
Tomb robbery

My grave robbery in China

zhangmon_Sun · Politique et sciences sociales
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 Leaving Home

I stayed in it for seven years and my sentence was commuted for my good performance.

When I got my mobile phone the day I came out, I received some strange phone calls.

It's all from some bosses who have cooperated in the past. They tried their best to keep me and follow them, and some of their salaries have been paid.

100,000 yuan a month, and 200,000 yuan a month for the car.

Panjiayuan in Beijing and Shenyang Road in Tianjin.

At that time, I thought about it, but I still refused.

It was a mistake for me to enter this industry at the beginning. Even if I became rich overnight, I also paid the price. In seven years, I changed from a white young man to a belly uncle in my thirties.

The girl I knew at the beginning, now the children can make soy sauce...

I was alone for no reason, and finally chose to go to Dali.

I bought a small door face on the sea and opened a small supermarket. Every day when there was no business, I went to the seaside to blow the sea breeze, and lived a leisurely life.

The address of the small supermarket is on Cangshan East Road, next to Lemat. If any friends want to play, I will treat them with tea.

Didn't you discover the ancient Shu civilization some time ago? The golden mask that caused a sensation in the whole country was also unearthed. In fact, my way of getting rich has something to do with these things.

I can't live without two words.

Antiques, tomb robbery!

A few years ago, ghosts blow out the lights, tomb robbery notes, golden pupils, movies and TV series were very popular. Now that I'm free, I also write about those things in this industry.

I haven't seen Yunding Tiangong and Qinling Shenshu, and I don't have a golden pupil, but I entered the antique industry at the age of 16, and I did see it with my own eyes.

Many things that ordinary people can't understand.

Let's start from the beginning.

I was born in a small mountain village in the northeast of my motherland, next to the desert river. It can freeze people to death in winter.

My grandma raised me. I haven't met my parents, and I don't want to ask them what their names are.

As the old saying goes, I was very naughty when I was a child. I didn't listen to the teacher's discipline. My academic performance was poor, and I counted down the class all year round.

The national poverty alleviation policy is good. At that time, the village had a subsistence allowance, which seemed to be more than 80 yuan per month. There was also a subsidy for orphans and especially poor families, which was more than 100 yuan a month. My family was struggling to make a living.

At that time, CCTV's treasure hunt program was played on TV every day. I was particularly fascinated by it. Those people didn't take bottles and cans seriously before. As a result, experts said that they could sell for tens of thousands of yuan. It was an antique, and they could change houses and cars!

At that time, I kept lying to my grandmother, saying that the school asked me to buy learning materials, and my grandmother gave me money, so I ran to the bookstore and bought all the antique books.

The first book I remember reading was Fifty Treasures in Ancient Springs, which was a very thick one.

Guquan is copper money, which is called purple money in our place. This book opened my eyes and I began to fall in love with antiques.

I rummaged through boxes and cabinets in our house and fooled my classmates. I didn't read the words, and unified the price at 50 cents a piece, so that they were from themselves.

The family stole copper money, stole it and sold me, and I bought it.

I never ordered food in the canteen. Later, I sold a pile of textbooks for seven yuan. I studied too poorly. The teacher just sighed all the time and said that the child was finished. If he didn't study hard, he could only be a cancer of society in the future.

At that time, I disdained the teacher's words. I had a dream of making a fortune in my heart. Even if I became a cancer, I would be a rich cancer.

When I was 18 years old, my grandmother accidentally broke her leg because of an accident sweeping snow in the hospital. The medical expenses and surgery cost more than 3,000 yuan.

In the situation of our family, we couldn't even take out 600 yuan at that time! I was very impressed. Grandma was lying on the bang, covered with a thick quilt, and cried at night.

My aunt opened several farmhouses in Mohe, Xuexiang. His business was good, so I went to my aunt's house to borrow money and buy medicine for my grandmother.

Although I didn't say anything on the surface, once I secretly heard it behind my back. My uncle said that I was a broom star, and that our family was dilapidated. He said that the borrowed money was used up, and he asked my aunt to spend less contact with us.

That winter night, I sat alone on the stone for three hours. Although I was dressed thickly, it was useless at the temperature of more than 30 degrees below zero in Mohe.

Young and frivolous, the words of relatives smashed the self-esteem of a teenager!

Clenched the borrowed money, I swore in my heart: "I! Xiang Yunfeng! Be sure to get out!"

Later, I dropped out of school. Strictly speaking, I don't even have a junior high school diploma. I'm a primary school graduate.

Three thousand yuan, except for grandma's surgery to buy medicine, there are still seven hundred and fifty-three yuan left. I secretly left this money.

I used more than 700 yuan not only to collect copper money, but also went to someone else's house in the neighboring village to collect porcelain and cashier yuan.

Rural people only think that silver dollars are valuable, and they don't know much about bottles, bowls, plates and porcelain.

Reading books and treasure appreciation columns every day, I gradually have some basic eyesight.

I collected a pair of foreign blue chicken feather bottles at the end of the Qing Dynasty at the price of 100 yuan. I collected a few small salt jars of the pastel lady of the Republic of China for less than 200 yuan, and collected three blue and white bowls of the middle Qing Dynasty. Unfortunately, these three bowls had chicken feet. They were not well preserved, and they all had punching lines.

Previously, I also saved a small bag of copper coins, about more than 200 yuan. Most of the copper coins were Song Qian and Qingqian. Among them, Daoguang, Guangxu, Qianlong, Huangsong and Yuanfeng were the most. These copper coins are stored in large quantities in the world. I know they are not worth much. Among them, the most satisfying thing is that there are three Yongzheng with good quality. I know that Yongzheng Tongbao can be worth some money, but At that time, I didn't know exactly how much it was worth.

After buying these things, I spent more than 500 yuan in total, and I still had 240 yuan left. At that time, the average monthly salary was just over 300 yuan.

I had a good relationship with a female classmate at that time. She helped me and lent me two 30-inch suitcases.

There are a total of eleven pieces of porcelain and a small bag of copper coins. I carefully wrapped them in bedding for fear of breaking and stuffing a lot of foam.

Finally, it was filled with two large trolley cases and a backpack.

Grandma didn't understand what I did. She said that I didn't do my job and that she raised me for nothing.

My aunt also knew this, and most of the people in the village were pointing at me behind my back.

With white eyes, humiliation and incomprehension, on the morning of the seventeenth day of the twelfth lunar month, I left the Mohe River with what I received.

At that time, I thought that Beijing people were the richest. Of course, the antiques I received would be sold to Beijingers. What's more, I had long been longing for the legendary place of Panjiayuan.

There is no direct train from Mohe to Beijing. You can only take the train to Siping first, and then from Siping to Beijing West.

The whole journey is more than 2,000 kilometers, and it takes more than 50 hours. In order to save money, I chose the cheapest hard seat.

I carried two large trolley boxes with a big backpack behind me. My head was very oily and my clothes were very rustic. The passengers in the station pointed at me and whispered to me from time to time.

I've never been far away. This is my first time to take a train, and I'm alone.

After buying the ticket, I have less than 100 yuan left. If I can't sell it, I can't even afford the return ticket.

Not to mention eating.

The food on the train was very expensive. I didn't dare to spend money, so I drank it directly in hot water from the cup I brought with me. I was so hungry that I went to buy a bag of two-and-five yuan fried dough twists.

It's the first time for a rural child to go to Beijing. I feel fresh when I see everything. It's the first time I've seen the security checker in the station.

At that time, I was not very old, but I was not afraid of strangers and dared to talk to them.

I asked others how to get to the Panjiayuan Antique Market. The ticket girl was very enthusiastic. He asked me to take the subway and told me how to transfer.

Take Line 9 from Beijing West Railway Station, then get off at Liuliqiao and change to Line 10, and then get off at Panjiayuan Station.

Fortunately, I didn't have a bad memory and didn't take many wrong roads. At that time, the subway was still two yuan to take it casually. As long as you didn't leave the station, no one would care about you.

When I got off the subway station, the sidewalk was full of anti-skid pits. It was very difficult for me to carry my bag and drag two boxes.

After walking through the Warwick Bridge, I finally saw the golden horizontal tablet standing outside the north gate.

Panjiayuan second-hand goods market.

"It's finally here..."