
Tomboy Girl has a Yuri Harem

Rhea is a tomboy girl who loves what guys like, like food wrestling and skateboarding, but she also loves girls. She will have adventures in her life. There will be tragedy, conquest, revenge, betrayal, and turning straight girls into liking her. What will happen? Click on this story so you can find out. Let’s have fun with this story. She will get girlfriends, future wives with former teachers, best friends, coworkers, family principals, students, college students, and older women as well. 

Alejandro_Montas · Politique et sciences sociales
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16 Chs

visiting Skateboarding park

With pleasure, able night Sienna and Rhea slept like babies who had a great night's sleep. When they woke up to each other's arms, they looked at each other's faces. When they opened their eyes and smiled at each other, they brought each other closer, hugging one another without letting go and feeling the heat coming off their bodies. They lay down in bed, enjoying each other's company. Rhea smiled mischievously, put her hand up, then brought it down and smacked on Sienna, making her moan. 


"Ahhhhh!!!" Sienna said 


"Awww, that moan is so cute coming for you...ahhhhhh!" Rhea said 


Rhea moaned when Sienna put her fingers inside Rhea's pussy, making her have a jolt of pleasure.


"Had enough, babe, hehehe," Sienna said. 


"Okay, okay, you win. I give up," Rhea said. 


"Hehehehe, good sexy," Sienna said. 


"Hehehe, alright, sneaky little Sienna," Rhea said. 


Giving kisses to Sienna all over her face made Sienna laugh the whole time, making her smile. She couldn't get out of the hug, making her laugh until she couldn't anymore when Rhea was done. Rhea kissed Sienna lips, making her shocked a little, but she melted in the warm, heated kiss of Rhea lips, making it passionate for a few minutes, and they stopped and started hugging each other again. 


"Girls, it's time for breakfast!!!!" Mom said 


"Okay!!!!" Both said 


Rhea and Sienna got up from bed, but Sienna's big boobs and ass jiggled at the same time, making her lust rise up a little bit. She smiled, mischievously slapped Sienna, and lightly grabbed Sienna from behind, surprising Sienna, but it was too late because Rhea was groping her boobs and pinching her nipples, making Sienna moan. 


"Rhea stone!" Sienna said 


Making Rhea stop and step back a few times and making a sad face made Sienna feel bad, but she didn't show it. 


"Stop that. We can do that tonight, not this morning. We have breakfast and then school, okay, pervert," Sienna said. 


Rhea brought her head up and showed puppy dog eyes mimicking dog begging noises to Sienna. 


"I wuv you, baby, please give me!! Pwease!" Rhea said 


"Hehehehe I love you to you, loveable idiot." Sienna said 


Sienna kissed Rhea's lips quickly and left Rhea's room to go get changed, making Rhea laugh at her antics and how easy she fell for my puppy dog's eyes quickly. Hehehe, she really loves Rhea, and Rhea really loves her; she's the best girl Rhea's ever had.


Rhea smiled then started to change into her clothes for today so she could get ready for school and go down to have breakfast. When she was done getting dressed, she went down the stairs, and Sienna was sitting at the table when Sienna saw Rhea. She smiled brightly and tapped the seat next to her. Rhea smiled then walked over to sit down while sitting and talking with her and her stepfather while waiting for her mother to finish fixing breakfast. 


"How was your night, you two?" Stepdad said. 


"Good daddy, it was a great night," Sienna said. 


"It was good as well as perfect," Rhea said. 


"Good, I'm glad, my daughters," my stepfather said.


"Who is ready for breakfast?" Mom said. 


"Me!!!" Everybody said 


"I'm hungry!!!!" Rhea said 


"Idiot, hehehe," Sienna said. 


"Alright, alright, come down your horses," mom said. 


When mom brought the food to the table, my mouth was watering like crazy because I was starving after all the midnight exercise. Wink, wink. When they were done eating their food, they got up to get their backpacks to go to school. When they were heading to the door, Rhea looked at her skateboard by the door and grabbed it. 


"Be careful out there," mom said. 


"Don't cause any trouble, girls," Stepdad said. 


"Alright!"both said 


"Bye," the parents said. 


"See you," Sienna said. 


"Later," Rhea said. 


They walked out of the house. Rhea pushed her skateboard on the ground, then ran, jumped on it, rolling through a couple neighborhoods, doing a few tricks on it, and Ollie landed off the ground, landing back on the board, while Sienna watched from afar, smiling at every movement Rhea was doing. Rhea kept riding and stopped at the corner of the school waiting for Sienna. When Sienna caught up, she smiled at Rhea for having fun. She came closer to Rhea and gave her peck on the lips. 


"You look like you were having fun," Sienna said. 


"I always have fun riding; it's really free, and I can do a lot of tricks," Rhea said. 


"I bet you do. I'm glade." Sienna said 


They started walking to school again. When they got there, they said hello to the principal, then left to go to their class. When they got there, they saw their friend group in the back. 


"Yo, what's up guys?" Rhea said 


"Oh, it's the male version of love gods themselves," Danny said. 


"Yo, it's the womanizer," John said. 


"She's better than you two differently, not womanizer idiots," Jenna said. 


"Hey, Rhea and Sienna, how are you doing?" Penny said. 


"We are good, penny. Nice to see you as well, and hello everyone else," Sienna said. 


Rhea went up to Jenna, then Jenna saw that and smiled. She walked to Rhea as well. They hugged each other. 


"I missed you," Jenna said. 


"We just saw each other yesterday, hehehehe," Rhea said. 


"Yeah, but I missed that wild make-out session we had." Jenna said 


"Oh really" Rhea said 


"Really," Jenna said. 


"I guess I have to make it up from yesterday," Rhea said. 


"Yeah, you should," Jenna said. 


They smiled at each other, then they moved their heads to each other, their noses touched, and their lips touched. A few seconds later, they started kissing passionately, their tongues tangled together, swapping. Saliva kept going for a few minutes, then they parted from each other, breathing heavily. They smiled at each other. 


"Is this going to be a regular thing?" Danny said. 


"Yep, regular things every day," John said. 


"Hmph perverts!" Sienna said 


"Oh my!!" Penny said 


"Hahahaha," both said. 


Then the school bell rang. The teacher came inside and started class. School had been going well for them, and all classes went well. The bell to let out school rang. Rhea had an idea go to skatepark. She told Sienna that she was going off to skatepark. When she got there, there were a lot of people having fun as well. 


"Yo, bro, that was insane!!" Guy said 


"Yeah, dude, it was crazy!!!" Guy2 said 


"You got it, girl!" Girl said 


"I'm going to do it," girl 2 said. 


When Rhea said all this, she started riding in her skateboard again, then down the half pipe, going down and back up, doing back flips and Ollie's, and sliding in rail guards, impressing some people there, and going down and up again fast there. When she went up in the air again, she did a 360-degree landing, then she landed on the edge and rolled away from the half pipe. 


"No way, that was awesome, girl!" Voice said


Rhea heard a sudden voice behind her and looked back, surprised by who it was.