
Tokapi Hell

The story revolves around the tragedy of an entire planet due to an unjust imperial rule. The hero, Zayan, seeks revenge and achieves justice by leading a secret organization, but things begin to go outside his plans and unexpected events emerge.

Iriss22 · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

  (First meeting of the old man)

Daniel, in a state of astonishment: Commander, look at your wound, it has begun to heal, and the bleeding is about to stop.

Sai: Thank God that everyone is fine and none of us died

Zayan: You were true champions. I am proud of you guys.

Lucas: are you really alright captain you bled a lot but you were burning with great power when you were fighting the monster we've never seen you this strong before.

Zayan: I know this, even I am amazed at what happened to me. I do not know where this power came from. I did not even feel the pain of my wound while fighting that monster.

Sai: It seems that our leader will defeat the current emperor and we will be victorious over him, I am sure of that.

Witch Nazuka stuttering: Does Zayan really want to eliminate the emperor?? Who are you, you did not hide your truth?

Daniel: Do we form a great curiosity for you? It seems that you like me, right? There is no doubt about this, because my beauty and attractiveness are irresistible.

Witch Nazuka: What do you say I like you? Watch what you say.

Sai, laughing: Why did you get so angry? Daniel is right that his charm and beauty are irresistible.

Daniel: Stop laughing, you bastard. Do you want to die?

Sai: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, but I couldn't help myself

Zayan: Let's walk towards the river to reach the summit, we don't have much time left.

Lucas: Come on captain lean on me I'll help you walk.

They started walking in the direction of the path that the beast had told them, and they saw the river.

Sai: Look, it's really the river. Looks like we're heading in the right direction.

Daniel: Let's sit by the river and rest for a while, we are very tired.

Zayan: Lucas helped me get close to the river, I want to take a bath, the blood covers my entire body and I hate that.

Lucas: Alright sir, let's go.

Zayan began to remove his armor in order to clean his body of blood, but everyone saw something that made them shocked and worried about the scene.

Zayan's body was full of deep cuts, scars, and severe burn marks.

No one could ask him about the reason for the presence of these wounds on his body, but the expressions on their faces were enough to make Zayan feel that they wanted an answer to what they saw.

Zayan: Don't look at me like that, I know the question in your head

Lucas: Excuse us, Commander, but can you tell us the cause of these wounds that cover your body? We really want to know what happened with you.

Zayan: Well, I guess it's time to tell you this I was brutally tortured by the Emperor when I was seven years old after demolishing our house and killing my father in front of my eyes. The Emperor personally supervised my torture and was laughing hysterically whenever my pain and crying increased.

Lucas: He's a ruthless demon, damn him.

Witch Nazuka: Why did he do this to you and your father? How did you manage to get out of the emperor's torture chamber alive?

Zayan: I still do not know the real reason behind doing this to me and my father. My mother did not tell me anything. She always refused to tell me the truth. All she told me was that my father was a strong opponent of the emperor and that is why he did this to us.

And I was able to get out of that torture because my mother came to the Emperor's residence and begged him to pardon me and that she would take me and my brother and take me to a far village and that none of us would interfere in the Emperor's affairs and we would only work in a small mill so that we could live.

Sadness befell zayan's friends, and their hatred of the unjust emperor increased.

Lucas: I will do everything in my power to overcome this oppressor if it costs me my life.

Sai: Me too.

Daniel: Me too

Witch Nazuka: You are a great team and I believe you will overcome it no matter what.

Zayan smiled a warm smile and said to them: I have to finish cleaning my body now, and you should rest for a while and eat. Our journey is not over yet, and we only have a few days left.

The team started preparing food and they started eating so that they could complete the way to the top of the mountain, but Daniel was not normal

He began to feel a heat in his chest and cough sharply

Sai: What's wrong with you, Daniel? Are you okay?

Daniel: Yes, I'm fine, but my chest feels hot and I can't stop coughing.

Sai: What is this? Daniel, look at your hand. It's full of blood. Looks like it came out of your mouth.

Daniel: Damn, what is that?

Lucas: Witch Nazuka, what is happening with Daniel, tell us?

Witch Nazuka: The poison to which Daniel was exposed is still flowing in his veins. I could not completely remove the poison. We have to reach the top of the mountain to find the herb (Sako) to cure him of this poison.

Zayan heard what the witch said and ordered everyone to prepare to complete the road and hurry up for Daniel's recovery

Saying: Let's complete the road now and hurry to find that herb.

Sai: But, Commander, you are still injured and you need to rest a bit, as your wound has not yet healed.

Zayan: Don't worry, I've bandaged my wound, and I'll hold on to the end.

They started walking towards the top of the mountain, relying on the path of the river to find the right way to the top.

Zayan: Daniel, are you still okay?

Daniel: Yes sir, you are still fine, don't worry about me too much.

Lucas: Look, I see that hut where that old man lives.

Zayan: Are you sure about that well?

Lucas: Yeah, I'm really sure of that.

Zayan: Well, I will knock on the door and you will be ready for anything that happens.

Zayan started knocking on the door three times in a row: knock, knock, knock.

The door opened, and the one who opened it was a young man with very beautiful blond hair: everyone was shocked by his appearance, because they thought that the one who would open the door for them was an old man.

Sai says to Lucas in a soft voice: You idiot, is this old to you?

Lucas: I swear to you, the one I spoke to was an old man, not this one.

The young man replied to Xian with a smile full of happiness: Finally, this moment has come. I have been waiting for you for a long time. Please come in.

Zayan, surprised: Do you know me before? It's the first time I see you.

Young Man: Come in and I will tell you everything you want to hear.

Zayan and his friends entered with the witch and they were full of care and caution.

The witch Nazuka said to herself: I feel a strange energy from this young man, Tara.

Young man, please sit down, I will bring you some drink as hospitality.

The hut was very strange, with an unusual style, except that all the furniture inside was completely white, without exception.

The young man began to offer them juice, and when Daniel took a cup of juice, and before drinking from it, he fell on the ground passed out, and his stomach was full of blood.

Everyone rushed around him, unable to do anything to him.

Young Man: Get away, everyone, I will treat him.

Sai picked up Daniel and placed him on the sofa.

The young man brought white powder and wanted to give it to Daniel.

Zayan grabbed the young man's wrist and said to him: What is this thing you want to water for him??

Young man: Please, I just want to cure him, otherwise he will die. This powder is made of dried (saku) herb. It will absorb the poison he received from the curse and be completely cured.

Zayan: Well, do this, but if something happens to him, I will not let you live.

That young man laughed, saying: It seems that you are really ready to implement what you were created for.

Zayan: what??

The young man suddenly turned into an old man and a strange symbol began to appear on his forehead.

Lucas, astonished, points his finger at the old man: Look, look, he is really the old man I told you about. Do you believe me now??

Sai: Calm down, dude, you look like a jerk with your expressions.

Zayan: Tell me who you are. I have come a long way to meet you

Old man: First I want to reveal your wound

Zayan: Leave me now, I'm fine, I want you to tell me the truth

Old Man: Look at your wound first.

Zayan looked at his wound and found that it had disappeared and healed without any medical intervention.

The old man: You see, you are not an ordinary human being, not even a human being

Zayan: So what am I?

The old man: You are the leader and the first eternal ruler of the planet Tokapi, and his magic, the white work that fights the black magic and eliminates it, is all under your command, and they were protecting the planet, waiting for your coming, and you are the only one who can defeat and kill the emperor.

Zayan: For God's sake, your words do not enter my mind. How can I be like this when I was born from the womb of an ordinary woman?

Old man: The woman who raised you all those years is not your mother.

Zayan felt very angry and drew his sword towards the old man and put the sword at his neck, asking him a question:

How can you say that she is not my mother?
