
Living In Central City

After Victor left the dangerous place that was Barry's house, he continued to walk through the streets of Central City with Lyakon in his arms. He was still getting his fair share of attention, but not too much. 

So, other than a look here or there, because of his impressive height and physique, he wasn't standing out. Just as he was walking, another jogger running by ran in place next to him. 

"Dude, how tall are you? At least 6'4, right?" 

Victor grinned as he could guess how tall he was. 



After a fist bump, the jogger ran on his way. Victor smirked as he gained an extra 3 inches from this new body. Being taller for a man was never bad, so he was beyond happy. For now, he gazed at Lykaon in his right arm. 

The puppy was panting joyfully while Lykaon was in his growth phase, and he was effectively a normal puppy. 

'How is it going, my name is Victor.'


From their bond, he could tell that Lykaon was in a super good mood. According to the dog. He was just about to be sent from the Heaven Sacred Gear System when he got snatched away from it. 

Most of the seals on his power were removed when he was bound to Victor's soul. He was in such a good mood that it was visible on his face. A big cheerful puppy that could produce blades that not only cut souls but also ideas and concepts. 

That wasn't even talking about Incenerate Anthem that could produce holy fire that could kill demons, ghosts and cursed creatures. He was the worst enemy of demons, vampires, ghosts and other dark aligned monsters. 

With Lykaon, even the Limitless would be slashed apart much like the World Slash of Sukuna. Though, since a Separate Avatar Sacred gear like Canis Lykaon had it's own personality, they had to be treated like a trusted partner to be effective. 

That was easy for Victor since he loved animals already and a powerful dog was perfect. 

"You know what, just calling you Lykaon would work, but it is not personal. I am going to name you Yami, after one of the coolest swordsmen in animation, Yami Sukehiro. We should learn from him since he had some pretty cool darkness powers. 

How about it, Divine Killing Dog?" 

Yami started to bark excitedly as he loved the name. Now that he was seeing Victor's memories of Yami Sukehiro, he wanted to make the same moves. Possible since the uses of Lykaon could not just create swords; they would control the darkness, so Victor just needed the training to use his powers. 

Seeing that Yami loved the name made Victor smirk at how cute this puppy was. 

'I can tell you like it. Now, what about me? Should I change my name to Toji or keep my name as Victor? I will be honest: I prefer to keep my name. Victor Fushiguro does not roll off the tongue the way I want. Victor Zenin sounds even worse.' 

Yami shook his head as both of those options sounded terrible. As such, Victor made the choice not to change his name at all. Besides, Victor was a cool name, in his opinion. He also would keep his last name, Cromwell. 

It was his identity, and he didn't really want to change it. However, now he didn't have an identity in this new reality. Last he checked, Eldir had just dropped him off in front of Barry Allen's house. 


Victor started to touch his pockets until he found a wallet. He stopped and pulled his wallet out. Inside was 1000$ in hundred dollar bills and an I.D. with his new face as Toji, with his name Victor Cromwell. 

There was even a small note written in green. 

'Don't worry, your little head Victor, I sorted your identity beforehand. I was considering reincarnating you as a baby, but that seemed mean. So, I just sent you over as you were. Good luck and have fun.' 

Victor smiled as Eldir was a fun god. 

'Maybe I will meet him one day and gamble at higher stakes. First things first, I should decide what I will do in this new life.'

Now that he was here in the DC universe he had to think of the risks. There were powerful beings that called DC home and now he was here. He was also now on Earth which was the center of many large scale events and wars. 

Unless he wanted to be at the mercy of others, he would need to grow his power. He had two powerful Longinus meaning that his limitations as a human were not going to be a problem and he had a good starting point with Toji's Heavenly Restriction. 

As such, Victor made up his mind to first to find a decent place to live. A hotel would only be good for so long so he had to find somewhere to live. He could do something more risky and go to the Justice League if they already existed. 

He wasn't a mass murderer or evil at least he didn't think he was. Sure, he had said before that some people deserved to die and he would never be like Batman with a no killing rule, but he was no Frank Castle. 

If he had to modle his actions he wanted to take was to kill those that would never be redeeemed. Someone like Joker was a prime example, but others like Mr: Freeze didn't deserve to die. 

Rather than keep thinking about his moroles he did away with the plan to live at a hotel. It would just drain his money so he made up his mind to lie low until he got a better handle on his abillities. 

Once he had some means to defend himself he would come out and introduce himself to Barry. He would act as a magical hero as he handled his abillities and he could even try to learn magic from Zatara or Zatana. 

Zatana was a attractive woman and he obviosly found her hot. There were other Justice League hotties and being labeled a villain wouldn't be all that fun. After he made up his plan, he looked down at Lyakon. 

'Well, here is to our new lives my friend. While you mature we will practice to master our abillities. Then we will have a leg to stand on when we try to join the Justice League. If need be we can always leave the League when the time comes.' 

Yami barked as it was a plan so he made his way away from downtown Central City. He wanted to get to the outskirts of the city where he could train in secret to get a handle on his two Longinus and Heavenly Restriction. 

When he finally arrived to the edges of Central City, he walked around until he saw a house with a for rent sign. The house was two stories with a drive way front and back yard so it was a good house. 

He jumped over the fense around it with ease before he walked toward the front door. He put down Yami before he pointed at the door. 

"Think you can unlock it budy." 

Yami barked before he turned into shadows and he entered through the bottom of the door. Victor heard the door unlock before it opened wide for him. On the other side, Yami had a hand of shadows extended which began to disipate. 

"Good job." 

Happy at the priase, Yami jumped into Victor's arms who stepped into the empty house. It would need some furniture, and other equipment to make it livable, but for now it would do. 

Victor shook his head as he closed the door behind him and stepped inside. Yami jumped out of his arms before following behind him. He walked through the first floor where one of the bathrooms was, the kitchen, living room, and one of the rooms. 

On the top floor were two more rooms, one with a bathroom attached to it meaning this was a pretty good house. After walking through the house, he returned down to the first floor in the living room. 

"Well then, time to get started." 

He reached down and he took off his shirt which he tossed into the corner of the room. He began to stretch a bit before he sat down on the floor in to try to meditate. He had never done this before, but he was going to need to get active control on his magic. 

The problem was that he had no idea how to control his magic so he was going to start practicing. Once he got a feel for his mana, he would be able to begin training in the abillities of both of his Sacred Gears. 

Of course, he would need to find a way to extend his life span because dying old was not in his future. He would not become Kashimo, meaning he would need to solve the issue himself. However, he had several ideas so he started doing handstand pushups. 

"Yami, let's do this." 

Yami barked as he sat down on Victor's lap. Yami and Victor both closed their eyes as they focused on their bond together. Yami himself began to teach Victor through their bond how to get a feel and control on his mana. 

While Incenerate Anthem a sentient creature, it did have some will of it's own. Through the power of the two Longinus, Victor's body and soul were constatly flowing with magic as a result of both artifacts. 

Thanks to his Heavenly Restriction enhancing his senses and physical abillity and Yami's help, Victor began to get a handle on his mana rather quickly. At first it started rather slowly in the center of his body. 

He sensed something flowing through him and he began to focus on it. This was his mana, his magic which was flowing from his Sacred Gears, into his soul and his body. Through his will, his mana began to fall under his control. 

Around his body, an aura that seemed like black burning fire began to surge as his magic began moving rapidly. He took a deep breath which he held for several seconds. When he released it, his mana began flowing faster through his body with purpose rather than without control. 

It began to speed up and the aura of black fire increased in intensity around Victor's body as his mana began overflowing through his body. Victor took a another breath and this aura of black flames entered his body through his lungs. 

It ignited a fire in his lungs which didn't harm him, rather they invigorated his body. When he breathed out, dark smoke and fire emerged and his shadow began to grow as his magic flowed with more powerful. 

Victor eventually cut his meditation after 15 minutes and when he did his eyes were glowing with black fire in them. When he breathed out and released his focus, his mana didn't stop flowing through his body. 

It was there, ready for him to call out to it and use it. Meaning, he could now begin to fight and train with his two Sacred Gears. He had a lot of progress to make meaning he couldn't take it easy. 

Yami jumped off his lap so Victor could get up. When he did, Victor raised his left hand in the air. Inside the palm of his hand, a dark purple fire began to burn flames from Incenerate Anthem around his neck. 

His second Loginus which would allow him to control these fires, but that wasn't the only fire he had access to. He raised his right hand and in the palm of his hand a pitch black cursed fire burned. 

Under his will, the flames ran down his arms enveloped his body and covered him in both. The Holy and Cursed flames didn't clash, instead he could feel them invigotate him, fill him with power. 

He could see it now, oceans of Cursed and Holy Fire under his control. He could imbue the blades Canis Lyakon could make with these two flames and their were many more abillities to draw out from both Longinus. 

Much less a fusion Balance Breaker which in the future would allow him to be a true top dog in this universe. He was going to like life here where he could rise up and be one of the truly powerful. 

He was trully blessed to take the deal of Eldir, to do otherwise would have been foolish.