reach out and I'll change it!

Kuma_Kiwi · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 : A Game of Mouse and Mouse

"The ceremony is about to end. Come with me and I'll take you to fetch it now. The end is just the closing speech and congratulations anyways. After all, being so excellent means I get tired of all the people trying to win my favor."

My head lowers as I bite my tongue. It's ridiculous how pretentious she is, I swear it's like she is playing some character out of a bad novel. Every move made me dislike her more. In any case having a pet as early as possible to train would be for the best, I need time to prepare for the admissions. Even if I can't, I can always adventure, even if it's ridiculously dangerous.

I follow her out of the hall and towards a nearby pet store. I can tell it will be expensive and completely not a place I would ever visit before even entering. The advertisements in the front listing prices I can't even imagine paying. More than the yearly rent of the shack I live in for a week of basic feed. Beast tamers are truly money spenders, at least they also earn more than any other profession.

In this society if you aren't strong you are little more then someone to exploit. I guess the same was true before, only strength manifested differently in that world. The decorations on the shop gleam and glitter in a dazzling display of wealth as we enter. A shop attendant rushing forward towards Layla, it seems she knows today is a good day to earn a huge commission.

"Hello Miss Bright, We have the pet you reserved a while ago. It took some time to be shipped from our main store in the Capital but everything went well. As a gift the store owner also wanted to give you a month's worth of feed for your pet."

Layla lights up. Literally. She glows a little when she smiles. Thanking the attendant she maneuvers her way to the back leaving me at the front hopelessly out of place. I'm almost afraid to move in case I damage something, even if I know most anything here is far more durable than myself.

I look over to the cages around the room in fascination. While I can see some wild beasts and pets roaming around the town on my way to school it's different from seeing them here knowing any of these are future companions of beastmasters. From small to middle sized pets line the walls in the front, though I don't spot anything above Iron rank in strength and Silver Rank in potential.

Beasts and Beastmasters are ranked from low to high. Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Titanium, King, Emperor, and Mythical. With Stars from 1 to 9 separating each tier. I had wondered why beasts were ranked so arbitrarily by metal then title but the answer I received was unsatisfactory. Apparently the tiers before King were used exclusively by the peasantry in the past and King rank was the minimum needed to secure the right to rule.

The history of this world is strange though. Races outside of humanity didn't really exist until an event known as the shattering. When the world as humans knew it suddenly inexplicably grew larger, full of new beasts and new peoples. Then again I don't quite understand how people can store tamed pets within the beast space that is generated when you awaken your Talent. Magic I guess.

Some pets have limited bloodlines only able to reach certain ranks before they require evolution to progress further beyond. The book mentioned that all creatures can evolve. There is never a dead end to growth, only a lack of research and chance. That being said, not every creature is seen as powerful. Looking at the store for example, there are Lava elementals and Night Sparrows silver bloodline beasts. There are also others like the treasure mice and Sweet Rabbit Iron bloodline beasts.

Utility animals tend to start lower tier and potential if they fulfill niche roles. That being said the treasure mice and sweet rabbits are much cuter than the lava elemental. Imagine a cute fluffy rabbit that always gives off a sweet smell and compare it to a superheated mesh of flowing lava that vaguely takes the shape of a 6 year old's rendition of a dog. There are also plants that can be tamed. In reality anything that breeds spiritual awareness can be tamed.

My feet make their way over to the more cute pets. The Treasure mice and the Sweet rabbits in particular as there seems to be some children playing with them. Seeing them busy I ask the attendant if I can hold one as well, she looks over the group of kids and smiles in the way most people do when they work retail for years on end.

"If you can find one to play with you may, but remember to stay with your group little girl. You can't wander around the store on your own. There are some dangerous pets if you make them angry, okay?"

Grumbling to myself I slip past her and make my way to the Mice. I spotted one that managed to hide away from the kids and pick it up gently. It's so fluffy, It's like holding a cloud. Soft and adorable. I smile a little as I play with it, eventually hearing a melodious laugh from behind. I would like to say I wasn't startled and handled it perfectly but I can't. The mouse was far too cute and the laugh was far too sudden that I jumped up higher than I would like to say I did.

"A game of Mouse and mouse. Well I did say I would give you a pet. You match it."

The words pass through me as I try to find a way to deny the statement. As it stands I fumble my way through any words as my embarrassment of being caught playing with the mice alongside kids younger than me lays it toll. The attended that was watching the group of kids chime in to my horror.

"Oh Miss, is this your little sister? She shouldn't wander the store alone outside the group."

My head jerks a little as I imagine just how much ammunition this attendant just handed Layla, eventually settling my gaze on her to see the reaction. The sneer on her face is audible as I rush out of the section forgetting to put down the mouse in the process. Hey eyes flicking to it once more before looking at the attendant with her.

"The kid will take the Treasure mouse as well. Get her a month of Gold pellets for it please. Package it separately thank you."

The sentence shocked me out of my stupor temporarily. Wait? This? This isn't a combat pet! How am I supposed to pass the Entrance exams with a treasure mouse? The only thing it can do is look adorable and find Gold! I have nothing against gold but it's not like earth. Gold isn't valuable unless it's spiritual gold!

"At once. The items will be given to you at the register. How about you both follow me"

Layla nods before looking over to me and ushering me over to the register where my stupefied self receives a bag of golden chips and is shooed out of the store before I can bring myself back together. With a Fluffy little Treasure mouse in one hand and a large sack of gold pellets in the other I watch Layla walk away merrily into the distance.

My eyes glance at the Mouse in my hands, its own eyes looking into mine curiously. "Well..... Hello then. I guess you will be my first partner."